HomeSeventh Pay Commission

All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Association meeting with 7th CPC and presentation i.r.o. technical Supervisory Cadre

The All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Association had an interaction with the complete team of 7th Central Pay Commission under Chairmanship of Justice Shri. Ashok Kumar Mathur at Naval Dockyard Mumbai on 08th Nov 2014. They handed over a memorandum to the 7th CPC and a presentation (scroll below) was organized in respect of the technical supervisory cadre.

Following office bearers were present during the detail interaction:

1. Shri. BB Mohanty   – President
2. Shri. AL Mhatre    – General Secretary
3. Shri. KM Nair      – Vice President
4. Shri. AS Raza      – Secretary
5. Shri. RK Pandey    – Treasurer
6. Shri. Navin Kumar  – Org. Secretary
7. Shri. T  Vargese   – Jt. Secretary
8. Shri. RG Pandey    – Jt. Secretary
9. Shri. Tarun Sarkar – Jt. Secretary
10.Shri. T Singh      – Jt. Secretary
11.Shri. JR Johnson   – Jt. Secretary

Avinash Mhatre,
General Secretary

The above information was received through Email from General Secretary, AINTSSA.  Text of presentation to 7th CPC is reproduced below:-
Seventh Central Pay Commission
All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Association

Introduction  and  History

The All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Association is one of the oldest recognized service association since 1949, functioning through itsโ€™ 03 divisional offices and about 25 branch offices in Ministry of Defense viz. Naval Dockyards (Mumbai, Visakhapatnam & Kochi), NSRY (Karwar), Naval Armament Depots, Warship and Submarine Overseeing Teams, training establishments, Repair Organization/Yards under the Navy and represents about 4000 cadre strength. The Technical Supervisory Staff is a very vital link between the top management and the work force. They are responsible for getting the job done from the limited work force by understanding the tasks and goals of their respective organizations and translating them in the form of words and instructions easily understood by the skilled, semi skilled and unskilled workers. The work arena of these naval organizations relates directly to the Defense Preparedness of the country and they feel proud that they work for those, who fence our water borders and sacrifice their lives for the nation. As entered into the glorious 65th year on 09th Oct 2013, we remain committed to play a key role to achieve new horizons in the field of repair and maintenance, facing all the challenges in the changed global scenario due to the  liberalized economy .
Naval Dockyards and all other aforesaid establishments are responsible for Repair, Inspection / Quality assurance of all Naval Ships/Submarines which are held with the Indian Navy. Naval Dockyards and NSRYs are dedicated to achieve the Quality Refits of Naval Ships, Submarines and undertake repairs, Modification, Installations and Alteration & Addition of various mechanical/ electrical / Weapon systems, which involve high standards of engineering application in the field of Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Computer, Instrumentation, and Control Engineering. In addition, NADs are responsible for maintenance, repair and issue of sophisticated variety of Naval Armaments / Weapons such as missiles, torpedoes, mines, guns and rocket launchers and small arms. Dedicated facilities and industrial manpower have been provided in the depots for performance of these activities. 
Ever since the Country’s independence the Dockyards, NSRYs and other installations of Indian Navy have undergone considerable functional changes in the form of technology, essential repairs and quality assurance of various classes of ships, which suit the modern warfare requirements. Modification of various ships and submarines  have been regular phenomenal tasks undertaken by the Dockyards and NSRYS. Conversion of ships from one class to another has been undertaken by the Dockyards and NSRYs. Another important functional aspect of these installations is the manufacturing of essential spares required for refit (which were being imported from overseas) resulting in considerable saving in foreign exchange. It goes to the credit of the Civilian Technical supervisors and their staffs  of the Dockyard that they are able to meet these commitments quite successfully. The very fact that even quite old ships of the fleet are still being maintained and kept in sea-worthy condition, bears ample testimony to the technical skill of the Naval Dockyard staff. It is worthwhile to remember that refit cost of the ships at all the Naval Dockyards and NSRYs, is perhaps the lowest in the world, the repairs being carried out at in specified standard. One of the main contributing factors for the low refit cost being low wages for the employees. 
