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More on Kendriya Vidyalaya New Uniform Pattern

As per an article published by The Hindu in Thiruvananthapuram City online edition on 25th June, 2012 the new pattern of uniform for Kendriya Vidyalayas in the country will be implemented in coming months.
Here are the full article:

Students in not all Kendriya Vidyalayas in the country will be wearing uniforms in the new colour pattern when schools reopen on Monday. Maybe in a few months’ time, all of them will flaunt colours of red and grey, along with their usual blue and white.
The students and the teachers are curious to know the latest decision on the proposed new uniforms. At the 92nd meeting of the Board of Governors of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan held earlier this year, a new pattern for uniforms was approved. According to the information posted on its website, the junior and senior boys and girls will sport uniforms in blue, grey, red and white colours with different patterns for each section. The uniforms are categorised into summer and winter wear with additional tie, sweater/jacket and cardigan for the winter season. The designs have been done by the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi.
There is no confusion as all the students were earlier informed that they could continue in their old uniforms until a final decision was made. However, the first standard students have been asked not to stitch in the old pattern. They will be allowed not to wear uniforms until we receive further instructions, Ranjani B. Nair, teacher at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pattom, said.
The students will be given a transition period of two years when they can alternate between the old and the new uniforms. “We have informed the students that the change here will take place within a few months,” Ms. Nair said.
Though many parents have welcomed the change, many raised doubts on the inclusion of sweaters and jackets in Kerala. The former Principal of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Akkulam, K. Jayamohan, said that in southern States such as Kerala, jackets and sweaters would not be made compulsory.

Source: The Hindu
[  http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Thiruvananthapuram/article3568644.ece]

As per New Indian Express.com

Over a million students studying in hundreds of Kendriya Vidyalayas across the country are all set to have colourful uniforms soon, with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) approving the newly designed uniform.

The Board of Governors of KVS, headed by Minister for Human Resources Development Kapil Sibal, that met last month has approved the new pattern of uniform for students of KVs. The new pattern includes two sets of uniform for boys, one for classes 1 to 5 and another for classes 6 to 12, three sets of uniform for girls, for classes 1 and 2, for classes 3 to 8 and for classes 9 to 12.

The boys from classes 1 to 5 will wear a blue, grey, white and red checked half-sleeve shirt with a mandarin collar and plain grey shorts. Those studying in classes 6 to 12 will have the same colour shirt with placket collar and plain grey trousers. Boys have the option of wearing a navy blue v-necked sweater with a red stripe in winter.

The girls from classes 1 and 2 will be wearing a blue, grey, white and red checked tunic with princess-peter pan collar. For classes 3 to 8 the attire will be blue, grey, white and red checked shirt and plain grey skirt.

Those studying in classes 9 to 12 will have the same coloured kurti with mandarin collar and plain grey trousers. Girls have the option of wearing a navy blue cardigan.

“The photo shoot of new uniforms will be held in a couple of days and once it is cleared, the photos will be uploaded to the Kendriya Vidyalaya website,” NR Murali, Deputy Commissioner of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Chennai Region told Express on Tuesday.

The new pattern includes housewise blue, green, red and sun yellow T-shirts with white collar and navy blue track pants with white lining for both boys and girls during physical and health education classes.

Over 10 lakh students study in nearly 1,100 Kendriya Vidyalayas across the country. This includes more than 80,000 students studying in 69 KVs in Chennai region which includes Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep.

These students will be saying goodbye to their old navy blue and white uniform, which has remained unchanged for about 47 years.

The new uniform is designed by the National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi.

The old uniform will be eased out over the next two years.



  • downer 13 years ago

    For all KVS Students in Delhi, the new dresses are available in Pitampura, Delhi at NP-2, Maurya Enclave, Pitam Pura(Opposite MP Mall) or call at 011-27322702 ; 011-47519702 ; 9311111688, in here at the most reasonable prices!!

  • Anonymous 13 years ago


    it seems like uniform of ward boys.

    old was best plz dont change it if its imp. to change plz get some cool design wich suits the new generation..

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    the new uniform is not at all good.

    it is nearly same uniform as the pantry people of our indian railways.

    old uniform kept us seperate from others

  • sachin soman 13 years ago

    the dress is not at all good.

    it is nearly same as wat the pantry car people of our indian railways wear.

    please change the color.

    the old one was best.

    and it kept us apart from others

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    very goooooooooooooooooood dress

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    niceeeeeee dress and i like this

  • Anonymous 13 years ago

    kvs new uniform