
Pensioner Demands: Resolutions adopted by the 58th AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj


Resolutions  adopted by the 58th Annual General Meeting of Bharat Pensioners Samaj held at Secunderabad on 17.11.2013

1.While This 58 AGM express its solidarity & sympathies with the Phailan affected people of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha, it congratulate the Scientists and Technicians of ISRO for their successful launching of Indiaโ€™s first Inter-planetary satellite, โ€œThe Mars Orbiter space Craftโ€.
2.Full Parity in Pension:: Being in the same Homogeneous group of Pensioners, there exists full parity in pension among judges of the supreme court, High court and Comptroller and auditor General of  India. Through modified parity to existing  pre& post  2006  pensioners from erstwhile  Vth CPC scales  S 24,30 ,31, 32 too  have become at par while other pensioners from   S 23 & below are deprived of such benefit. To remove this discrimination wef 01.01.2006. BPS submits that in a socialist country this type of discriminatory treatment in not in tune with the provisions of Indian Constitution and  demands uniformly equal percentage rise over minimum of pre revised Scales in arriving at minimum of all Pay Bands/Pay Scales and a common multiplication factor for revision of Pension of all pensioners so that everyone irrespective of pre-retirement status gets equal percentage rise in minimum guaranteed Pension as well as in normal consolidation to arrive at revised pension.

3. Revision of rate of Pension/Family pension : In present economic scenario as well as according to the study conducted more than a decade back at the behest of  Vth CPC by TATA Economic Consultancy Services post retirement requirement of income of a pensioner was to the tune of 65% of the pre-retirement gross income. Economic situation has further detoriated since then  . Keeping in view the finances of the country, BPS demands upward revision of  Pension& Family pension  to  70% & 50% respectively
4.Extension of same fitment benefit as implemented to serving employees from 1.1.2006 to all pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners;. The VI CPC did not do justice to pre 1.1.2006 pensioners by recommending to them a different fitment benefit from what was recommended to serving employees.  This resulted in invidious discrimination against pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners as it resulted in widening the disparities in pensions and family pensions of pre and post 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners retiring from the same or similar posts with almost equal number of years of service.  The aim of a pay commission should be to progressively bridge the gap in pensions of past and future retirees and not to widen it, causing grave and undue financial hardship to the past pensioners.  This Meeting therefore urges the government of India to extend the same fitment benefit as given to working employees (in the shape of grade pay) to all pre 1.1.2006 pensioners  i.e., basic pension + 86% DR and 50% of grade pay.  Further  different % rise in pension within the pre 1.1.2006 homogenous  group of pensioners and family pensioners   is grossly unfair and unjust.  This has left a trail of deep discontent and frustration among a majority of pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners.  As such, pending extension of same fitment benefit as urged above, Pension of  all pre 2006 pensioner from S4 to S31 be raised by equal % w.e.f., 1.1.2006.
5.Revision of Pension every 5 years:  Pension of the central Govt. employees undergo revision only once in 10 or 13 years during which Pension structure tend s to get seriously dis-aligned. Non-receipt of revised pension over 10-13 years results in considerable damage to financial position of Pensioners. Therefore, BPS demands that  Pension revision should  be once in five yearsโ€™  Revision takes place once in 5 years for employees as well as pensioners of several state governments in our country.
6.Extension of VI CPCโ€™s new benefits to past pensioners; The VI CPCโ€™s new benefits such as full pension for 20 years of service/10 years in superannuation cases, last pay drawn or average of last 10 monthsโ€™ pay whichever is beneficial to the retiring employee as emoluments for computation of pension etc., have been limited only to post 1.1.2006 retirees.  This is in violation of the letter and spirit of Honโ€™ble Apex court judgment in Nakara case.  This meeting appeals to the government to extend the above benefits to all pre 1.1.2006 retirees with monetary benefit from 1.1.2006 to do them equal justice.