The persisting tendency to categories Naval Dockyards and NSRYs as purely repair organizations is not warranted by the present functional activities, with particular aspect to the indigenous manufacture of spares. Moreover most modern and methodical Production, Planning and control wings have been set up in the Dockyards and NSRYs. The Boiler Erection Projects and Armament repair facilities are yet another Production wings. It is not illogical to argue that every major refit of a warship, which calls forth most up-to-date know-how and skill in all branches of engineering and which entails a multitude of co-ordinate activities of a most complex nature is nothing short of ‘Production’. In fact the mass production of an item or equipment for which a design has been perfected is a less difficult task  as compared to the major refit of a warship. 
At this stage it would be of interesting to compare the work structure of one more establishment under the Ministry of Defense, the Mazagon Dock Limited, where constructions of warship and submarines are being undertaken. Above 60% of the capacity of that yard is being utilized for the ship and submarine construction job and the remaining 40% for repair activities. The bulk of the ships repaired at Mazagon Dock comprise of Cargo and Passenger vessels, the refit of which is much easier as compared to that of warships and submarines, as, for the new constructions, the standards and specifications are from Admiralty and the project is executed under foreign collaboration and technical know-how. There is a Warship Overseeing Team and a Submarine Overseeing Team comprising of technical supervisors of the Indian Navy, which oversee the new constructions of warships and submarines in Mazagon Dock Limited. It cannot be logically summarized that the overseeing teams could be men of less technical caliber than the naval architects or constructors themselves. In fact the overseers should be men of superior abilities. And yet ironically the Civilian Technical Supervisory Staff are much less paid compared to their counterparts in the Mazagon Dock, though they were placed in cadre I by the 3rd Pay Commission. The overall emoluments of Mazagon Dock employees are quite high as compared to the Dockyard employees. Of late, the Technical Assistants, Asst Foreman and Foreman in the Mazagon Dockyard have been re-categorized as junior Engineers, Senior Engineers, and Deputy Superintendents etc with attractive pay scales. These junior or Senior Engineers are not exclusively meant for ship construction jobs but are also employed on ship repair jobs, and it will be appreciated that these repair jobs are less complicated in nature than those being undertaken at the Naval Dockyards and NSRYs. 
The technical Supervisors have to work under most hazardous and difficult conditions on board ships undergoing refit where conditions are most unfavorable to work under, such as bottom tanks, engine and boiler rooms where working temperatures are abnormally high, men have to climb up the high masts or climb down the funnels, or crawl through bilges or move slippery docks. They always carry a risk of their lives and fatal accidents are also not un-common. There have been accidental bursting off steam pipes entailing loss of lives. Testing of refrigerant system with carbon-dioxide is yet another example. There is considerable difficulty in transporting materials and heavy equipments, engines and assemblies to and from a ship undergoing refit, these difficulties being accentuated when the ship is off in the stream and mechanical contrivances cannot be employed in many cases. The technical supervisors and supervised workers of the Navy have to carry out their tasks with a high degree of accuracy under such trying circumstances, in order to ensure, the ships are kept up in their fighting trim. This is why; the 3rd Pay Commission had placed the Navy’s technical supervisors in Cadre I. 
In spite of this categorization and their overall contribution to the up-keep the fleet in operational condition, the Civilian Technical supervisory Staff of the Navy has remained as a neglected category. Their pay scales have been prescribed without taking into consideration the functional aspects of the yard and the duties to be performed by each oracle and category of people. The 5th and 6th Pay commissions have not studied the conditions of the Technical supervisory Staff at length and have guided in their decisions by general considerations as applicable to Defense factories. 


