BSNL VRS 2019 – Instructions to help the willing Group C and D employees to give option for VRS in ESS

HomeBSNL VRS 2019

BSNL VRS 2019 – Instructions to help the willing Group C and D employees to give option for VRS in ESS

BSNL VRS 2019 – Instructions to help the willing Group C and D employees to give option for VRS in ESS




D.O.  No.1-15/2019-PAT (BSNL)

Dated 8.11.2019

Dear All,    ( Heads of all Telecom Circles)


In order to facilitate our Group C and D non-executives to opt for VRS, I request you to arrange for Help Desk at each SDCA level on Nov.9, 10 and 12, 2019 which are holidays and help the willing Group C and D employees to give option for VRS in ESS.

2. You can find out the list of Group C and D employees and their mobile numbers from ESS who are eligible for VRS and who have not yet opted. Kindly arrange to send SMS to them that Help Desk will be opened on these three holidays to facilitate them and also send separate SMS telling them that VRS option is open and they can opt if they are willing. This will spread awareness amongst them a these class of employees may not be very computer savvy.

With kind regards;


Yours sincerely,

(Arvind Vadnerkar)


Shri ________________________
( Heads of all Telecom Circles)
Chief General.Manager,

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