7. Additional age related  Pensionโ€™ :  In the present scenario of climatic changes , presence of pesticide & rising pollution old age disabilities/diseases   set in by the time an employee retires  and go on manifesting very fast, needing additional finances to take care of these disabilities & diseases. It is therefore, demanded  that  5% upward enhancement in pension be granted โ€˜โ€™every five yearsโ€™ after the age of 60 years
8.Additional pension for qualifying service above 20 years; The V CPCโ€™s recommendation for additional pension for qualifying service above 33 years has not been accepted and implemented by the government leaving a trail of serious discontent and frustration among pensioners.  The VI CPC while recommending full pension for 20 years of qualifying service had not thought of rewarding service rendered above 20 years.  While full pension for 20 years qualifying service is an incentive for those seeking better prospects elsewhere, there is no incentive,  whatsoever, for those who stick to government service till superannuation.  This approach is no doubt counter-productive as it does not inspire the latter for better performance and more dedicated service.  This meeting calls upon the government to grant additional pension for service above 20 years.
9.Enhancement of Minimum Guaranteed pension: Keeping in view the socialistic & economic fiber as well as the rising trend in cost of  living, to meet the requirement of article 21 of the constitution that is โ€œRight to live with dignityโ€ minimum guaranteed Pension/Family Pension be raised from 3500/ to Rs 9000/-PM wef 1.1.2011 or 70% of the minimum of 7th CPC revised Basic  pay of existing employee whichever is more.
10.Implementation of modified parity to pre 1.1.2006 central government pensioners retrospectively w.e.f., 1.1.2006 as per Honโ€™ble Principal bench, CAT, New Delhiโ€™s Order dated 1.11.2011;This convention urges on the central government to implement the above Order w.e.f. 1.1.2006 so as to do equal justice to all pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners.  Granting this benefit w.e.f., 24.9.2012 is discriminatory and violative of article 14 of constitution of India in as much as some pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners have already got this benefit implemented w.e.f., 1.1.2006 itself.   Imposition of the above cut off date amounts to dividing  the homogenous group of pre 1.1.2006 pensioners on the basis of a date which runs contrary to the letter and spirit of Honโ€™ble Supreme Court of Indiaโ€™s judgment in Nakara case.  This Meetingtherefore urges on the government to end the above discrimination and extend the benefit of modified parity to all eligible pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners w.e.f., 1.1.2006 as per Honโ€™ble CAT/Principal Bench, New Delhiโ€™s Order dated 1.11.2011 to do them equal justice.
11.Merger of DR whenever it goes above 50%: Merger of DR with pension whenever it goes above 50%:-The Pension of Central Govt. Pensioners undergo revision only once in 10 years during which period the pension structure gets seriously dis-aligned, 50 % increase in price takes place in less than 5 years.  This results in considerable damage to the financial position of the pensioner with otherwise inadequate Pension. As admitted by ShMontek Singh Deputy Chairman planning commission in his statement to PTI on 27.2.2008 DA does not adequately take care of inflation. . Working employees are getting  automatic relief by way of 25% increase in their allowances with every 50% rise in Dearness allowance. As pensioners do not get any allowances, they feel discriminated against. In order to strike a balance, DR may be merged with Pension whenever it goes beyond 50%.This Meeting appeals to the Government to sympathetically consider the hardship being faced by the pensioners in the matter and announce an early relief retrospectively from 1.1.2011 corresponding to 50% DR merger.
12.Interim Relief: That the Government of India have announced their decision to approach 7th CPC.  This AGM urges on the government to grant Interim Reliefto pensioners and family pensioners and ex-gratia beneficiaries.
13.Carrying forward the parity principle enunciated by V CPC; The V CPC recommended a parity principle for pensions of past pensioners to keep pace  with the rising trend of salaries and pensions with every successive revision and to avoid undue financial hardship to them in the evenings of their lives.  As a part of this principle, the V CPC recommended full parity to pre 1.1.86 pensionerw.e.f., 1.1.96 and the same was accepted by the government of India and implemented.  However their recommendation to extend full parity to pre 1.1.96 pensioners as on 1.1.2006 was not endorsed by the VI CPC. The reasons advanced by VI CPC in this regard were factually incorrect apart from being untenable.  There is no link between parity and cent-percent neutralization of price rise which the commission sought to establish.  The parity principle enunciated by V CPC is an important one for all the pensioners, past and future. This Meeting therefore appeals to the government to extend the benefit of full parity to pre 1.1.96 pensioners and family pensioners as recommended by V CPC and do them justice.  Non-carrying forward of the above principle had adversely affected pre 1.1.96 pensioners and family pensioners, the fate of family pensioners being still worse.
