ECHS Cards Related FAQs

ECHS Cards Related FAQs

ECHS Cards Related FAQs

Q106. How can I find out difference between a 16Kb Card or a 32 Kb Card?

Ans: Smart Cards issued upto Apr 2010 were of 16Kb capacity whereas Smart Card issued from May 2010 to May 2015 were of 32Kb capacity. The visual difference of both the cards as follows:


Q107. There are two numbers mentioned on the Smart Card one is Reg No. and other is Sr No. I don’t know which is the Card number I have to mention in the online application.

Ans: The Reg No. is the Card number which is required to be mentioned in the online application. The starting first two alphabets in the number denote your Regional Centre.

Example: LK0001241 (LK is Regional Centre Lucknow)
GW0001242 (GW is Regional Centre Guwahati)

Q108. Please tell me the process for filling of online application for ECHS Smart Card.

Ans: To know the process of online application, please visit our website www.echs.gov.in — ONLINE SMART CARD APPLICATION – INSTRUCTIONS.

Q109. I am trying to open the site for filling of online smart card application, but the page is not opening.

Ans: Please note that the site doesn’t work on Internet Explorer due to security issues. You can try filling application on other browsers like Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. If error message is shown to you, kindly refresh / reload the page.

Q110. On the registration page there is a field for Prefix before Service number. I don’t have any Prefix in my service number. What should I write in Prefix field?

Ans: The service numbers in respect of Army Officers and Army JCOs consists of prefix whereas other service personal of Navy, Air Force & Coast Guards don’t have the prefix in their service numbers. Hence, the field has been provided for Officers and JCOs of Army. However, the field is optional.

Q111. Do I need to attach affidavit for dependents?

Ans: There is no requirement of attaching affidavit in the online application. A self declaration in place of affidavit will be presented in the application, which is required to be accepted by the applicant.

Q112. My son is a minor and he is not having either mobile number or email ID. What should I do?

Ans: Mobile number and email ID of primary beneficiary can be entered for the dependents for whom mobile number and email ID is not available.

Q113. How can I upload the photographs and signatures?

Ans: The detailed instructions regarding uploading of photograph and signature has been defined in Para 15 to 17 of Part – I of Instructions for Online Smart Card. Click here to follow the link:

https://echs.gov.in/img/Smartcard/FOR%20UPLOADING%20ON%20WEBSITE/Instr uctions%20Ver%204.0%20-%20Final1.pdf#page=8

Q114. As per instructions, Aadhaar is mandatory. However, I am a resident of Assam State, here Aadhaar Cards are not made. What should I do?

Ans: As of now endorsement of Aadhaar number is not mandatory for the residents of North East States, Jammu & Kashmir and for Nepal Domicile Gorkhas.

Q115. What documents do I need to upload for my application?

Ans: Photograph and Signature of all members is required to be attached with each type of application. However, attachment of documents depends upon the type of application. A list of documents required to be attached to each type of application is mentioned below:

Sl No Type of Application Documents required to be uploaded
a) Future Retiree (i) Receipt of MRO (Only for Coast Guard personnel).

(ii) Medical Certificate from Service Specialist (In case of PWD).

b) Temporary Slip Holder (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

(iv) Old Temporary Slip copy.

c) Old Card Holder (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

(iv) Old Smart Card copy.

d) Death in Service case (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

(iv) Old Smart Card copy.

e) Pre 1996 retiree (First time applicant) (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

(iv) DPDO / Bankers Certificate for non-drawing of FMA.

f) 1996 to 2003 retiree (First time applicant) (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

(iv) Receipt of MRO.

(v) DPDO / Bankers Certificate for non-drawing of FMA.

g) Post 2003 retiree not a member yet (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

h) Loss of 16 Kb Card / Temporary Slip (i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

j) Loss of 32 Kb Card

(i) PPO copy.

(ii) Death certificate of ESM (only in case of ESM demise).

(iii) Disability Medical Certificate (In case of PWD).

Q116. I have filled my application and uploaded all the documents. How do I know the status of my application?

Ans: The status of application can be checked in your login. The responsibility to verify the application lies with the Record Office of the applicant.

Q117. Where do I need to submit the hard copy of the application?

Ans: The submission of hard copy of application has been done away with. The application will move only on the online system and there is no need to submit the hard copy to any of ECHS office.

Q118. I have filled the application and proceeded for the payment. However the payment failed and since, then I am shown error message that payment is still in process.

Ans: The errors mentioned by you usually get resolved within 24 to 48 working hours. In case the payment error is not resolved. Please forward following details to our helpline e-mail IDs for resolving the issue.

(a) Your registered mobile number.

(b) Date of transaction.

(c) Screen shot of the error shown to you while making payment.

Q119. I am a 1992 retiree and applied for the online ECHS Smart Card and also done the payment. However, I didn’t get the online generated Temporary Slip. I am in need of emergency treatment. Please provide me temporary slip to avail ECHS facilities.

Ans: (a) In the online Smart Card Application following downloads are being provided after successful completion of application and payment.

(i) Filled Application (Only for Record Purpose of Applicant)

(ii) Temporary Slips (For availing ECHS facilities).

