HomeSeventh Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission Resolution for the Supreme Court Employees & Officers

7th Pay Commission Resolution for the Supreme Court Employees & Officers

The Gazette of India
Part I โ€“ Section 1
Published by Authority
New Delhi, Friday, September 23, 2016/Asvina 1,1938
Supreme Court of India


New Delhi,the 23rd September, 2016

No. F.6/2016-SCA(I).โ€”The Seventh Central Pay Commission (Commission) was set up by the Government of India vide Resolution No. 1/1/2013-E.III (A), dated the 28th February, 2014. The Terms of Reference of the Commission also includes the Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court. The period for submission of report by the Commission was extended upto 31st December, 2015 vide Resolution No. 1/1/2013-E.III(A), dated the 8th September, 2015. The Commission, on 19th November, 2015, submitted its Report on the matters covered in its Terms of Reference as specified in the aforesaid Resolution dated the 28th February, 2014.
2.The Chief Justice of India, after consideration, has decided to accept the recommendations of the Commission in respect of the Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court in the manner as specified hereinafter.
3.The Chief Justice of India has accepted the Commissionโ€™s recommendations on Minimum Pay, Fitment Factor, Index of Rationalisation, Pay Matrix and general recommendations on pay without any material alteration in respect of Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court.
4. (1) The Pay Matrix, in replacement of the Pay Bands and Grade Pays as in force immediately prior to the notification of this Resolution, shall be as specified in Annexure I in respect of Officers and Employees of the
Supreme Court.
(2) With regard to fixation of pay of the Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court in the new Pay Matrix as on 1st day of January, 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st day of December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level corresponding to employeeโ€™s Pay Band and Grade Pay or Pay Scale in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.
(3) After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in sub-paragraph (2) above, the subsequent increments in the Level shall be at the immediate next Cell in the Level.
5.There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July; provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment on either one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
6. The Commissionโ€™s recommendations and Chief Justice of Indiaโ€™s decision thereon with regard to revised pay structure for Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court as specified at Annexure I and the consequent pay fixation therein as specified at Annexure II shall be effective from the 1st day of January, 2016. The arrears on this account shall be paid during the financial year 2016-2017.
7. The recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) having been referred by the Government to a Committee which will submit its report within a period of four months, till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of the said Committee, all Allowances will continue to be paid to Supreme Court Officers and Employees at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from 1st day of January, 2016.
8. The recommendations of the Commission relating to interest bearing Advances as well as interest free Advances have been accepted with the exception that interest free Advances for Medical Treatment, Travelling Allowance for family of deceased, Travelling Allowance on tour or transfer and Leave Travel Concession shall be retained.
9. The recommendations of the Commission for increase in rates of monthly contribution towards Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) for various categories of employees having not been accepted, the existing rates of monthly contribution shall continue.
10. As requisite sanction for upgradation has been received and upgraded scale have already been implemented, the list of cases of upgradation of pay scales of posts recommended by Seventh Central Pay Commission in which no action is required is specified at Annexure-III.
11. The Chief Justice of India has approved for setting up of an Anomalies Committee by the Registry to examine individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies arising out of implementation of the recommendations of the Commission.
12. The Chief Justice of India wishes to place on record their appreciation of the work done by the Commission.
By Order and under the authority of Chief Justice of India.
M.V. RAMESH, Registrar(Admn.I)