14.Fitment Benefitbe raised to 50%:  6th CPC recommended same fitment benefit to existing pensioners as given to employees. Consequently Pensioners were allowed 40% as fitment benefit whereas employees were given fitment benefit through GP which is more than 40%.   To set right this discrimination, pensioners be given 50% fitment benefit
 15.Enhanced family pension for 10 years even in cases of death of the pensioner after retirement; While extending this benefit in cases of death in harness is indeed laudable, even in cases of death after retirement also the benefit needs to be extended as sudden drop in income after death of pensioner causes undue hardship to the family.
16. Restoration of commuted value of pension in 12 years:Commutation value in respect of employee superannuating at the age of 60 years between 1.1.1996 & 31.12.2002 and commuting a portion of pension within a period of one year would be equal to 9.81years Purchase After adding there to a further period of two years for recovery of interest in terms of observation of Supreme court in their judgment in writ petitions No 395-61 of 183 decided in December  1986. It would be reasonable to restore commuted portion of pension in 12 years instead of present 15 years. In case of Person superannuating at the age of 60 years after  31.12 2005 and seeking commutation within a year, number of purchase years have  been further reduced to 8.194.Also the mortality rate of 6o plus Indians has considerably reduced ever since supreme courtโ€™s above judgmentof 1986. This Meeting therefore appeals to the government to issue early orders in the above regard as commuted portion gets repaid within much less than 12 years.
17.Deprivation of all the central pay commission benefits in terms of pay revisions & Pensionary benefits to pensioners born on 1.1.1946/1938/1928 owing to their retirements on31.12.2005/1955/1985 : The modified  FR56(a),  requires every one whose date of birth is the first of a month to retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of superannuation .As a result of this modification    pensioners born on 1.1.1946/1938/1928 are deprived of all the central pay commission benefits in terms of pay revisions & Pensionary benefits owing to their retirements on 31.12.2005/1955/1985.  
This proviso singled out the Ist Jan. 1946/1938/1928-born pensioners for deprivation of  the  Pay Commission benefits. Such of the pensioners are made to suffer for no fault of theirs and are deprived of EQUALITY of status and of opportunity. This violation of Article 14 of constitution need to be set right immediately.
18..Issue of revised PPOs to pre 1.1.2006 pensioners and family pensioners as per VI CPC; There are several cases pending till date.   This AGM therefore urges expeditious action and a monitoring mechanism at various levels to complete the process in a time-bound manner
19 Pension to be net of Income Tax:  Purchase value of pension gets reduced day by day due to continuously high inflation and steep rise in cost of food items and medical facilities. Retired persons/Sr citizens do not enjoy fully public goods and services provided by Government for citizens due to lack of mobility and many other factors. Their ability to pay tax gets reduced from year to year after retirement due to ever-increasing expenditure on food and medicines and other incidentals. Their net worth at year end gets reduced considerably as compared to the beginning of the year. Inflation, for a pensioner is much more than any tax. It erodes the major part of the already inadequate pension. To enable pensioners, at the fag end of their lives, to live in minimum comfort and to cater for ever rising cost of living, they may be spared from paying Income Tax. This Meeting therefore demands that pension should be net of income tax as recommended by 5th CPC, vide their para 167.11
20.Withdraw new pension scheme introduced w.e.f., 1.1.2004; (i) Pension of Government employees is a deferred wage since wage paid out to them during the course of work tenure is kept low by design, to cater for pension. (ii) Pension is a social security measure and cannot be subjected to market risks (iii) It does not guarantee minimum return and thus lacks the basic fiber of Social Security (iv). It is in no way better than the existing scheme (v)It does not provide guaranteed Family Pension to dependents and disabled siblings which exist in the present scheme .This AGM therefore demands total withdrawal of the scheme.
21.Roll-back pension fund regulatory and development authority bill; This AGM demands total roll-back of the above bill as it is detrimental to the interests of employees and workers in various sectors in the country.
