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Rank Pay Revision & Arrears: Example & Table by PCDA

Implementation of Hon’ble SC Judgment dated 04/09/2012

How pay has been revised on 1/1/86

A. Existing emoluments as on 1/1/86 ie Basic Pay, DA, ADA, Adhoc DA, Interim Relief I and
II are added

B. 20 % of Basic pay is added to it

C. Pay is now fixed at next stage above total emoluments so arrived

Earlier the rank pay was deducted from sum of A and B above before fixing the pay in next above stage. This time Rank Pay has not been deducted.

Example 1

Pay of Capt A in the integrated pay scale (2300 —100 —3900-150-5100) on

Basic Pay  1450
DA/ADA/Adhoc DA 1450
IR-I&II 215
20% of BP 290

Earlier pay was fixed at Rs 3300, which is next stage above 3205 (3405 minus 200)

Now Pay fixed at Rs 3500, which is next stage above 3405.

Example 2

Pay of Capt B in the integrated pay scale (2300 -100 -3900-150-5100) on

Basic Pay  1400
DA/ADA/Adhoc DA 1450
IR-I&II 210
20% of BP 280

Earlier pay was fixed at Rs 3200, which is next stage above 3140 (3340 minus 200).

Now Pay fixed at Rs 3400, which is next stage above 3340.

Example 3

Pay of Maj C as on 111/86

Basic Pay  1550
DA/ADA/Adhoc DA 1470
IR-I&II 225
20% of BP 310

Earlier pay was fixed at Rs 3400 (minithum prescribed for a Major), despite the fact that the next stage above 2955 ( 3555 minus 600) was 3000.

Now Pay fixed at Rs 3600, which is next stage above 3555.

How arrears have been calculated

Example 1

Capt A – Pay fixed as on 1/1/86 at Rs 3500/-

Date BP Drawn Revised BP Rank Pay
1/1/86 Pay Revision 3300 3500 200
1/12/86 INCR 3400 3600 200
05/12/87 Prom to Masi 3400 * 3600* 600
1/12/87 INCR 3500 3700 600
1/12/88 INCR 3600 3800 600
1/12/89 INCR 3700 3900 600
1/12/90 INCR 3800 4050 600
1/12/91 INCR 3900 4200 600
1/12/92 INCR 4050 4350 600
1/12/93 INCR 4200 4500 600
1/12/94 INCR 4350 4650 600
06/12/94 Prom to Lt Col 4350* 4650* 800
1/12/95 INCR 4500 4800 800
1/1196 INCR 13900 14300 1600
1112/96 INCR 14300 14700 1600
1/12/97 INCR 14700 15100 1600
1/05/98 Prom to Col 15100 15100$ 2000

* Minimum Pay prescribed for the ranks of Maj and Lt Col was Rs 3400/- and Rs 3900/-
respectively. Officer already in receipt of same or more pay on the date of
promotion, therefore Basic Pay didn’t change on these dates.

$ 5th CPC Orders- At the time of promotion, Basic Pay is fixed in the pay scale of higher rank and Rank Pay of higher rank is admitted.

Pay scale of Lt Col 13500 – 400 – 17100

Pay scale of Col 15100 —-450 – 17350

As the starting pay in the scale for Col was 15100, no change in Pay on the date of promotion.

In this case arrears will accrue from 01/01/86 till 01/05/98 only, as the pay drawn and pay due is same after 01/05/98.

Example 2

Capt B – Pay fixed as on 1/1/86 at Rs3400/-

Date BP Drawn BP due Rank Pay
1/1/86 Revised Pay 3200 3400 200
1/08/86 INCR 3300 3500 200
1/08/87 INCR 3400 3600 200
20/04/88 Prom to Maj 3400* 3600* 600
1/08/88 INCR 3500 3700 600
1/08/89 INCR 3600 3800 600
1/08/90 1NCR 3700 3900 600
1/08/91 INCR 3800 4050 600
1/08/92 1NCR 3900 4200 600
1/08/93 INCR 4050 4350 600
1/08/94 INCR 4200 4500 600
18/06/95 Prom to Lt Col 4200* 4500* 800
1/0895 INCR 4350 4650 800
1/1/96 INCR 13900$ 139005 1600

*  Minimum Pay prescribed for the ranks of Maj and Lt Col was Rs 3400/- and Rs 3900/- respectively, Officer already in receipt of same or more pay on the date of promotion, therefore Basic Pay didn’t change on these dates.

$  As per 5th CPC Pay fixation Charts, BP of Lt Cols drawing Basic Pay Rs 4350, 4500 and 4650 gets bunched at Rs 13900.

In this ease an-ears will accrue from 01/01/86 to 01/01/96 only, as the pay drawn and pay due is same from 01/01/96.

