Tag: DA from Jul 2018
CPSE 5th CPC DA from Jul, 2018 Order for CDA pattern employees governed by HPPC recommendations
CPSE 5th CPC DA from Jul, 2018 Order for CDA pattern employees governed by HPPC recommendations
No. 2(42)/97-DPE (WC) —GL-XXVIII/18
Government o [...]
CPSE 6th CPC DA from July, 2018 @ 148% Order for CDA pattern employees governed by HPPC recommendations
CPSE 6th CPC DA from July, 2018 @ 148% Order for CDA pattern employees governed by HPPC recommendations
F. No 2(54)/08-DPE (WC) GL-XX [...]
148% DA to 6th CPC Pay Scale Railway employees w.e.f 01.07.2018
148% DA to 6th CPC Pay Scale Railway employees w.e.f 01.07.2018

DA from July, 2018 – Postal Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS)
DA from July, 2018 - Postal Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS)
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Depa [...]

Dearness Allowance w.e.f. July-2018: Order for Armed Forces Officers and PBOR including NCs(E)
Dearness Allowance w.e.f. July-2018: Order for Armed Forces Officers and PBOR including NCs(E)
Governme [...]
CPSE: DA from July, 2017 to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC Scale
CPSE: DA from July, 2017 to the CDA pattern employees of CPSEs, drawing pay in 7th CPC Scale
F. No. W-02/0038/2017-DPE (WC)-GL-XXI/ 18
Governmen [...]
![6th CPC Dearness Allowance from July 2018 @ 148% [6% hike] for CG & CAB Employees 6th CPC Dearness Allowance from July 2018 @ 148% [6% hike] for CG & CAB Employees](https://www.staffnews.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/6th-cpc-da-from-jul-2018-768x1024.jpg)
6th CPC Dearness Allowance from July 2018 @ 148% [6% hike] for CG & CAB Employees
6th CPC Dearness Allowance from July 2018 @ 148% [6% hike] for CG & CAB Employees
Government of India
Minist [...]

5th CPC Dearness Allowance from July, 2018 @ 284% for CG Employees and Central Autonomous Bodies
5th CPC Dearness Allowance for CG Employees and Central Autonomous Bodies w.e.f. 01.07.2018
Government of India& [...]
DA from July, 2018: Railway Board Order No. 132/2018 Revised Rates( 7% to 9%)
DA from July, 2018: Railway Board Order No. 132/2018 Revised Rates( 7% to 9%)
Ministry of Railways (Rai [...]

Dearness Allowance from July, 2018 @ 9%: Department of Expenditure Order
Dearness Allowance from 01.07.2018 @ 9%: Department of Expenditure Order
No. 1/2/2018-E-II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Departmen [...]