22.Medical facilities: Land mark judgments: The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is recognized as a fundamental right of all workers in terms of Article 21 read with Article 39ยฉ,41,43,48A and all related Articles as pronounced by the Supreme court in consumer education and research centre&othersVs union of India(AIR 1995 supreme court 922) The Supreme court has held that that the right to health to a worker is an  integral facet of meaningful right to life to have not only a meaningful existence but also robust health & vigor. Therefore right to health, medical aid to protect the health & vigor of a worker while in service or post retirement is a fundamental right-to make life of a worker meaningful   and purposeful with dignity of person. In another case of LAXMAN THAMAPPA KOTGIRlAppellant ..- VS G.M..CENTRAL RAILWAY & ORS. {2005(1) SCALE} Bench: Justice  RUMA PAL AND  Justice C.K. THAKKER, the honorable apex court  held   Medical facilities in Indian Railways to be part of service condition and in yet another land mark judgments the supreme court has made providers of medical facilities also subject to consumer protection act in Indian Medical council  Vs  VP  Shantha  and others    (1995(6) SCC  651)  .Thus health care for Govt. employees &ex employees  is not only a welfare measure but also a fundamental ‘Right’  
As all the pensioners irrespective of pre-retirement  status & Class belong  to same  category of citizens & same homogenous group of Pensioners,     there should be no class or  category discrimination and every pensioner must be provided Health care services at par with IAS & ex Ministers. 
23.Increase FMA (Fixed Medical Allowance) to Rs2000 pm: (i). The meager amount of Fixed Medical allowance (FMA) of Rs 300 P.M. in lieu of day to day OPD facility was sanctioned w.e.f. 01.09.2008 taking into consideration  cost of OPD treatment per card holder under CGHS during the year 2003-2004, which has increased by more than 6 times since then.
ii. As per the figure disclosed by M/O Health & Family Welfare under RTI Act 2005, the average cost of OPD treatment per card holder under CGHS during the year 2007-2008 went up to Rs 1369/-PM. This has further gone up considerably since then. M/O Labor & Employment, is already paying Rs 2000/- as FMA to EPFO beneficiaries. It is therefore, urged that to help elderly pensioners to look after their health, FMA for all C.G. Pensioners be raised to at leastRs2000/- PM w/o any distance restriction  linking it to Dearness Relief for automatic further increase.
iv. EXEMPT FMA FROM INCOME TAX: Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) is a compensatory allowance to reimburse the medical expenses. As Medical Reimbursement is not taxable, FMA should also be exempted from income Tax.
24.Issue of smart cards; Railway Boardโ€™s instructions for issue of Smard Cards to RELHS beneficiaries have not so far been implemented by many zonal railways disappointing the RELHS members. This convention urges on the concerned authorities to expedite the process of issue of smart cards.  This Meeting also appeals to the government to cover even other places not covered so far under this scheme so as to enable all the members of RELHS and their families to avail themselves of the benefit.
25.Extension of RELHS& Service for eligibility; This convention appeals to the authorities to reduce the period of service for eligibility to join RELHS to 10 years and also to extend this benefit to all secondary family pensioners and their children below 18 years of age.  Early action is requested to extend to RELHS facilities to minor children of dependent widowed and divorced daughters of RELHS members.  This benefit has already been extended to members of CGHS.  Denial of this benefit to RELHS members is discriminatory.
26.Extension of CS(MA) Rules, 1944 to central government pensioners residing outside CGHS area:  This is a long standing demand and pensioners and family pensioners residing outside CGHS areas are being exposed to severe hardship in the absence of non-coverage under the above rules.  As medicate in post retirement life is their fundamental right, the government are fervently urged to concede this demand at the earliest.
27.CGHS: Some of the Postal Pensioners and Pensioners retired from KendriyaVidyalaya Scheme are denied  Permanent CGHS Plastic Cards for treatment in CGHS. The reasons are said to be Court Cases.  The Pensioners are ready to withdraw if an assurance is given.  In fact some of the SLPs are filed by Central Government itself.  Request to withdraw the same with a sympathetic administrative changed look upholding the constitutional guarantees made available to Pensioners.
            (b) Out of 35 Postal Dispensaries, only 19 are merged with CGHS in 12 Cities from 1.8.2013.  All the remaining 16 postal dispensaries be merged into CGHS as early as possible.
         (c) The case for separate CGHS for Visakhapatnam is pending since a long time.  This may be approved.  It is also requested to consider the proposal for another at Jalandhar in Punjab.  Dispensary for PANCHAKULA is also prayed for.