Technical Supervisors of Indian Navy are the backbone of the Naval Dockyards, NSRYs & NADs and are being denied of their justifiable pay scales. Higher duties, responsibilities and their accountability are directly linked to the high standard repair and maintenance of all sophisticated systems of naval ships and submarines and not considered while deciding their pay scales. Common bunching of pay scales equated their pay scales with the categories working under them disturbing the vertical relativity. Pay scales of categories, which were in the lower pay scales, were given up-gradation and even placed same pay scales of Technical Supervisors disturbing the horizontal parity. The category that was given exclusive lower pay scale among all Group-B employees was given humiliatingly lower pay scales than the categories which do not shoulder as much responsibilities like them.
The technical supervisory staff of Indian Navy had gone through the various recommendations of 4th, 5th, and 6th CPCs. The structure of the cadre over the past three decades is illustrated in the tables below:
Structure after 4th CPC vide SRO 291, dtd. 20th Oct 1983
Sr. Foreman 2375 โ€“ 3750
Foreman 1600 โ€“ 2660
Sr. Chargeman 1400 โ€“ 2300
Structure after 5th CPC vide SRO 08, dtd. 6Th Feb 2007
Foreman 7450 โ€“ 225 – 11500
Assistant Foreman 6500 โ€“ 200 โ€“ 10500
Chargeman I 5500 โ€“ 175 โ€“ 9000
Chargeman II 5000 โ€“ 150 โ€“ 8000
Structure after 6th CPC vide draft SRO after implementation of 6th CPC
Foreman (Merger of Foreman and Asst. Foreman ) GP โ€“ Rs. 4600
Chargeman (Merger of Chargeman-I and Chargeman-II ) GP โ€“ Rs. 4200 


The history of technical supervisors with respect to designations/grades and pay scales are as follows:
Prior to 01 Jan 1971, the technical supervisory staffs were grouped and designated as below-
Grades & Pay Scales of Technical Supervisors prior 1971
Srl. Designation / Grade Basic pay scale (Rs)
1 Foreman 450-575
2 Inspector 335-485
3 Leading man 205-280
Devnath committee was appointed by the Ministry of Defense to recommend a suitable cadre revision for civilians employees. The committee recommended the following changes in designations and corresponding pay scales of the technical supervisory staff w.e.f. 01 Jan 1971. 
Grades & Pay Scales of Technical Supervisors w.e.f. 1971
Srl. Designation / Grade Basic pay scale (Rs)
1 Senior Foreman 450-650
2 Foreman 370-500
3 Senior Chargeman 250-380
The Devnath committee had recommended revision of pay scales and designation of technical supervisory staff; but the implementation of Devnath committee was limited to the Leadingman, revision of pay scales to Rs 250-380 and designation of senior Chargeman. The Inspector and Foreman designation was revised to Foreman and the Senior Foreman with not given any revision of pay scales.
The 3rd CPC w.e.f. 1986, recommended following pay scales for technical supervisory staff:
Grades & Pay Scales of Technical Supervisors post 3rd CPC
Srl Designation / Grade Basic pay scale (Rs)
1 Senior Foreman 840-1040
2 Foreman 550-750
3 Senior Chargeman 425-700
Further, the successive Pay Commissions, from the year 1986 to 2006 have downgraded the pay scales and designation of Technical Supervisory staff, when compared with similar posts in other government departments, is evident from the table below.

COMPARISON  VIS-a-vis  similar  pay scale  posts  in  other  Government Departments

As shown in the tables, appended below the pay scales of technical supervisors were progressively degraded, since the 3rd and 4th CPCs. As a case in point, erstwhile Senior Foreman of Naval Dockyards and NSRYs where drawing higher basic pay than the Class-I Officer’s (INAS cadre) during the 4th CPC, and was progressively diluted further in the 5th CPC up to an extent that the pay scales allotted to the Technical supervisory staff is much lower than other government posts of similar nature, such as Police inspectors, Primary Teachers who till the previous pay commissions were in the lower pay scales than the technical supervisors of Navy, etc are evident from the table below. This degradation of pay structure of technical supervisory staff is not understood by this Association.
Srl Post 3rd CPC

