Tag: Recruitment rules

1 42 43 44 45 46 50 440 / 496 POSTS

Model Recruitment Rules for Accounts Cadre is not applicable for Accountant of GP 2800: DoPT Clarification

No. AB-14017/32/2012-Estt. (RR)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Train [...]

Guidelines for Direct Recruitment by DGQA, Ministry of Defence

A/92163/Rect/DGQA/Adm-7B 17 Oct 13 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (DGQA/ADM-7B) GUIDELINES FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT The detailed guidelines for the Dire [...]

Artisan Staff Restructuring: Framing of Recruitment Rules for the posts of Master Craftsman (MCM) and Chargeman both in the same GP of Rs.4200/-.

Ministry of Defence D(Civ-I) Subject: Restructuring of cadre of artisan staff in Defence Establishment in modification of recommendations of 6th CP [...]

Amendment in KVS (Appointment, Promotion, Seniority etc.) Rules, 1971-Recruitment Rules for PGT(Bio-Technology)

Amendment in KVS (Appointment, Promotion, Seniority etc.) Rules, 1971 reg Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ) 18, Institutional Area ,Saheed Jeet S [...]

Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts of Accounts Cadre-reg.

No. AB-14017/32/2012-Estt. (RR)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions  Department of Personnel & Train [...]

FinMin relaxes norms for top jobs in govt banks

Highlights Fin Min to interview EDs this week for CMD vacancies arising only after August 2014 CMDs of six public sector banks to retire in 2014-15 [...]

Recruitment to Group ‘C’ posts in Pay Band-I, with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- (pre-revised Group `D’ posts): DoPT’s Instructions

No.AB-14017/6/2009-Estt (RR)  Government of India  Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions  Department of Personnel [...]

Acceptance of certificates/qualifications awarded by Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna for the purpose of employment on the railways.


Model Recruitment Rules for the various posts in Official Language Cadre for Subordinate Offices

No. AB-14017/46/2011-Estt (RR) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training New Delhi Dated [...]
1 42 43 44 45 46 50 440 / 496 POSTS