            (d) The general orders issued for enrollment of Central Government Pensioners in any nearby CGHS location may also be given with wider publicity since a large number of Pensioners are not aware of this.  The Pensioners in the merged postal dispensaries with the CGHS are happy for providing Indoor Medical Treatment which is denied for the Pensioners living in Non-CGHS areas. 
28.Extension of constant attendant allowance to all pensioners and family pensioners; Pensioners and family pensioners who suffer total disability for whatever reason and at any juncture of their lives may be extended this benefit as the need for constant attendant is the same in such cases also.
29.liberalization of retirement complimentary as well as widow pass rules; Companion facility in the same class has to be allowed for all retirement complimentary as well as widow pass holders without collection of additional charges.  The preamble of our Constitution speaks of establishment of a socialist society.  As such discrimination in the above regard against second class pass holders is contrary to the spirit of the Constitution apart from being discriminatory.  In addition to the above changes, this AGM also appeals to the authorities to extend entitlement of R.C. passes to pre 2006 group D staff on par with retired group C staff, extension of pass facility to secondary family pensioners on being sanctioned family pension, companion facility to PH retirees in the higher class without having to surrender one set of pass as at present, extension of widow pass benefit to widows of pre 1986 SRPFยฉ beneficiaries, all as a gesture of goodwill to the retired railway employees and their families.
30.Reduction in period of service to 10 years  for entitlement of retirement complimentary passes;  This Meetingappeals for reduction of the period in the above regard  as full pension is sanctioned for 10 years of qualifying service.
31. Revision of ex-gratia rates of pre 1.1.86 CPF/ SRPF(C) beneficiaries and their families; This AGM demands immediate steps for revision of ex-gratia rates of the above retrospectively from1.1.2006 as any discrimination against them in the above regard is unjust  in as much as these retired employees had also rendered satisfactory service during their service period and they and their families also are exposed to ravages of high inflation and other changes as in the case of those governed by pension scheme.  To condemn them lifelong with low ex-gratia rates for their mere failure to opt for pension when in service is unjust and discriminatory. The recommendation of IV CPC to give them one time option for pension was not accepted by the government.  They are being continuously meted out step-motherly treatment.  Their families get 8% less relief and their dependent unmarried/widowed/divorced daughters above 25 years of age are not eligible for ex-gratia after the death of both  parents unlike those of pensioners.  They are not extended the benefit of FMA though SRPFยฉ beneficiaries are admitted to RELHS.  The families of SRPFยฉ beneficiaries arealsonot eligible for widow pass benefit.  This AGM urges on the government of India to accord sympathetic and humanitarian treatment to these beneficiaries and their families and ensure that minimum ex-gratia  is raised Rs.3500/- per monthw.e.f., 1.1.2006 and that they are accorded equal treatment with pensioners and family pensioners in the matter of Dearness Relief, FMA, period of service for eligibility etc.
32.EPS 95:This 58th AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj, Demands that  EPS 95 be modified to(i) remove Pensionable Salary limit of Rs 6500/(ii) to provide for equal contribution of 8.33.by both Govt. &employer (iii)To ensure that employers  in order to keep their contribution lower, does not  show more perks & less Salary (iv) To provide for minimum pension equal to 50% of  Central Govt. minimum Salary.( v) to provide for free health care facilities to all EPS 95 pensioners & their dependents.
33. Extension of OSD canteen facilities to defence civilian pensioners:  This facility which they enjoyed while in service may be continued to them after retirement also as the discrimination is irrational and unjustified.
34.Control price rise; The abnormal rise in prices of essential commodities in the recent years has pushed up cost of living abnormally seriously affecting the day to day lives of all vulnerable sections of people including pensioners and as a result there is growing unrest  among them as they are finding it increasingly difficult to make their ends meet.  This AGM therefore urges on the government to take strong and effective measures to control price line
35 This 58 th AGM of BPS brings it to the notice of the government of Andhra Pradesh, the miserable state of retired rural medical practitioners, who are poverty stricken and finding it very difficult to make both ends meet.  Now there are about 400(four hundred) retired RMPs in the state of Andhra Pradesh.  They worked on a  monthly pay of Rs.8500/- in the rural dispensaries and retired at the age of 58 years.  They are not  provided with pension, gratuity, death benefits etc.
