
Strike on 2nd September 2016, Confederation salutes all its members for an grand success

Strike on 2nd September 2016, Confederation salutes all its members for an grand success

Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers
Dated 2nd September 2016

The initial report received at the Confederation Central Head Quarters indicate the participation of about ten lakhs Central Government employees in todayโ€™s nationwide general strike action of the Indian Working Class. Earlier, endorsing the call of the Central Trade Unions, the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers had called upon the Central Government employees to take part in the one-day strike to compel the Government to withdraw the anti-people and anti-labour neo-liberal policies pursued by the Central Government.

Offices of the Postal, Income Tax, Ground Water Board, Survey of India, Geological Survey of India, Printing and Stationery department, Botanical Survey of India, Indian Bureau of Mines, RMS offices, census department, Indian Space Research organization, Central Government Health Scheme, Atomic Energy, Medical Stores depots, Film Institute of India, AGMARK, Indian Council for Medical Research, Film division and various other autonomous scientific and research institutions etc. remained closed and the work completely paralysed.
The strike also affected the functioning of various offices of Indian Audit & Accounts department, Civil Accounts, Central Excise and Customs, CPWD etc. Total civilian employees of various Defence organisations and Defence Accounts Departments participated in the strike. The Strike was total in Kerala, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Telangana, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Odisha, Assam, North Eastern states, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and 70 to 80% in other states.
The Central Government employees were particularly unhappy over the totally negative attitude of the NDA Government towards their demands while implementing 7th Central Pay Commission recommendations. Ban on creation of new posts, non-filling up of about six lakhs vacant posts, introduction of New Contributory Pension Scheme, non-regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and casual, contract workers, ceiling on compassionate appointments, rejection of the demand for increase in the minimum wage and fitment formula, reduction in the percentage of House Rent Allowance, abolition of 52 allowances etc. are some of the retrograde measures taken by the Central Government.
The Confederation National Secretariat Congratulates the Central Government employees, who undertook intensive campaign to make the strike a grand success. The Confederation salutes all its members for their whole hearted participation in the strike and making it an unprecedented success.

M. Krishnan
Secretary General



  • Rajbahadur Singh 8 years ago

    M. Krishanan Ji,
    1. what is stand of NC/JCM on MACP and why this issue is not discussed with govt lingering for more than a decade? Are you and other esteemed leaders not interested in addressing of core issue of group "C" & "B" employees who had been robbed of beneficial "ACP" by introduction of MACP which is heavily loaded in favour of group "A" employees.
    2. Secondly, nobody had given attention to Policy of Govt of denying Entitlement of Govt accommodation as per his Basic Pay (Pay+GP) as was prevalent till award of 6th CPC. 6th CPC had categorised a castiest system which does not dues to a person even after required qualification and ability. How it is justified that a employee having Grade Pay of 4200, 4600, 4800 drawing more Basic Pay than employee of Grade Pay 5400, 6600 is denied entitlement of Govt accommodation of Type IV or higher? May I request you why this issue had not been raised till now? Thanks.