Pay Scales

in Rs.
4th CPC

Pay Scales

in Rs.
5th CPC

Pay Scales

in Rs.
Upgraded to

Scale by 6th CPC
6th CPC

Grade Pay

in Rs.
01 Police Inspector 425-700 2000-3200 6500-10500 7450-11500 4600
02 Excise Inspector 425-700 2000-3200 6500-10500 7450-11500 4600
03 Power Controller 425-700 2000-3200 6500-10500 7450-11500 4600
04 Staff Nurse 425-700 1400-2300 5000-8000 7450-11500 4600
05 Primary Teacher Gr-II 425-700 1400-2300 5500-9000 7450-11500 4600
06 Primary Teacher Gr-III 380-560 1200-2040 4500-7000 6500-10500 4600
07 Trained Gr Teacher Gr-III 425-700 1400-2300 5500-9000 7450-11500 4600
08 Head Master 425-700 2000-3200 6500-10500 7500-12000 4800
09 Nursing Sister 425-700 1600-2660 5500-9000 7500-12000 4800
10 Master Craftsman (MCM) working under Chargeman 425- 640 1400-2300 4500-7000 6500-10500 4200
11 Chargeman / Erstwhile CM-II, CM-I, Sr. Chargeman 425-700






6500-10500 4200
12 Asst. Foreman 550-750 —- 6500-10500 6500-10500 4600
13 Foreman (G) / Erstwhile Senior Foreman 840-1040 2375-3500 7450-11500 7450-11500 4600
14 Civilian Technical Assistant —- 2200-4000 7500-12500 7500-12500 4800
15 Class-I officer (INAS cadre) —- 2000-4000 8000-13500 8000-13500 5400 PB3
It would be pertinent to mention that whilst the pay scales of technical supervisors have been progressively diluted vis-a-vis other departments /posts with similar pay scales in previous pay commissions, moreover our duties and responsibilities have multiplied over a period of time, due to modernization of the systems and work load.
It is therefore requested for consideration of  up gradation of the existing Grade Pay of โ€œChargemanโ€ from Rs. 4200/- to Rs.4800/- and the Grade Pay of Foreman from Rs. 4600/- to Rs.5400/- and  accordingly the corresponding Basic Pays/ Grade Pays be granted to the said posts in the 7th CPC.


  • Reasonable ratio between maximum and minimum salary shall be 8: 1.
  • Proposed common and uniform multiple factor for revision of pay in respect of existing pay is 3.96 (as per % rise of NNP on constant prices).
  • Determination of minimum salary based on inflation (50% DA shall be treated as DP).
  • Rate of increment in each grade may please be granted @ 5% per annum.
  • Reduction of nos. of grade pays of Rs. 4800 & Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 need to merged and upgraded to GP Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 as doctrine of equal pay for equal work.


Pay Commission Pay Scales Brief on improvements given in violation of vertical relativity & Pay Commission recommendations
Fourth CPC Sr. Chargeman Rs.1400-2300

Master Craftsman, Rs. 1400-2300

HSK-I, Rs. 1320-1560
Identical Pay scales of Sr. Chargeman, and MCM resulted in hierarchal confusion and attracted many court cases.
Fifth CPC Chargeman-II Rs. 5000-8000

Only three grades

Master Craftsman, Rs.4500-7000

HSK Rs. Rs.4000-6000

Skilled , Rs.3050-4590
Concept of four grades (Skilled, HSK Gr-II, HSK Gr-I and MCM) restored with MCM placed in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 equal to the Chargeman-II who supervises MCM.
2005 The post of MCM has been made as regular by Govt. Of India and accordingly benefit of pay fixation has been permitted, and stated that the work of Master Craftsman in grade Rs.5000-8000 will be supervised by Chargeman-II scale Rs.5000-8000.
Sixth CPC Chargeman Grade Pay Rs.4200, PB-2, Only three grades Skilled (GP Rs.1900), Highly Skilled (GP Rs.2400) and MCM (GP Rs.2800) were recommended in PB-1, maintaining the hierarchal order and the principle of higher post given the higher Grade Pay Para 3.8.27 of SCPC report. Concept of four grades (Skilled , HSK Gr-II, HSK Gr-I and MCM) restored with Sr. Technician placed in the GP of Rs.4200.
  Sixth Pay Commission recommendation vide para 2.2.11 โ€œGrade pay being progressively higher for successive higher posts, the employees on promotion will get monetary benefit on promotion in the form of the increased grade pay apart from the benefit of one additional incrementโ€ got violated.
MACP  Scheme
  • The scheme shall be unique effect between Defence service and civilian personnel, since there was a disparity earlier, service personnel are getting MACP scheme after 8, 16, 24 years whereas civilian are  getting  after  10, 20 & 30 years.
  • Proposed for five MACPs (after 6, 12, 18, 24 & 30 years).
  • Grant of MACP scheme on Promotional hierarchy.
  • Shift-over from one pay band (PB-2 to PB-3) to the next one on effect of MACPs.
  • Uniform MACP scheme for all central government departments including defence services.