Annexure I


Pay Band 5200-20200 9300-34800 15600-39100 37400-67000 67000-
80000 90000
Grade Pay 1800 1900 2000 2400 2800 4200 4600 4800 5400 5400 6600 7600 8700 8900 10000
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13A 14 15 16 17 18
1 18000 19900 21700 25500 29200 35400 44900 47600 53100 56100 67700 78800 118500 131100 144200 182200 205400 225000 250000
2 18500 20500 22400 26300 30100 36500 46200 49000 54700 57800 69700 81200 122100 135000 148500 187700 211600
3 19100 21100 23100 27100 31000 37600 47600 50500 56300 59500 71800 83600 125800 139100 153000 193300 217900
4 19700 21700 23800 27900 31900 38700 49000 52000 58000 61300 74000 86100 129600 143300 157600 199100 224400
5 20300 22400 24500 28700 32900 39900 50500 53600 59700 63100 76200 88700 133500 147600 162300 205100
6 20900 23100 25200 29600 33900 41100 52000 55200 61500 65000 78500 91400 137500 152000 167200 211300
7 21500 23800 26000 30500 34900 42300 53600 56900 63300 67000 80900 94100 141600 156600 172200 217600
8 22100 24500 26800 31400 35900 43600 55200 58600 65200 69000 83300 96900 145800 161300 177400 224100
9 22800 25200 27600 32300 37000 44900 56900 60400 67200 71100 85800 99800 150200 166100 182700
10 23500 26000 28400 33300 38100 46200 58600 62200 69200 73200 88400 102800 154700 171100 188200
11 24200 26800 29300 34300 39200 47600 60400 64100 71300 75400 91100 105900 159300 176200 193800
12 24900 27600 30200 35300 40400 49000 62200 66000 73400 77700 93800 109100 164100 181500 199600
13 25600 28400 31100 36400 41600 50500 64100 68000 75600 80000 96600 112400 169000 186900 205600
14 26400 29300 32000 37500 42800 52000 66000 70000 77900 82400 99500 115800 174100 192500 211800
15 27200 30200 33000 38600 44100 53600 68000 72100 80200 84900 102500 119300 179300 198300 218200
16 28000 31100 34000 39800 45400 55200 70000 74300 82600 87400 105600 122900 184700 204200
17 28800 32000 35000 41000 46800 56900 72100 76500 85100 90000 108800 126600 190200 210300
18 29700 33000 36100 42200 48200 58600 74300 78800 87700 92700 112100 130400 195900 216600
19 30600 34000 37200 43500 49600 60400 76500 81200 90300 95500 115500 134300 201800
20 31500 35000 38300 44800 51100 62200 78800 83600 93000 98400 119000 138300 207900
21 32400 36100 39400 46100 52600 64100 81200 86100 95800 101400 122600 142400 214100
22 33400 37200 40600 47500 54200 66000 83600 88700 98700 104400 126300 146700
23 34400 38300 41800 48900 55800 68000 86100 91400 101700 107500 130100 151100
24 35400 39400 43100 50400 57500 70000 88700 94100 104800 110700 134000 155600
25 36500 40600 44400 51900 59200 72100 91400 96900 107900 114000 138000 160300
26 37600 41800 45700 53500 61000 74300 94100 99800 111100 117400 142100 165100
27 38700 43100 47100 55100 62800 76500 96900 102800 114400 120900 146400 170100
28 39900 44400 48500 56800 64700 78800 99800 105900 117800 124500 150800 175200
29 41100 45700 50000 58500 66600 81200 102800 109100 121300 128200 155300 180500
30 42300 47100 51500 60300 68600 83600 105900 112400 124900 132000 160000 185900
31 43600 48500 53000 62100 70700 86100 109100 115800 128600 136000 164800 191500
32 44900 50000 54600 64000 72800 88700 112400 119300 132500 140100 169700 197200
33 46200 51500 56200 65900 75000 91400 115800 122900 136500 144300 174800 203100
34 47600 53000 57900 67900 77300 94100 119300 126600 140600 148600 180000 209200
35 49000 54600 59600 69900 79600 96900 122900 130400 144800 153100 185400
36 50500 56200 61400 72000 82000 99800 126600 134300 149100 157700 191000
37 52000 57900 63200 74200 84500 102800 130400 138300 153600 162400 196700
38 53600 59600 65100 76400 87000 105900 134300 142400 158200 167300 202600
39 55200 61400 67100 78700 89600 109100 138300 146700 162900 172300 208700
40 56900 63200 69100 81100 92300 112400 142400 151100 167800 177500


Statement showing the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission on Pay relating to Officers and Employees in Group โ€˜Aโ€™, โ€˜Bโ€™ and โ€˜Cโ€™ and Honโ€™ble
Chief Justice of Indiaโ€™s decisions thereon.

