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LTC / concessions /Sea Passage claims of service personnel posted at A&N group of islands

LTC / concessions /Sea Passage claims of service personnel posted at A&N group of islands

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
संख्‍या. AT/lV/4026/PC-8
दिनांक 28.05.2018

सेवा में

समस्‍त PCsDA/CsDA

विषय :- Admissibility of Free Sea Passage to service Personnel posted at A&N Islands

इस मुख्‍यालय द्वारा निर्गत पत्र संख्‍या AT/IV/4026/PC-8 दिनांक 25.04.2018 की प्रति सूचना एवं  आवश्‍यक कार्यवाही हेतु cgda की website www.cgda.nic.in पर Circulars and Orders – > Audit पर उपलब्‍ध है जिसे download किया जा सकता है। 

वरि र ले सहायक महानियंत्रक (ले प – 1)

Office of CGDA Ulan Batar Road Palam Delhi Cantt. – 110010

No. AT/lV/4026/PC-8


The PCDA(Navy)

Sub : Admissibility of Free Sea Passage to service Personnel.

The case regarding admissibility of Free Sea Passage to service personnel posted at A&N islands was referred to MOD for clarification. The MoD vide ID Note No. 10(8)/2014-D(Mov) dt. 224.2016 and 7.3.2018 has clarified the LTC/concession entitlement of the Service Personnel posted at A&N group of Islands as under:
    “Service Personnel posted in A&N Islands are entitled for the following LTC/concessions as per various government orders:
    i. Normal LTC under provisions of Rule 177 (A/B} and 184 of Travel Regulations.
    ii. In addition they are entitled to one additional free passage including Sea Passage to their SPR/ Hometown in terms of Gol MOD letter No. 5(30)/07/D(Mov}/210 dt. 28th April 2010. This has been incorporated under Rule 177(c) of Travel Regulations (2014 Edition).
    iii. As per GoI MOD letter No. 67669/AC/ PS 3(a)/1613/D (Pay/Services} dated 13th March 1973 service personnel and their families are entitled Free Sea Passage of appropriate class once a year to Kolkata/ Chennai & back in addition to LTC.”
LTC / concessions /Sea Passage claims of service personnel posted at A&N group of islands may be dealt with accordingly.
This issues with the approval of JT. CGDA(P&W)

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