
MACP on Promotional Hierarchy instead of Grade Pay: Less advantageous in some cases (Clerical & Steno): Railway Board unveils with example

MACP on Promotional Hierarchy instead of Grade Pay: Less advantageous in some cases (Clerical & Steno): Railway Board unveils with example 

(Railway Board) 

No. PC-V/M/4/NFIR/pt

New Delhi,
dated :19.05.2017

The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi-55


Sub:-Board’s item No.3-Grant of financial upgradation under MACP Scheme in the promotional hierarchy-(instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) {item(s) to be discussed with Board (MS &FC)}.

The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 10, dated 10.04.2017 on the above subject and to state that Board’s reply dt. 17.04.2017 is based on the factual position relating to financial upgradiation being granted presently which has been ascertained from Northern Railway.
Meanwhile an another Railway i.e. Western Railway vide their letter dt. 06.03.2017 has also apprised that Accounts Clerk and Stenographers are getting GP Rs.4600/- and GP Rs.4800/- as 3rd MACPS respectively whereas under the ACP Scheme no further financial upgradation beyond GP of Rs. 4200/- for Accounts Clerks and Rs.4600 for Stenographer would be admissible. Thus, the Federation’s contention that ACP is more advantageous than MACP Scheme for certain categories of employees is contrary to the factual position.
Further, the submissions made by the Federation seems based on theoretical premise and the same is contrary to the situation factually obtaining on Zonal Railways. As such, the Federations’ allegation that Staff are put in disadvantageous position on account of financial upgradation allowed in pay structure hierarchy under MACPS is not found validate. As requested, a copy of supporting order in respect of Office Clerk/Accounts Clerk Cadre is furnished herewith.
In view of the above, Federation is requested to appreciate the factual position. DA: As above.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary,
Railway Board

Source: [Click here to view Railway Board Order with Examples ##download##]


  • Respected sir
    i was appointed as LDC in the M/o urban development w.e.f. 01.11.1995 under acp scheme i was granted Ist ACP in the pay scale of 4000-100-6000 and fixed my basic as Rs. 4100/- w.e.f. 01.11.2007 thereafter i was inter department transfer in the M.o Defence ( O/o the CGDA Palam, new delhi) w.e.f. 21.04.2008 but this department has retain my basic as Rs.4100/- but lower down my pay scale from Rs.4000-6000 to Rs.3050-4590 even though repeated reminder but no fruitful result comes in my favour even though this deptt has upgraded the acp in next heirarchy in some case of inter departmental candidate vide dopt letter dated 2008 please sir look in to this matter personally and given necessary suggestion or authority so that i may represent once again my case to superior authority for giving me justice. thanks Gaurav kumar (mob 8474992181) email [email protected]

    • Check up your total pay since in 5th CPC scales are merged as Rs.5200-20200 in the 6th CPC Grade Pay Rs.2000 Now minimum pay of Rs.21,700 in 7th CPC as Level 3(gp 2000), if minimum pay Rs.25,500 it should Level 4 (GP 2400).