
Working conditions of Pilots पायलटों की कार्य स्थितियां

Working conditions of Pilots and  working hours and salary i.r.o. staff of airlines  पायलटों की कार्य स्थितियां तथा एयरलाइनों के कर्मचारियों की कार्यावधि और उनका वेतन

(TO BE ANSWERED ON THE 25th July 2022)



Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state:-

(a) the measures adopted by Government and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to ensure safety of airlines operating in the country?

(b) whether Government had conducted any study regarding the working conditions of Indian pilots who are often forced to work extra hours and are paid low wages? and

(c) the measures adopted by Government to address the concerns of the staff of airlines regarding working hours and salary?



(Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia)
(a) to (c) A statement is laid on the table of the House.


भारत सरकार
नागर विमानन मंत्रालय
राज्य सभा
तारांकित प्रश्न संख्या : 85
सोमवार, 25 जुलाई, 2022/ श्रावण 3,1944 (शक) को दिया जाने वाला उत्तर

पायलटों की कार्य स्थितियां

#85 डा. वी. शिवादासन:
क्या नागर विमानन मंत्री यह बताने की कृपा करेंगे कि :

(क) देश में प्रचालित एयरलाइनों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सरकार और नागर विमानन महानिदेशालय (डीजीसीए) दवारा कया उपाय किए जा रहे हैं;

(ख) कया सरकार ने भारतीय पायलटों, जो अक्सर अतिरिक्त समयावधि तक कार्य करने के लिए बाध्य हैं और जिन्हें कम वेतन दिया जाता है, की कार्यस्थितियों के बारे में कोई अध्ययन कराया है; और

(ग) सरकार दूवारा एयरलाइनों के कर्मचारियों की कार्यावधि और उनकी वेतन संबंधी चिन्ताओं को दूर करने के लिए क्या उपाय किए गए हैं?


नागर विमानन मंत्री (श्री ज्योतिरादित्य मा. सिंधिया)

(क) से (ग) तक: वक्तव्य सदन के पटल पर रख दिया गया है।

Statement referred in reply to Part (a) to (c) of Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. 85 regarding “Working Conditions of Pilots” to be answered on 25.07.2022.

(a) Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) grants Air Operator Certificate(AOC) to airlines after ensuring that they comply with the requirements as laid down in relevant rules and Civil Aviation Requirements (CARs). DGCA carries out regular surveillance of airline operators through main base inspection, station facility, ramp inspection, Safety Oversight of Foreign Airlines (SOFA), Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO), cockpit enroute inspection, regulatory audit to ensure continuous maintenance of AOC and to ensure safety of operations under the Annual Surveillance Programme of DGCA. In addition, surveillance of maintenance facilities is also carried out by DGCA to ensure that they continue to meet the regulations. In case of violations, DGCA takes enforcement action against airlines and personnel in the form of warnings, suspension, cancellation including financial penalties. The measures adopted by DGCA to ensure safety of airline operation in the country is at Annexure.

(b) DGCA has laid down flight duty time limitations (FDTL) for flight crew in various CARs under Section 7 based on the type of operation. These regulations are based on ICAO standards and international best practices of FAA and EASA. The regulations stipulates maximum Duty period/ flight duty period/ flight time and minimum rest requirements for flight crew.

Based on these regulations, airline operator develop their FDTL Scheme which is approved by DGCA. The airline is required to ensure adherence to the approved FDTL Scheme and ensure that the pilots are not assigned work beyond the limits prescribed therein or under fatigue. DGCA carries out surveillance/ audits to ensure operator’s compliance with the approved FDTL Scheme.

The matter related to wages of pilot is beyond the purview of DGCA as the same is governed by terms of contract of employment, which is purely employer-employee related matter.

(c) DGCA has issued Airworthiness Advisory Circular (AAC) no. 5 of 2019 regarding Duty Time Limitation (DTL) of Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (AMP). DGCA verifies the adherence of approved procedures of MOE/ Procedure Manual/ CAME etc. during audit of organization and takes actions, if any lapses are observed. The AAC is applicable to the Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (AMP) viz (i) Certifying personnel/Staff (AME), (ii) Technicians, (iii) Supervisors, (iv) Managers, (v) Planners, (vi) Persons working in the maintenance Organization.

Among the other staff of airline, whose working hours are governed by DGCA are Cabin Crew. DGCA has laid down separate regulation for FDTL of Cabin Crew under CAR Section 7, Series J, Part I.DGCA carries out regular surveillance/ audits of airlines to ensure compliance towards applicable regulations for maximum Duty period/ flight duty period/ flight time and minimum rest requirements for Cabin crew.

The matter related to salary of airlines staff is beyond the purview of DGCA as the same is governed by terms of contract of employment, which is purely employer-employee related matter.


Source: Rajya Sabha PDF