Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways through CBT in all departments having Organised Services — Special drive to fill the vacancies: Railway Board Order dated 14.12.2023
No. E(GP)2022/2/4
New Delhi, dt: 14/12/2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(Kind Attn.:PCPO/PFA/Dy.CPO(G)/Dy.CAO(G))
Sub.: Promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways through Centralized Computer Based Objective type examination (CBT) in all departments having Organised Services — Special drive to fill the vacancies
Ref.: Board’s letter no.E(GP)2005/2/61 dt.22.7.2020 and 20.06.2022.
Board has decided that a special Group ‘B’ Selection drive shall be carried out to fill up the gazetted vacancies prevailing on the Railways. Accordingly, it has been decided to fill up these vacancies by holding another round of 70% Selection and 30% LDCE through centralized CBT for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts by NAIR.
2. In this regard the break up of vacancies to be reckoned for being filled up through this special drive is given as under:
i) All unfilled vacancies of 70% Selection conducted in the current vacancy cycle of 1.1.2023-31.12.2024 to be kept separately.
ii) upto 50% of the STS & upto 100% of the JTS/Gr.A vacancies as on 1.10.2023 may also be downgraded and filled up through this special Gr.B selection. These vacancies may be distributed between both 70% Selection and subsequent 30% LDCE.
iii) The extra round of Special examination shall be governed by the extant instructions governing promotion to Group ‘B’ posts. However, there shall be no Supplementary examination for this special 70% Selection.
iv) the cut-off date for assessment of eligibility of candidates of this extra round of examination shall be retained as 01.01.2023.
v) The seniority of empanelled Gr.B officers may be fixed as:
a) Those already empanelled through 70% Selection & by 30% LDCE of vacancy cycle 2023-2024 (including extended panels (EP),
b) followed by those empanelled through this extra round of 70% Selection and thereafter 30% LDCE.
3. Further, to ensure smooth conduct of the examinations, a Model Calendar has been prepared and Is enclosed as Annexure-l. It IS requested that the time frame given in the said Calendar may please be adhered to ensure timely conduct of the special examination.
DA:As above
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director, Estt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
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