Entry Pay on Promotion – Clarification on fixation of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent vis-a-vis Nursing Superintendent in terms of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008: Railway Board


Entry Pay on Promotion – Clarification on fixation of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent vis-a-vis Nursing Superintendent in terms of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008: Railway Board

Entry Pay on Promotion – Clarification on fixation of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent vis-a-vis Nursing Superintendent in terms of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008: Railway Board Order dated 05.10.2023


This is a circular issued by the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, regarding the fixation of pay for Sr. Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Nursing Sister) in comparison to Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Staff Nurse) under the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. Here’s a summary of the key points in the circular:

  1. The circular addresses the fixation of pay for Sr. Nursing Superintendent (formerly Nursing Sister) and Nursing Superintendent (formerly Staff Nurse) under the 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) pay structure.
  2. For Nursing Superintendent (formerly Staff Nurse) directly recruited on or after January 1, 2006, their basic pay was determined according to Rule 8 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008, which granted them DR (Direct Recruitment) entry pay as specified in Section II of Part A of the First Schedule of RS(RP) Rules, 2008.
  3. In 2018, instructions were issued that allowed Staff Nurses appointed to railway services prior to January 1, 2006, to also be eligible for the DR entry pay.
  4. Sr. Nursing Superintendent (formerly Nursing Sister), who were in service as of January 1, 2006, had their initial basic pay in the 6th CPC determined based on Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008.
  5. However, due to this pay fixation methodology, there were cases where the pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent was lower than the minimum basic pay recommended for their junior post of a directly recruited Nursing Superintendent (formerly Staff Nurse).
  6. The circular clarifies that the Ministry of Finance has stated that the pay fixation of Sr. Nursing Superintendents in the 6th CPC pay structure must be strictly done in accordance with Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008.
  7. The Ministry of Finance did not agree with the proposal to allow stepping up of pay for Sr. Nursing Superintendent to match that of directly recruited Nursing Superintendent, as no anomaly exists in this scenario according to the Ministry of Finance. This is because the two positions (Sr. Nursing Superintendent and Nursing Superintendent) had different pay scales before and after January 1, 2006.
  8. The circular advises all Zonal Railways/Production Units to process such pay fixation cases in line with the clarification provided in the circular.





New Delhi, dated: 05 .10.2023

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs,
(as per the mailing list)

Sub: Fixation of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Nursing Sister) vis-a-vis Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Staff Nurse) in terms of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 – Clarification reg.

Under the regime of 6th CPC pay structure, the basic pay of Nursing Superintendent {erstwhile Staff Nurse (in GP 4600)} directly recruited on or after 01/01/2006 was fixed in terms of provisions contained in Rule 8 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008 granting the DR entry pay as prescribed in Section II of Part A of the First Schedule of RS(RP) Rules, 2008. Subsequently, in terms of instructions issued vide Board’s letter dated 12.10.2018 (RBE No.158/2018), those Staff Nurse who were appointed to railway services prior to 01/01/2006 had also become eligible for the above mentioned DR entry pay.

View:ย Clarification Regarding Irregular Fixation Of Pay Of Running Staff On Promotion : 6th CPC Pay Structure

2. As regards to the Sr. Nursing Superintendent {erstwhile Nursing Sister (in GP Rs.4800)} who were already in service as on 01/01/2006, their initial basic pay in 6th CPC was to be fixed in terms of provisions contained in Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008. Adopting this methodology for calculating the revised pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Nursing Sister); certain anomalous situation had cropped up where the pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent so arrived turned out to be lesser than the minimum basic pay as recommended for their junior/ feeder post of a directly recruited Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Staff Nurse).

3. A number of references had been received in this Ministry from various quarters seeking clarification regarding pay fixation methodology in the aforesaid anomalous situation wherein the junior post of Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile designated as Staff Nurse) is drawing more pay than the senior post of Sr. Nursing Superintendent (erstwhile Nursing Sister).

4. The matter has been examined in consultation with the nodal Ministry on pay related matters i.e. Ministry of Finance, who has clarified that fixation of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendents in 6th CPC pay structure is to be done strictly in terms of provisions contained in Rule 7 of RS(RP) Rules, 2008.

5. Further, Ministry of Finance has also not agreed to this Ministry’s proposal to atleast allow stepping up of pay of Sr. Nursing Superintendent at par with that of directly recruited Nursing Superintendent Stating that anomaly in context of stepping up of pay arises when a junior and a senior employee hold the same post in same pay scale and the junior starts to draw higher pay then the senior. However, in the instant case, Sr. Nursing Superintendent and Nursing Superintendent were drawing Pay in different posts and different pay scales before and after 1.1.2006, thus, no anomaly exists in such a scenario.

6. Accordingly, all Zonal Railways/PUs are hereby advised to process such cases duly taking into consideration the above clarification.

Signed by
Sundeep Pal
Date: 05-10-2023 17:33:56
(Sundeep Pal)
Executive Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
Tel. No. 011-47845117
Email add: sundeep.p[at]gov.in
4th floor, Room No. 7

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