(b) Here filled application is being provided to every applicant, however, Temporary Slip is being provided to only following category of applicants:-

(i) Future Retirees.

(ii) Old Temporary Slip Holders.

(iii) Death in Service Cases.

(iv) Loss of 32 Kb Card cases(only for whom new card has been applied).

(v) Loss of 16 Kb Card / Temporary Slip cases.

(c) Temporary Slips are not being generated for the first time applicants like, Pre 1996 retire, 1996 to Mar 2003 retiree and Post Apr 2003 retiree not a member yet. Once, their online applications get verified from their record offices they will receive SMS and after that temporary slip will be provided in their login, which can be used for availing ECHS facilities.

(d) In case of emergency, you can approach ECHS Regional Center or Station HQ for issue of temporary slip.

Q120. I have filled online application. However, I forgot to add my dependents, I have also done the payment. Please allow me to add my dependents.

Ans: You can add dependents by login to the online application portal, then select edit application option, thereafter click on tab Add Dependent and fill details of your dependent and save details. After adding Dependents make additional payment for the members added in the application.

Q121. I have filled online application, however, I noticed that I have done mistakes in mentioning my date of birth and date of retirement. Please allow me to edit my application.

Ans: You can edit your application by login to the online application portal, then select edit application option and save details.

Q122. I have submitted the online application on almost one month back. However, till today, the status of application is shown as Awaiting verification by Record Office. Please, process my application.

Ans: Once the application has been submitted online the responsibility to verify the application lies with the respective Record Offices. Please note that since the online application system is new and Record Offices are in process of registration and verification of already uploaded applications, therefore, it would take some time to settle down the system.

Q123. I had filled the application in January using my e-mail as login ID. However, now I am not able to login to the site to know the status of my application.

Ans: A lot of simplifications have been done in the application from the date of its launch based on the feedback from the environment. You are requested to try login using your registered mobile number and old password. In case if you have forgotten your password, then try resetting it using email option as available in the website.

Q124. I had filled my application about one month back, but not completed it because I was not having complete details. But now, when I am trying to login, it is showing me error that mobile number does not exists. Please help me.

Ans: The system automatically deletes the data after 15 days for the applications for which the full application is not submitted and payment for smart card is not done. You are requested to re-register and fill your application.

Q125. I have received a SMS that my application has been verified. Does my ECHS Smart Card will be delivered at my home address.

Ans: The Smart Cards will be dispatched to the concerned Station HQ/ parent Polyclinic of the ECHS beneficiaries as per details filled in by the applicant. On receipt of Smart Cards at Station HQ an intimation SMS will be forwarded to the registered mobile number of primary beneficiary.

Q126. My son is born after my retirement and his name is not endorsed in the Temporary slip. However, I have added his name in my Records at my Record Office. I am having documents of his addition, but I am not able to attach his document while applying online for ECHS card. Please guide me.

Ans: There is no need to upload any documents of the dependent son as you have already completed the process to record his name in your Record Office. You can add him as dependent in your application without any problem.

Q127. How to find out when one’s card completes 10 yrs.

Ans: Date of membership is printed on the card against the field Mem. This date is also the date of issue of the card.

Q128. What would happen if the card is not delivered in time? There are already mails expecting delays in verification due to work load at records and service HQ.

Ans: Validity of the online generated Temporary Slips can be extended further by OIC Polyclinics, which can be utilized for availing ECHS facility.

Q129. Why future retirees are not being hand held by at facilitation centers and are required to spend their own money to apply from private net cafes?

Ans: There is no restriction or any instruction regarding hand holding of any particular category of individuals. Applications in respect of every category are being filled at facilitation centers. Future Retirees should get it done from their units as well.

Q130. Why cards can not be collected from Polyclinics as in any case they are to be activated there?

Ans: The cards will be activated through SMS and not at Polyclinics. ECHS Polyclinics are not having sufficient infrastructure and are already engaged in providing medical care to ECHS beneficiaries. Hence, this task has been provided to Stn HQs where one time authentication of the each beneficiary will be done at the time of collection of cards. Old Cards are also supposed to be returned while collecting new cards.

Q131. Why cards can not be delivered home?

Ans: Delivery of Cards at home of ECHS beneficiary will add to the cost of card as it requires services of postal / courier. In addition, old cards have to be deposited besides need of authentication.

Q132. By what date all the nodal persons are likely to be in place across the country?

Ans: Instructions have been issued for setting of facilitation center at every Regional Centre, Station HQ and Polyclinic. Infrastructure is being provided to the places where there is necessity. It is hoped that most of the places will be fully functional by 30 Jun 18.

Q133. How to prove parents are normally residing with veteran?

Ans: There is no such requirement asked by ECHS.

Q134. Why only disabled brother? One could also have a sister who is disabled?

Ans: Brother are dependent only till they are minor. Above 18 years of brother can be considered dependent only in case they have any disability as listed in PWD Act 1995. Sisters are eligible irrespective of age, hence dependency criteria for disabled brothers is mentioned separately.

