E-Payment system – Clarification on payment of ancillary charges for freight customers: Railway Board


E-Payment system – Clarification on payment of ancillary charges for freight customers: Railway Board

E-Payment system – Clarification on payment of ancillary charges for freight customers: Railway Board Order dated 20.12.2023

Government of India (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
(Railway Board) (रेलवे बोर्ड)

No. TC-I/2023/104/efile/2 (3190827)

New Delhi. dt.20.12.2023

Pr. Chief Commercial Manager

Sub: E-payment system.

Ref:(i) Addendum to Rates Master Circular/E-payment/2019/0
(ii) ECR’s letter No. ECR/CRM/FMS/02/E-payment/Policy dt.13.12.2023

Please refer to ECR’s letter under reference(ii) wherein railway has sought clarification regarding payment of ancillary charges along with freight charges through e-payment system.

As per Board’s circular under reference (i), Zonal Railways may permit customers to make payment of Ancillary charges(e.g Siding charge, Shunting charge, Demurrage, Wharfage, Re-booking charge, Diversion fee, freight under charges etc) through E-payment system. In case existing e-payment customer wishes to avail this facility, they may be allowed to do so by entering into supplementary agreement with concerned Zonal Railway.

The matter has been examined and it is to state that as per the extant guidelines, there is no such mention regarding boundation of freight customer for payment of Ancillary Charges through e-payment system.

Accordingly, ECR is requested to take action as per the guidelines.

(अन्‍शू पाण्‍डेय)
निदेशक यातायात वाणिज्‍य (दर)
रेलवे बोर्ड

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