Example 3

Maj C – Pay fixed as on 1/1/86 at Rs3600/

Date BP Drawn BP due Rank Pay
1/1/86 Revised Pay 3400 3600 600
1/12/86 INCR 3500 3700 600
1/12/87 INCR 3600 3800 600
1/12/88 INCR 3700 3900 600
1/12/89 INCR 3800 4050 600
1/12/90 INCR 3900 4200 600
1/12/91 INCR 4050 4350 600
1/12/92 INCR 4200 4500 600
16/08/93 Prom to Lt Col 4200 4500 800
1/12/93 INCR 4350 4650 800
1/12/94 INCR 4500 4800 800
1/12/95 INCR 4650 4950 800
1/1/96 Pay Fixation
13900 14300 1600
05/05/96 Prom to Col 15100
15100 $  2000

$ As per 5th CPC Pay fixation Charts, BP of Lt Cols drawing Basic Pay Rs 4350, 4500 and 4650 gets bunched at Rs 13900.

In this case arrears will accrue from 01/01/86 to 05/05/96 only, as the pay drawn and pay due is same from 01/01/96.

Source: https://pcdaopune.gov.in

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  • Bharat Rana 7 years ago

    your calculation istotally wrong. After the Courtsjudgement the pay was required to be fixed in new integrated Scale. How can you let our pay carry on with the scale of old pay scale (3cpc). I think recommendations of 4cpc are still being interpreted wrongly. In new pay scale Minimum for the major hasbeen fixed as 4050 which corresponded to 3400 in 3cpcis minimum fixed for a major with only 11 years service. you will actually find that majors prior to 86 were promoted after 13 years and not eleven years officer used to pick up his rank of captain after 6 years and not 5 years as has been recommended by 4cpc. scale. The recommendationsof 4cpc have been destroyed by our 'Babboos' and are fixing our pay as they interpret. timespan of promotion from (lt to Brigadier) was shortened from 28yearsto 23 with a view to grant ealy promotion with minimum pay as recommended but in fact it has doomed the basic idea when we findthat amajor drawing pay at the maximum of old pay that is Rs 3900, his pay is fixed at the minimum of Rs 3400 corresponding to 4050 of the new scale Dear sir, this 4050 is fixed foreleven years where have the increments gone earned by the officer with 16 years service as on 1/1/86.

  • Manohar AM 9 years ago

    True, the rank pay must be graded right from the bottom, why disgrace the teeth that bites? Generals exist because of these disciplined soldiers who render their services unquestioningly. Give their due, support them and live in peace.

  • RAMACHANDRAN KK 9 years ago

    What abuot the rank pay of PBOR?. It is a fact that the army is structured in rank from L/Nk to General. If a General is getting Rank pay the lowest L/Nk rank should also get the rank pay proportionately? It is the duty of the officers to fight for the lower rank soldiers because they are not supposed to fight for their right as the civilian staff.

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    I agree with Anon @ June 14, 2013 that the basic Pay fixation for Capt on implementation of 4 CPC should be correctly done. To ensure this we need to compare the fixation of 4th CPC BP (as the increment of these were same in 3rd and 5th CPC, which is also defining the Grade Pay in 6th CPC)…the equiv ranks to be compared are JTS (Entry of GP A officers) with 2nd Lt/Lt, STS (Under Secy) with Capt, JAG ( Dy Secy) with Major, Selection Grade (Dir Grade) with Lt Col, Super Time Scale (DIG) with Col, Super Time Scale (IG) with Brig, Super Time Scale (JS) with Maj Gen. Actually IG rank was SAG ( Senior Administrative Grade) until 4th CPC and was merged with Super Time Scale (JS rank) in 5th CPC.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      I am happy to note that somebody has realised that Brig were equivalent to Senior Admin Grade (IG Police ) until 3rd cpc and that IG was upgraded ( actually merged) alongwith its attendant vacancies ) to Super Time Scale (JS) grade. This was because 5th cpc offered to merge one rank alongwith its vacancies with the next rank, wherein the Defence forces merged 2nd Lt (which was not a rankbut just like a probationer) with Lt while the civilians merged IG with JS. The worst part is that instead of gaining the defence forces actually downgraded Lt to 2nd Lt as earlier 2nd Lt used to get equiv )actually Rs 100 more 2300 vis a vis 2200) of probationers but after 5th CPC Lt got same as Probationers.Further 5th cpc also agreed to give 3 Time scale promotions and that is why all civilians got promoted as time scale JS Scale in 14 year ( Probationer to US is not counted as promotion so US to Dy Secy is 1st, Dir Grade 2nd and Js grade 3rd. DIG is only in Police. On the other hand our 3 promotions to Lt Col were given as a big favour under AVSC ( what big deal).

  • Anonymous 11 years ago

    Who all are the beneficiaries of the Rank Pay Arrears of the Sixth CPC? Is it only those who were in defence service on 01/01/1986 only or people enrolled/ commissioned after this date are also applicabe?

  • Anonymous 12 years ago

    What is minimum pay in the rank of Capt on implementation of 4th CPC in compliance of Hon SC Judgment? This circus by CGDA seems to evade this core truth….!