Q135. Competent authority has been specified at another place as Brig Rank officer in MH. However MH are refusing to issue such disability certificate. What is the ECHS solution? Why insist on certificate as per PWD Act 95 only. Most civil surgeons are authorized to issue certificates based on standards laid down. Why is ECHS not willing to accept these certificates?

Ans: No rank has been specified for signing of disability certificate. The certificate is required to be signed by Commandant / CO / Head of Hospital irrespective of rank. However the requirement for issue of certificate from service hospital is as per O/o the DGAFMS letter No CC/5496/MSAC/DGAFMS/DG-3A/ dated 22 Feb 2017.

Q136. Is spouse a dependent and hence not entitled to treatment in MH as MH are refusing treatment to dependents.

Ans: Any ECHS beneficiary having a valid ECHS Smart Card or Paper Slip is authorized for availing ECHS facilities through ECHS Polyclinics. All ECHS members are authorised for treatment in MH subject to availability of spare capacity.

Q137. If minor children of divorced /separated daughters are allowed, why not those of sisters particularly if divorced sisters are considered as dependents?

Ans: The dependency criteria is being followed as prevailing in CGHS.

Q138. Can I print my own ECHS card?

Ans. No, you cannot print your ECHS card, but you may take printout of temporary slip and get it authenticated from OIC of your parent Polyclinic for use till your ECHS card is received.

Q139. I have been issued with a temporary slip in lieu of ECHS Smart Card. The validity of same is expiring. What procedure should I follow for extension of temporary slip?

Ans. Old paper temporary slip issued in lieu of card are not valid and the ESM is required to apply for new 64 Kb ECHS card. The online application for ECHS smart card is available on ECHS website www.echs.gov.in.

Q140. Whom should I approach in case the ECHS Card is not issued to me in the prescribed time?

Ans. The beneficiary to login ECHS website portal, echs.sourceinfosys.com using login credentials. The beneficiary will come to know the status of the application. Take action in case any observation is raised on the online application. Incase unable to resolve contact the following:-

(a) Incase application pending for verification contact your Record office contact details of Record Offices are available on ECHS website.

(b) Incase verified and not card printed contact any of the following Helpline number:-

(i) 011-25682870
(ii) 1800-114-115

(c) Still not satisfied send e-mail on the following email address:-

(i) [email protected]
(ii) [email protected]

Q141. What should I do if I lose my ECHS Card?

Ans : Incase ECHS card is lost then login ECHS website echs.sourceinfosys.gov.in using login credentials and block the lost card. Further, apply for reprint of lost card and make the payment online. The card will be printed and forwarded to the Station HQ’s of your affiliated parent polyclinic. The beneficiary may also download online Temporary slip and get it counter singed from the OIC of parent polyclinic to continue getting entitled medical cover.

Q142. What should I do if the details on the Card viz. name, date of birth, entitlement, etc. are wrong?

Ans : The beneficiary may login ECHS website www.echs.sourceinfisys.gov.in using login credentials and click for change of data. An auto populated application will open and the beneficiary can carry-out required changes and upload the application by clicking checkbox, I agree and save the application. Make necessary payment online and the online application will go to the respective Record office for verification. After verification the card will be printed. Once the application uploaded an online Temporary slip can be downloaded and after getting it counter singed from the OIC of parent polyclinic beneficiary can continue getting entitled medical cover.

Q143. Is there a colour scheme for plastic cards? What are they?

Ans. There are follow types of cards

(a) ECHS Normal Card
(b) White Card – White in colour (For PWD Disabled)
(c) War Disabilities Card }
(d) EC & WW II } Suitably printed on the Card
(e) PMR & SSCO }

Q144. How can I get information about ECHS policies and facilities?

Ans. You can call 1800-114-115 and 011-25682870 between 0900 to 1700 hours. If you have internet facility you can see policies at www.echs.gov.in.

Q145. Who is responsible for deletion of the names of ineligible dependents?

Ans. Respective records office of the ESM are responsible for deletion of the names of ineligible dependents. Also primary beneficiary is duty bound to report any ineligibility on being caught of irregularity card can be suspended of all dependents.

Q146. What is the role of a beneficiary in providing information regarding any change in data regarding his card?

Ans. Beneficiary of the ECHS has prime role to get the data updated regarding change in data of his card incl detail of dependants.

Q147 I am ECHS beneficiary at Kanpur and I am visiting Mumbai for 6 months. Can I get ECHS facilities at Mumbai? Can the same card of Kanpur continue or is a separate card to be made? From where do I get permission for the same?

Ans. ECHS beneficiary can change his/her parent PC once in six months. In the current system, NOC from current parent PC will be needed for new parent PC to register the beneficiary. The broad procedures is as under :-

(a) Beneficiary applies to his parent PC for change of PC indicating name of new PC.

(b) With the approved application he/she will report to his new PC.

(c) Old parent PC will delete his/her name and new parent PC will include the name.

Q148 I live in Gurugram but my office is in Saket. Can I avail facilities from both the places because it is convenient for me?

Ans. No, ECHS beneficiary will have to change his/her dependency from parent PC to new PC and NOC from current parent PC will be needed for new parent PC to register the beneficiary.


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