Existing hierarchy of posts Existing Grade Pay Proposed hierarchy of posts after proposed cadre restructuring Proposed revised Grade Pay after proposed cadre restructuring Provision of time bound promotion instead of MACPS which shall compensate the losses due to MACPS
Chargeman Rs.4200 (PB-2) Junior Engineer 4800, PB-2 Entry grade For entry level post of JE (GP-4600)
Foreman Rs.4600 (PB-2) Assistant Engineer 5400, PB-3 1st Functional / non functional promotion to GP-5400 (PB-3) after completion of 6 years in GP-4800
Proposed Merger of

Technical Assistant and

Junior Technical Officer
Rs.4800 (PB-2)


Rs.5400 (PB-3)
Executive Engineer 6600, PB-3 2nd Functional / non functional promotion to GP-6600 (PB-3) after completion of 4 years in GP-5400
Technical Officer Rs. 6600 (PB-3) Superintendent Engineer 7600, PB-3 3rd Functional / non functional promotion to GP-7600 (PB-3) after completion of 4 years in GP-6600
Senior Technical Officer Rs. 7600 (PB-3) Chief Engineer 8700, PB-4 4th Functional / non functional promotion to GP-8700 (PB-4) after completion of 4 years in GP-7600, PB-3
Chief Technical Officer Rs. 8700 (PB-3) Principal Engineer 8900, PB-4 5th Functional / non functional promotion to GP-8900 (PB-4) after completion of 4 years in GP-8700 (PB-4) 


  • Hours  of  work  for  Non-Industrial Cadre = 40 hours.
  • Grant of Restricted Holidays to Technical Supervisors of Indian Navy.
  • Five days week for industrial establishments of Navy.
  • Leave facilities โ€“ Maximum accumulation of leaves.
  • Medical Facilities โ€“ Introduction of Assured healthcare  services to the technical supervisors working in Naval Units at remote and underdeveloped areas like Karwar, Azhimala etc.
  • Group Insurance Scheme (GIS)
Amount of Group Insurance cover in respect of technical supervisors may please be enhanced at par with their counterpart Defence service personnel. Because in the last one year, the Navy suffered over 16 major accidents in which it lost 21 of its personnel. The biggest accident occurred on August 14 last year when the front line submarine INS Sindhurakshak sank in the Mumbai harbor after an explosion in which all the 18 officers and sailors on board the vessel were killed. It is pertinent to mention here that there were a large number of Defence civilians involved in the repair, maintenance, gun and missile and system trial activities over INS Sindhurakshak and had the accident took place during the day time between working hours, there would have been many more losses of lives of our civilians. There is no insurance coverage / life coverage for civilian employees at par with Defence service personnel when the amount of risk factor is equally involved.


Special Working Allowance for working in Submarine

The working conditions inside the submarine are very risky and hazardous to the health and human life. Continuous work inside the submarines is deteriorating the health of the workmen employed there. Considering these factors the Service Personnel of Navy are granted Submarine Allowance to the qualified submariners. The V CPC recommended Submarine Allowance to the personnel other than the qualified submariners who en-block on a submarine for trials, training or passage (para 150.16 of V CPC recommendations).
The civilian employees of Navy who are engaged in repairing and attending the sea trials are also equally subjected to the hazard and discomfort and health concerns at par with the service personnel. The risk is inherent and continuous in occupation itself with its adverse ill effects on health. During the repair, working in confined spaces with dust, rust, heat smoke and humidity without ventilation is very risky and dangerous to health in nature. These persons are neither paid Risk nor Hazard Allowance. Though the service rules are not similar to the service and civilian personnel, the working conditions are similar and identical to all. We therefore demand that the Submarine Allowance be allowed for technical supervisors working in the submarines irrespective of service or civilian.
In the last one year, the Navy suffered over 16 major accidents in which it lost 21 of its personnel. The biggest accident occurred on August 14 last year when the front line submarine INS Sindhurakshak sank in the Mumbai harbor after an explosion in which all the 18 officers and sailors on board the vessel were killed. It is pertinent to mention here that there were a large number of Defence civilians involved in the repair, maintenance, gun and missile and system trial activities over INS Sindhurakshak and had the accident took place during the day time between working hours, there would have been many more losses of lives of our civilians. There is no substantial insurance / life coverage for civilian employees at par with Defense service personnel when the amount of risk factor is equally evolved.