AGM requests the benevolent government may be pleased to pay pension at Rs.4250/- per month which is 50% of the pay drawn, from the date of retirement of each RMP with retrospective effect.  While there were 1050 rural dispensaries in the year 1982, now there are only about 10 (ten).  The most pitiable condition of the few 400 retired RMPs may be considered with compassion and provided with pension with retrospective effect. 
36. This 58th AGM of Bharat Pensioners samaj the largest Pensioners network in India  requests the benevolent government of Chhattisgarh to bear  100% liability  of its pensioners. Present arrangement of sharingthe liability between the  Governmentsof Madhya Pradesh&Chhattisgarh is subjecting the pensioners in their sunset years to  lot of inconvenience & discomfort
37 Functioning of SCOVA : This 58th conference of BPS express grave concern on the way SCOVA is presently function and demands redress of following issues be immediately .
(1)  In the absence of any norms for acceptance of new agenda items. Admission  of new items is purely on  the discretion of the officers and as such only items which suits the convenience of administration are included. This defeats the very purpose of the constitution of SCOVA
(2)  While recording minutes of SCOVA meeting points raised by non- official members are totally ignored and are not included in minutes.
(3)  Often the official side rules (especially in case of Rlys) that the items may be  discussed separately with the concerned Ministry/Department. This gives a feeling    that the official side is not really interested in solving Pensioners problems.
When Agenda items are segregated and remitted to the concerned Ministry/Departments well in advance, the representative officers from that Ministry/ Department should be in a position to give a firm reply on the Agenda items pertaining to them. And  all the items should be discussed and decided in the SCOVA meeting at least in the presence of the Secretary. If need be amendment to the constitution of SCOVA may be considered.
(4)Nomination of SCOVA members:  As no Ministry/Department other than M/O Personnel, PG &Pensions-DOP &PW has system of identification/recognition  and monitoring the performance of Pensionersโ€™ Associations.  Future nomination of SCOVA members should  be based on the assessment of DOP &PW especially as in the absence existence of any system of identification/recognition or monitoring performance of pensioners associations in other Ministries /Departments, the recommendation of other  departments are based on either subjective  assessment or on individual links.
(5) To achieve the vision & mission projected in the Citizens Charter of DOP &PW. Constitution of SCOVA may be revised to upgrade it on the lines similar to JCM. And in Staff side of JCM on pension matters:  representative of pensionersโ€™ Associations be included to ensure true representation of Pensionersโ€™ community. If required necessary amendments to Rules /Acts etc may be introduced
(6)  Though the frequency of SCOVA meetings have been raised to Twice a year but the time of meeting has been drastically curtailed. In case Honorable minister cannot devote much time Secretary should continue the meeting after his departure. At least one full working day be allotted for this meeting

       38 PSU absorbee  Pensioners:

โ€œThe Hon’ble Supreme Court did not accept classifying the absorbee Pensioners as “Ceased Pensioners” and ordered restoration of Pension, revision of Pensions, payment of all attendant benefits on full pension, to treat at par, extend all attendant benefits, implement in letter and spirit vide the orders dated: 1-5-1998,26-4-2000,29-11-2006. The A.P. High Court in its order dated 8-9-2005 ordered to follow existing rules without referring to its earlier formula. The CAT Hyderabad in O.A. 1345 of 2001 ordered to recover only the original 2/3rd committed part but not the 2/3rd of revised pension. The CAT Hyderabad in its order dated 27-9-2011 told the Government that the method followed is not in consonance with the order of Supreme Court dated: 1-5-1998. The A.P. High Court in its Order dated: 31-7-2012 has confirmed that the method followed was not as per Supreme Court Order of 1-5-1998. The Governmentโ€™s argument of taking or merging all attendant benefits only for purpose of arriving at full notional pension and for payment or revision only 1/3rd of it will be taken is untenable in as much as it has no acceptance from CAT, High Court or Supreme Court by dismissing the appeal in W.P. 12923 of 2012 in A.P. High. Court or the O.A. 710 of 2010 in CAT Hyderabad or in M.A. 875 of 2012 in CAT Hyderabad on 22-4-2013 and finally in Supreme Court in SLP 22911 of 2012 on 11-1-2013 in which the Supreme Court did not accept for any discrimination violating its earlier orders of 1-5-1998 and the Department of Law and Justice also concluded that parity is to be maintained. Further the CAT Hyderabad in their order dated 22-4-2013 clearly ordered that the amount payable should be same or equal as that of any other Central Government Pensioner and that the fruits of revision should be enjoyed by these elderly pensioners.
