Promotion Scheme for Staff Car Drivers – Deptt. of Posts instructions to follow the DoPT’s Order

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Promotion Scheme for Staff Car Drivers – Deptt. of Posts instructions to follow the DoPT’s Order

Promotion Scheme for Staff Car Drivers – Deptt of Posts instructions to follow the DoPT’s Order

F. No. 25-15/2019-PE-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)

New Delhi – 110001
Dated 01 .11.2019



Subject:  Promotion Scheme for Staff Car Drivers

The undersigned is directed to invite the kind attention of all ·Heads of Circles to the Department of Personnel & Training’s (DoP&T’s) OM No. 43019/54/96-Estt(D) dated 15.02.2001 (copy enclosed) on the subject cited above and to say that in pursuant to the ibid OM of DoP&T, apart from the existing posts of Staff Car Drivers i.e. Ordinary Grade, Grade·II and Grade-I, a new Grade for Staff Car Drivers to be called “Special Grade” shall be deemed to have been created in the scale of pay as mentioned in DoP&T’s OM dated 15.02.2001 with effect from 8.11.1996.

2. The posts of Staff Car Drivers sanctioned to each Circle should be apportioned. among the four grades, viz Ordinary Grade, Grade-II, Grade-I and. Special Grade in terms of the ratio i.e. 30:30:35:5 respectively as mentioned in the DoP&T’s ibid OM and promotion should be made to different grades accordingly with effect from 8.11.1996.

3. All Heads of Circles are requested to follow the DoP&T’s instructions contained in the aforementioned OM dated 15.02.2001 in Toto and bring the decision to the notice of all concerned for necessary action.

Dr. Vincent Barla
Director (Establishment)


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi – 110001
February 15, 2001


Subject:-Promotion Scheme for Staff Car Drivers

The undersigned is directed to say that the Principal Bench of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), New Delhi in their judgement dated 5.5.2000 in the case of Central Government Staff Car Drivers’ Association and Bikram Singh Vs. Union of India in O.A.No.2529/96 has directed as under:-

“…… grant the applicants the pay scale of Rs. 1400-23001- for the Master Craftsman/Head Staff Car Driver, presently existing in the Railways, from the date of filling of the QA and to grant arrears and to allow consequential benefits.”

2. Accordingly, the matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministries of Law, Finance and Railways and it has been decided to implement, with effect from 8.11.1996 (which is the date of filing of the O.A.No.2529/96), the above mentioned direction of CAT as in the ·succeeding paragraphs, in modification of the existing orders (copies enclosed) on the subject:-

(i) DoP&T O.M.No.22036/1/92-Estt(D) dated 30.11.1993;
(ii) DoP&T O.M.No.22036/1/92-Estt(D) dated 27.7.1995; and
(iii) DoP&T O.M.No.35034/3/97-Estt(D) dated 1.6.1998 .

3. A new.Grade for Staff Car Drivers to be called “Special Grade” shall be introduced in the scale of pay of Rs.5000-8000/- with effect from 8.11.1996.

4. Promotion to the Special Grade shall be by non-selection (seniority-cum-fitness ) from Grade I with 3 years’ regular service in Grade-I of Staff Car Drivers. The revised ratio in which the posts of Staff Car Drivers shall be placed in different grades of Staff Car Drivers shall be as follows :-

S.No. Grade Pay scales Percentage
1 Ordinary Grade Rs.3050-4590 30
2. Grade-II Rs.4000-6000 30
3. Grade-I Rs.4500-7000 35
4. Special Grade Rs.5000-8000 5

5. These orders shall take effect from 8.11.1996. Hence, the posts of Staff Car Drivers as on 8.11.1996 should be apportioned among the four grades in terms of the ratio mentioned above and promotions should be made to different grades accordingly with effect from 8.11.1996 to the extent of short fall in the relevant grade(s). Arrears of pay and allowances should also be allowed with effect from 8.11.1996 as directed by the CAT.

6. If as on the date of issue of this Office Memorandum there is excess regular promotion already · made in any grade as compared to the revised ratio mentioned above, such promotion shail be allowed to the excess incumbents on personal basis from the date of their initial promotion to that grade till they are covered within the revised ratio prescribed above but the period of such promotion on personal basis shall not count towards the eligibility service for further promotion.

7. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above decisions to the notice of all concerned for immediate action including necessary amendments in the Recruitment Rules.

( K.K. JHA )
DIRECTOR (Establishment )