Technical supervisors work with their counterpart Defence / Naval Officers in all the installations / establishments of Indian Navy, performing absolutely similar nature of jobs and responsibilities with same amount of risk involved. It is easily appreciated and understood by the laymen, outside the Defence Services that it is logical for a Defence personnel to get some special allowances like ‘military service pay’ while performing his duties on borders or in similar war like situations. But it is very difficult for him to understand as to why the officers who perform the managerial/overseeing duties in various defence workshops and onboard ships during refits in Naval Dockyards and NSRYs along with our technical supervisors are also entitled the same amount of allowances as allowed to the defence personnel deputed at borders. Being working as defence civilians we can realize the service conditions of these officers, who are working in Naval Dockyards, NSRYs etc. along with our technical supervisors in almost similar capacities are not less than those who are deployed in Border or war like situations. They also perform duties under same amount of pressure and risk involved with them so as we, the technical supervisors. Understanding the sentiments of the laymen out side, the earlier pay commissions never granted any such allowances to the Defence civilians though they very much knew the facts after repeated visiting such defence installations / establishments before recommending the pay commission. As per the provisions of the Constitution of India, under article 14 (Right to equality) the same amounts of allowances are to be granted to the defence civilians in the form of โ€œDefence Civilian Service Payโ€

Technical Pay at par with Naval Serviceman:

The Indian Navy today comprises about one lakh uniformed and civilian personnel of which the uniformed / civilian manpower is about 69,000. Civilian personnel form the backbone of our maintenance force and have longstanding expertise. We are very proud of the discipline, hardiness, resilience, innovativeness, and leadership-qualities of our human-resource and are confident that this provides us with a definitive edge over many regional and extra-regional navies.
The Navy is a true reflection of the technological progress of our country. The degree of skill required for running sophisticated ships, submarines and aircraft of the Indian Navy is no mean feat. The fact that our Navy is recognised globally as the principal regional maritime force in the Indian Ocean is indicative of the high quality of the men running it and the training they receive.  
Today about 181 Naval ships and 15 Powered attack Submarines including nuclear submarine held with Navy, which are thoroughly repaired, maintained and kept operational by the dedicated Naval Civilians-technical expertise. The technical competency and skill of the technical supervisors coped up with technological changes taken place time to time. 
All  Naval ammunitions and weapons are maintained by the reliable technocrats / technical supervisors of NADs. 
Despite of this, during 6th CPC it was unfair that servicemen only been allotted with the technical pay, which was a clear cut discrimination and which is required to be viewed seriously .

Anomaly 6th CPC

On implementation of sixth CPC recommendation the date of annual increment of Central Government employees has been rationalized and introduced a common date of first July of every year. As per the criteria adopted by the Government for grant of annual increment, it is specified that, a government servant having continuous six months qualifying service in a year is entitled for annual increment on first July of that year. In accordance with the above principle, a government servant entered in service on first January of a particular year is eligible for first increment on completion of 6 months service on first July of the initial year. On the contrary, when an employee is retiring on first July of a particular year, that employee is not being considered for grant of annual increment on that year even after rendering one year continuous service from July of previous year to 30 Jun of retiring year. Since the principle adopted for grant of annual increment is completion of six months qualifying service in the entire year, it is a clear anomaly that the advantage of last annual increment is not being granted to such government servants even after they are rendering more than six months to one year qualifying service. Therefore, it is appropriate to examine the matter and to incorporate necessary recommendation in the 7th CPC report for rectifying the anomaly
The following are proposed for consideration of 7th CPC:-
  • The pension of Govt employees retiring on 01 Jul be calculated adding one annual increment of the retiring year. 
  • Since grant of annual increment has been rationalized irrespective of the date of entry into service, the date of superannuation also be rationalized, irrespective of the date of birth, to a common month i.e, 01 April after attaining the date of superannuation. 
  • An increment be granted to the retiring personnel completed minimum of 06 months eligibility service from the date of last increment earned 

