Consideration of other eligible dependent family member of deceased/missing GDS for compassionate engagement when case of the one dependent is rejected on compassionate ground
No 17-1/2017-GDS (Vol-II)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated: 30.5.2023
Chief Postmaster General
Punjab Circle Sandesh Bhawan,
sector โ 17/E, Chandigarh โ 160017.
Sub: Consideration of other eligible dependent family member of deceased/missing GDS for compassionate engagement when case of the one dependent is rejected on compassionate ground.
Kindly refer to your office letter no. Rectt/4-6/GDS/2021 dated 19.4.2023 on the above cited subject.
2. In this context, attention is drawn to the para 3 of the letter No 17-01/2017-GDS dated 30.05.2017 (Scheme of Compassionate Engagement for GDS) as well as this office letter of even number dated 11.08.2020, whereby it was clarified that HOC is the competent authority in the matter of grant of compassionate engagement to the GDS.
3. Attention is further drawn to para 15 of the said Scheme dated 30.05.2017 which, inter-alia, provides that when a person has been engaged on compassionate grounds to a particular GDS post, the circumstances, which led to such engagement, should deem to have ceased to exist. In the instant case, the engagement of the first applicant has not taken place. As such, compassionate engagement to the other eligible dependent members may be considered subject to the fulfillment of eligibility criteria for the post. However, while considering the case, the compliance of provisions regarding belated request, age of the applicant etc. may be taken into consideration by the CCE/HOC.
4. Therefore, I am directed to request you to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Signed by Ravi Pahwa
Date: 30-05-2023 16:37:13
Reason: Approved
(Ravi Pahwa)
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
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All Chief Postmasters General (Except Punjab Circle) for information on the above cited subject.
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