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7th CPC Revised Civilian Pay Matrix Level 1 to 18: Gazette Notification – Resolution dated 16.05.2017

7th CPC Revised Civilian Pay Matrix: Gazette Notification – Resolution dated 16.05.2017
(Department of Expenditure)


New Delhi, the 16th May, 2017
No. 1-2/2016-IC.—Whereas, vide its Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC notified in the Gazette of India, dated the 25th July, 2016, the Government of India accepted the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission in respect of the categories of employees covered in the Terms of Reference contained in its earlier Resolution No.1/1/2013-E.III(A) dated the 28th February, 2014.
And, whereas, the Government has considered it necessary to make the following changes in the recommendations of the said Seventh Central Pay Commission in respect of the said categories of employees, namely:—
(1) The Defence Pay Matrix, (except Military Nursing Service (MNS)), which has 24 stages shall be extended to 40 stages similar to the Civil Pay Matrix;
(2) The Index of Rationalisation (IOR) of Level 12A and 13 of Defence Pay Matrix shall be enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67. The Defence Pay Matrix (except MNS) shall, accordingly, be revised;
(3) To rectify the factual errors appearing in Level 10B and Level-12 of the pay matrix of MNS and in view of the changes in the IOR in the Defence Pay Matrix, the first stage of corresponding Levels of Pay Matrix of MNS shall also change. Accordingly, the Pay Matrix (MNS) shall be revised;
(4) The IOR of Level-13 of Civil Pay Matrix shall also be enhanced from 2.57 to 2.67. Accordingly, the Civil Pay Matrix as contained in Annexure-1 mentioned in para 6 of the aforesaid Resolution dated the 25th July, 2016 shall be revised. The revised Civil Pay Matrix is at Appendix-1;
(5) The provision contained in para 13 of the aforesaid Resolution dated 25th July, 2016 shall be revised to the extent that the benefit of pay protection in the form of personal pay of officers posted on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, as envisaged therein, shall be given effect from 1st January, 2016 instead of 25th July, 2016. Further, this benefit shall also be extended to officers from Services under Central Staffing Scheme, coming on deputation to Central Government, on posts not covered under Central Staffing Scheme.
Ordered that this Resolution be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary.
Ordered that a copy of this Resolution be communicated to the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India, State Governments, Administrations of Union Territories and all other concerned.




7th CPC Revised Civilian Pay Matrix Level 1 to 18


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  • Bachhao Bhila Narayan 3 months ago

    Sir,Jai hind,Iam Ex_Sgt 623838K Bachhao Bhila Narayan Mtd GP iv I’ve rtd.On31may 1979 after 15yrs.of service, many times raised issues with concern authorities I.e.1) I have not received any group change benifits yet,2)also in earlier my sparsh ppo my date of Discharge was wrong ly mentioned it was corrected & in latest sparsh ppo my spouse,s particulars not mentioned need ful Thanks&Regards.

  • PRADIP DAS GUPTA 4 months ago

    I retired on 29.02.2024
    My junior was promoted to supervisor post in Accountant General(Audit)in the same post in the month of August,2023 & she was junior to me in entire service life of me but due to promotion she got more pay then me in January, 2024, I have applied for stepping up in the month of January after promotion order of her but it was rejected, so please look into the case, ad far my knowledge I have retired on 29.02.2024 I should get stepping up of pay
    Pradip Das Gupta
    Mail ID pradipdasgupta77[at]

    • M K KUMAR 4 months ago

      She might have been given January’24 promotional increment. Your increment in July’24 since you retired in 29-2-24 & you gave earlier promotional increment was July’23.

  • SATBIR SINGH JOURA 1 year ago

    Hello Sir/Madam,

    Need help with my mother’s pension account.
    Can someone please guide me?


  • Kasturi Lal Saini 2 years ago

    What is revised pension of pre-2016 pensioners of the rank of Hony Lt.

  • Thanks for updation of staff news

  • Subhash Jagane 3 years ago

    Sir I am retaired FM army 74 med regt sos 1st March 2004 my army no 14460767A Hav jagane subhash ramjisao date of inrolment 20 June 1979 set 24 year 8 month that time my ret basik is 4700 but don’t give me a pension notional pay cerculer no 608

  • Kuldeep Singh 3 years ago

    I retired as corporal after serving IAF for 15yrs year 1986 my basic pension is rs 18427. Any changes due topay commission one rank one pension pls

  • Tarsem SINGH soch 3 years ago

    Sir, I find many Govt. orders about revision of pension for Defence Service pensioners and other Govt. service pensioners/family pensioners, WHO WERE RETIRED BEFORE 2016. I was
    retired from INDIAN NAVY 1n August 1972 in the rank of SCPO after serving in active service of 16.5 years.

    Why there is abnormal delay in releasing the authorised pension by the Government and when the enhanced arrears of pension will be paid to us. Kindly advise.

  • Mastafa Ahmed 4 years ago

    Thank you for the update message of DA.for the government Employees.we shall waiting for the update message about DA.