Parity Between Past And Future Pensioners 

Srl. Existing Structure Proposed Structure
  Grade Grade Pay Grade Grade Pay
1 Chargeman 4200, PB – 2 Junior Engineer 4800, PB – 2
2 Foreman 4600, PB – 2 Assistant Engineer 5400, PB – 2
As stated earlier the technical supervisory staffs are highly competent, for the quality refit of Ships and Submarines due to their vast experience, are competent beyond doubt to maintain the high and prรฉcised standards for the combat preparedness and sea worthiness of Ships and Submarines, and as the technical supervisory staff are working successfully on the most modern technology, qualifies in all means to be termed as โ€œEngineersโ€.
It’s a long pending demand from AINTSSA to re-designate the Chargeman to a respectable, dignified and contemporary designation of Junior Engineer, which may according to his technical competence are at par with the Chargeman of DGQA or other Government organizations, where the Chargeman is already been re-designated as Junior Engineer having similar duties, responsibilities and entry level qualifications when compared with. The designation of Chargeman is grossly out of sync with the duties / responsibilities and overshadows his engineering / technical background of our Technical Supervisor.

The last few decades have seen the induction of modern combat ships and submarines with hi-tech weapons in the Indian Navy fitted with state of art systems and equipments. Further, there is a need to cater for imminent inductions of various electronic / mechanical systems; gas turbines are of highly sophisticated technology. The type and scope of work due to introduction of above modernization and technologies has resulted in the requirement of domain specialization of associated Technical Supervisors, as in the all previous SROs / RRs (1972 to till date) for technical supervisory staff of Naval Dockyards and NSRYs, the entry level qualification is mentioned to be a Diploma in Engineering, and the same is not upgraded since last 40 years. 

Entry level qualification as per the SROs / Recruitment Rules of Technical Supervisory staff of Naval Dockyards and NSRYs is given below:-

1 SRO 303, dtd. 11th Nov 1972 Sr. Chargeman A Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical/ Tele-com / Structural Engineering / Naval Architecture and Ship Construction with not less than 1 years experience in the appropriate field.
2 SRO 291, dtd. 20th Oct 1983 Sr. Chargeman A Diploma in Engineering in the appropriate discipline with not less than 1 years experience in the appropriate field.
3 SRO 08, dtd. 6th Feb 2007 Chargeman-II A Degree in Science with Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics from recognized University;

A Diploma in Engineering in the appropriate discipline with not less than 1 years experience in the appropriate field.
4 Draft SRO after 6th CPC implementation, which is still pending with IHQ(N) of MoD Chargeman A Diploma in Engineering in the appropriate discipline from recognized University or Board.
It is evident from above table, that the entry level qualification was ‘Diploma in Engineering in the appropriate discipline’, which remained unchanged from last 42 years.
 The Cadre revision for the technical supervisory staff was promulgated in the year 1971 and after nearly 42 years there is an opportunity and utmost requirement to revise the existing cadre to enhance the future technological requirement of the Navy. Definitely this cadre revision will update the technical supervisory cadre to sustain with the changing technology till the next cadre review.
 The entry level qualification for more than 40 years was as per, than the technical requirement of the systems. As now the systems are most sophisticated, hi-tech and as the technological scenario is changing globally day by day, it is very much essential that the technical supervisors are to get acquainted with these systems. To meet the requirement of high standard of professionalism and technical know-how, it is very much required that the entry level qualification to the post of Chargeman (Junior Engineer) to be upgraded to Degree in Engineering (B.E / B. Tech) to cope up with the present and future technology. 
This demand of change in entry level qualification will definitely benefit the functioning of the organization will maintain core competency and upgrade the technical ability of the Indian Navy. This demand of Association is purely in good faith of the Nation and should be welcomed
[Received by Email]

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