I. Pay Fixation in revised Pay Structure:

Sl. No. Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Decision of the Chief Justice of India
1 Minimum pay in Supreme Court with effect from 01.01.2016 at Rs.18000 per month (Para 4.2.13 of the Report) Accepted
2 Pay Matrix comprising two dimensions having horizontal range in which each level corresponds to a โ€œfunctional role in the hierarchyโ€ with
number assigned 1, 2, 3 and so on till 18 and โ€œvertical rangeโ€ denoting โ€œpay progressionโ€. These indicate the steps of annual financial
progression (Para 5.1.21 of the Report)
3 On recruitment, an employee joins at a particular level and progresses within the level as per the vertical range. The movement is usually on
an annual basis, based on annual increments till the time of their next promotion. (Para 5.1.22 of the Report)
4 The fitment factor of 2.57 to be applied uniformly for all

employees. (Para 5.1.27 of the Report)
5 Pay of employees to be fixed in the revised Pay Structure in the manner laid down in Paras 5.1.28 and 5.1.29 of the Report Accepted
6 In case of upgrading of posts recommended by the Commission, the pay may be fixed in revised Pay Structure in manner laid down in Para 5.1.30
of the Report.
7 Pay of direct recruits will start at the minimum pay corresponding to the Level to which recruitment is made, which will be the first cell of
each Level in the Matrix (Para 5.1.32 of the Report)
8 On promotion, pay of employees to be fixed in the manner laid down in Para 5.1.33 of the Report Accepted

II. Annual Increments:

Sl. No. Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Decision of the Chief Justice of India
1 The manner of drawal of annual increment to be as laid down in Para 5.1.53 of the Report Accepted

III. Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme:

Sl. No. Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Decision of the Chief Justice of India
1 MACP will continue to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before. In the new Pay Matrix, the employee will move to immediate next Level
in hierarchy. Fixation of pay will follow the same principle as that for a regular promotion in the Pay Matrix. MACPS will continue to be
applicable to all employees up to Higher Administrative

Grade (HAG) level except members of Organised Group โ€˜Aโ€™ Services. (Para 5.1.44 of the Report)
2 Benchmark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgrdation under MACPS to be enhanced from โ€œGoodโ€ to โ€œVery Goodโ€. (Para 5.1.45
of the Report)
Accepted in principle subject to

such modification as CJI may consider appropriate in the matter
3 Withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for MACP or a regular promotion
within the first 20 years of their service. (Para 5.1.46 of the Report)

IV. Dearness Allowance:

Sl. No. Recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission Decision of the Chief Justice of

1 Existing formula and methodology for calculating Dearness Allowance to continue (Para 8.17.37 of the Report) Accepted. The reference base for

calculation of Dearness Allowance after coming into force of the revised Pay structure shall
undergo change accordingly and will be linked to
the average index as on 01.01.2016.

List of cases of upgradation of pay scales of posts recommended by Seventh Central Pay Commission in which no action is required as the posts have already
been upgraded vide 
SCI Resolution No. 32 dated 25.01.2016

Name of the Post (Para No. of

Report of Seventh Central Pay

Existing Pay

Band/Pay Scale

Grade Pay
Pay Band

recommended by

Seventh Central Pay

Grade Pay

recommended by

Seventh Central

Pay Commission
1 Junior Court Assistant (12.14) 5200-20200

2800 9300-34800

2 Court Assistant, Accountant, Cashier and Personal Assistant (12.17) 9300-34800

4200 9300-34800

3 PS to Additional Registrar, Senior Personal Assistant, Senior Court Assistant, Court Associate, Editor of Paper Books, Assistant Librarian,

Proof Reader, Assistant Accounts Officer (Concurrent Audit) & Building Supervisor (12.20)
(i) 9300-34800


(ii) 9300-34800


[On completion of

4 years service]
(i) 4600

(ii) 5400
(i) 9300-34800


(ii) PB-2

[On completion of 4

years service]
(i) 4800

(ii) 5400

Source: Supreme Court 7th CPC Gazette Notification from


  • Kamlesh Singh 8 years ago

    Anyone getting promoted between January to June was entitled to 2 increments (one for promotion and the other for Annual July increment), however under 7th CPC he/she is only just upgraded to the next higher level but will have to forgo the July increment….as in my case. This is just nonsense as individuals who joined 1 year or more later than me are now enjoying the same 7th CPC Basic as me. So much so for 1+ year of extra service? Ridiculous…..

  • Anonymous 8 years ago

    6th CPC and 7th CPC have favoured only Level 13 and above (i.e. those whose Grade Pay Rs 8700 and above). So the treasury will be in the hands of them only. They can fill up all the bags. Some people are demanding rose water for gargling while some people do not have water for drinking. This sort of anti-employees policy of governments of both UPA and NDA will result in total blockade.