
Latest on Pension 33 years or 20 years – Information on Implementation order in M.O. Inasu case

 More on Pension 33 years or 20 years – Information on Implementation order in M.O. Inasu case

No. 38/7/2015 – P & PW (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd January, 2016


Shri S Y Savur

Sub: Information under RTI Act, 2005


I am to refer to your online RTI application Reg No. DP&PW/R/2016/50029 dated 12.1.2016.

2. In regard to information sought by you, it is informed that the relevant file has been sent to Ministry of Law (Department of Legal Affairs). However, a copy of your RTI application is being forwarded to CPIO, CBEC for providing a copy of order regarding implementation of court order in the case of M.O. Inasu. It may be however mentioned that no general order has been issued in respect of all pre-2006 pensioners, as already informed.     

3. ————————–

4. If you are not satisfied———————

 S K Makkar 22/1/16

CPIO/Under Secretary to the Government of India
Copy to: CPIO, Central Board of Excise & Customs (Adm IV), Ministry of Finance, 5th Floor, HUDCO Vishala, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi for providing a copy of order regarding implementation of court order in the case of M. O.Inasu to Shri S Y Savur…….  

Courtesy: Ariel View Blog

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  • Vinay Nanda 9 years ago

    Can I claim My full Pension as I had completed 32 yrs & 02 months in the deptt?

  • The bureaucratic redtape will delay this till 2019.

  • Due to the non-implementation of full parity for the 1996-2006 retirees, they have lost substantially already. Now that the 7cpc has restored it, there should not be any delay in its implementation.