Tag: NC JCM Memorandum to 7th CPC
Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to POBR
Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to commissioned officers who are below of [...]

7th CPC Minimum Pay – Rs. 19670 and uniform multiplication factor – 2.81 at all levels – Notes submitted by JCM
7th CPC Minimum Pay - Rs. 19670 and uniform multiplication factor - 2.81 at all levels - Notes submitted by JCM
Shiva Gopal Mishra
Secreta [...]
7th CPC: Providing proper minimum wage of Rs 27000/- for CG Employees Pay fixation formula
Providing proper minimum wage of Rs 27000/- for CG Employees including that
of GDS employees and pay fixation formula:
The staff side of the J [...]
All India protest day on 19th November 2015 call by NJCA on 7th CPC matters
All India protest day on 19th November 2015 call by NJCA with 10 point charter of demands
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Ro [...]

Parity between Past and Future Pensioners: NC JCM letter to 7th CPC on OROP
Parity between Past and Future Pensioners : Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra secy. staff side/NCJCM has written a DO letter to chairman 7th Pay commission fo [...]
Now, Central Govt staff seek OROP in 7th Pay Commission
Now, Central Govt staff seek OROP in 7th Pay Commission
New Delhi, Sept 12:
The joint consultative machinery for all Central Government staff has [...]
Restoration of the erstwhile Group-D posts and regularization of the services of Contract/ Casual Employees: NC (Staff Side), JCM writes to 7th CPC
Restoration of the erstwhile Group-D posts and regularization of the services of Contract/ Casual Employees: NC (Staff Side), JCM writes to 7th CPC
Minimum Salary: Kerala Pay Panel may recommend Rs.16,000, Rs.7,000 in 6th CPC, JCM demand 26,000 and what will be in 7th CPC
As per Manorma Online news article the Kerala Pay Revision Commission is likely to recommend Rs 16,000 as the minimum salary and Rs 1 lakh as the max [...]
Final Meeting with 7th CPC: Brief by NC JCM (Staff Side)
Brief of the meeting held on 09.06.2015 between NC/JCM(Staff Side) and 7th CPC
No.NC/JCM/7th CPC/2015
Dated: June 9, 2015
All Constituents of
NC/ [...]
Proposal to 7th CPC: 3.7 multiplication factor, Minimum Wage of Rs.26000/-, 5% Increment rate, 5 promotions, HRA – 60%,40%,20%, Wage ratio 1:8, CEA for Higher Studies, Minimum Pension 67%
JCM Delegation proposed before the 7th Central Pay Commission: Open Ended Pay Scale, 3.7 multiplication factor, Minimum Wage of Rs.26000/-, 5% Increm [...]