As such, the above verdicts are not accepting the two pension theory – one notional for purpose of calculation of DR, Additional age linked Pension and another non-notional Pension which takes back life long the once paid attendant benefits at the time of each revision, for take home pension. 
Therefore, this 58th AGM of Bharat Pensioners Samaj demands that  GOI should apply same rules, same orders and there should be no exclusion paragraphs as Supreme Court in its orders dated: 15-12-1995 quashed para 4 of its O.M. dated: 5-3-1987 excluding these Pensioners from restoration of the commuted Pension and CAT Hyderabad in its order dated: 23-9-2013 told the Government that their O.M. dated: 11-7-2013 is not compliance at all of their verdict dated: 22-4-2013. Thus there should be only one Pension from which the actual commuted part is deducted during the first 180 months and balance pension is paid monthly right from day one which will be treating at par as per Supreme Court Orders dated: 1-5-1998 and also as per para 6 of commutation rules 1981 read with paragraphs 13, 14 of GOls, Ministry of Finance O.M. No.26(18) E/V/B/75, dated: 8-4-1976.
39.Festival advance to pensioners; In order to enable the pensioners to celebrate at least one festival in a year and also give gifts to daughters and grand children on such occasions, the government are requested to extend the benefit of festival advance every year to pensioners/family pensioners equal to one monthโ€™s basic pension/family pension to be recovered in 12 equal monthly installments.  It will also serve as an interest free advance.  This will go a long way in cheering up the pensioners and family pensioners.
40.Funeral grant; Funeral grant is now available for pensioners of various state governments.  This AGM appeals to the government of India not to lag behind in the matter and to extend this benefit to their pensioners and family pensioners.
41.House rent and Transport allowances to pensioners; In view of the ever increasing cost of housing as well as transport in the country, the pensioners are forced to spend a considerable part of their pensions towards the above thus making it difficult for them to pull on their lives within their meager pensions.  This AGM therefore appeals to the government of India to grant house rent and transport allowances to pensioners to mitigate  hardship and to ensure a worry-free life to them and their families.  There is need to move away from the old notions and concepts in this regard and make the pension policy more dynamic and in consonance with the increasing needs in a fast developing economy with high inflationary pressures.
42.Childrensโ€™ Educational Allowance & Hostel subsidy to the eligible children of retired employees; Many retired employees have school and college going children due to late marriages etc.  Such of those children have to be extended the above benefits as the education, school, college and technical, is becoming costlier by the day and it is difficult for the concerned pensioners to cope with the situation within their pensions.    This Meeting appeals to the government to take a broad and realistic view of the matter and extend the above benefits to pensioners. 
43.Ex-gratia once a year to all railway pensioners in lieu of productivity-linked bonus; This AGM appeals to the government to consider this demand as a gesture of goodwill to its past employees and their families for their dedicated service while in service which resulted in phenomenal progress of railways leading to payment of PLB to serving employees. It may be appreciated that the above benefit will fill all the retired employees and their families with the pride of belonging to the great Indian railway family.  A similar benefit may be extended to all other central government pensioners and family pensioners.
44. Abolition of Nuclear weapons: While Global expenditure on Health and Social welfare is declining,the Global Military expenditure is growing & at present it has reached 1600 Billion US Dollars Imperialism is bouncing back, there are continuous wars, growing foreign military bases and there are no signs of abolition of Nuclear weapons and on the other hand attempts are being made to weaponiz the Space This 58th a GM demands that the expenditure on health & Social welfare be increased without delay .It calls upon pensioners &Sr citizens to participate in the movement for abolition of Nuclear weapons, prevent weaponisation of space and abolition of foreign military bases, foreign occupation & wars.
45. At the end of the day it was resolved to Stage amassive DHARNA, on 24th February, 2014 โ€œat JantarMantarโ€, New Delhi to support above resolutions & also to high light the most deplorable condition of lakhs of โ€œPensionersโ€ under EPS โ€“ 95 .

Secy. Genl. BPS


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