Revival of the JCM functioning at Department Level: Confederation writes to DoPT


D/16/2012 Dated: 10th November, 2012.


The Secretary (Personnel)
Department of Personnel and Training,
Government of India
North Block,
New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Revival of the JCM functioning- Departmental level-Regarding :

We solicit your kind reference to the discussions at the National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17th July, 2012 when the leader and Secretary Staff Side  and other members of the Staff Side brought to your kind notice that the JCM at the Departmental Council level in most of the Ministries other than Railways and Defence have become defunct.  The Staff Side also informed you that the recognition of Service Association, despite the submission of the requisite applications and adherence to conditions stipulated under the
CCS(RSA) Rules, 1003 are denied by the heads of departments for no legitimate reasons.  The attitude of the Official Side in this regard has resulted in the virtual shutting out any discussion on issues of concern to employees in various Ministries.  You had been good enough to assure us that concrete steps would be taken to revive the functioning of JCM at all levels and in all Ministries.

We are to bring to you kind notice that the status quo as obtained at the time of the said National Anomaly Committee meeting is in existence even today without any improvement.  We shall be grateful if you could kindly direct the concerned to take steps so that the functioning of the councils could be revived without further loss of time.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.

Source:   www.confederationhq.blogspot.in

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  • Dear Sir

    I am a superannuated (on 31-07-2010) Scientist from the Department of Science & Technology having worked in International Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), located in Hyderabad. I attach here with a reply given to me by our administrative officer regarding the pay fixation after implimentation of 6 CPC. Kindly inform me whether I am entitled for a lower pay fixation as compared to my colleague who joined much latter in the organization (and having lower basic pay) just before his promotion to a cadre which is equivalent to my cadre, and on his promotion he can supercede my basic pay. Kindly inform your valued opinion with relevent orders. Kindly compare the pay of both of us as on 01-07-2008 and 01-07-2009. I am unable to paste the order paper here but can be provided when asked for.
    Thanking you