
Increasing intake through Civil Services Examinations & Detail of Sanctioned Strength of IAS

ANSWERED ON 12.02.2014


Will the Minister of PERSONNEL,PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS be pleased to state:-
(a) whether the Government is considering various options including increase in intake of officers selected through civil services examinations and has expedited efforts to fill up these posts;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the present status for each State and the basis adopted for selection of posts in each State; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government on the pending requests from each State in this regard?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Ministerโ€™s Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)
(a) The intake of officers to various Civil Services selected through civil services examination (CSE) depends on the number of vacancies intimated by the concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities (CCAs) to the UPSC in respect of services under their domain. In CSE year 2008 number of vacancies for IAS, IPS and other Central Group A & B services was 881 and in the CSE 2012 the same has gone upto 1091. The data regarding increase in intake through other options and through Civil Services Examination in respect of services other than IAS as well as details of efforts to fill-up the same is centrally not maintained.
So far as Indian Administrative Services (IAS) is concerned, the intake of Regular Recruit (RR) IAS officers has increased from 131 in CSE year 2009 to 180 in CSE 2013.
(b) The detail of sanctioned strength of IAS and number of officers occupying post against these ( both in RR Quota and Promotion Quota) as on 1.1.2013 is at Annexure-1.
Total vacancies in IAS/IPS are further distributed amongst the States/ UT/Cadres taking into account existing cadre deficit in Regular Recruitment (RR) quota and number of districts in that State as on specific date.
For other Central services (Group A & B) participating in Civil Services Examination, state-wise distribution is not required to be done.
(c) Steps have been taken to finalize cadre review proposals received from the State Governments promptly so as to fill-up consequent vacancies expeditiously both in RR Quota and Promotion Quota of IAS and IPS.



S.No Cadre Authorized Cadre Strength No. of Officers in Position
Senior Duty Posts Under State Govt. (SDP) Posts Under Central Govt. (CDR) [Not exceeding 40% of SDP] State Deputation Reserve (SDR) [not exceeding 25% of SDP] Junior Posts Reserve & Leave Reserve (JP&LR) [not exceeding 16.5% of SDP] Training Reserve (TR) [not exceeding 3.5% of SDP] Direct Recruitment Posts (DR) [(SDP+ CDR+ SDR+ LR+ TR)-PQ] Promotion Posts (PQ) [33 1/3% of SDP+ CDR+ SDR+ TR] Total Authorised Strength (TAS) [DR+PQ]

[Col. (8)+(9)]
Direct Recruitment (includes EC/SSC/IC) Promoted Total


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
1 Andhra  Pradesh 204 81 51 33 7 262 114 376 197 101 298
2 AGMUT 183 73 45 30 6 235 102 337 179 80 259
3 Assam-Meghalaya 135 54 33 22 4 173 75 248 152 62 214
4 Bihar 177 70 44 29 6 227 99 326 183 53 236
5 Chhattisgarh 97 38 24 16 3 124 54 178 90 46 136
6 Gujarat 142 56 35 23 4 181 79 260 154 59 213
7 Haryana 112 44 28 18 3 143 62 205 129 37 166
8 Himachal  Pradesh 80 32 20 13 2 103 44 147 73 29 102
9 Jammu  &  Kashmir* 75 30 18 12 2 75 62 137 64 36 100
10 Jharkhand 114 45 28 18 3 145 63 208 99 25 124
11 Karnataka 163 65 40 26 5 208 91 299 167 72 239
12 Kerala 116 46 29 19 4 149 65 214 110 44 154
13 Madhya  Pradesh 227 90 56 37 7 291 126 417 222 90 312
14 Maharashtra 190 76 47 31 6 244 106 350 205 83 288
15 Manipur-Tripura 113 45 28 18 3 144 63 207 109 44 153
16 Nagaland 50 20 12 8 1 64 27 91 38 12 50
17 Orissa 123 49 30 20 4 158 68 226 136 50 186
18 Punjab 120 48 30 19 4 154 67 221 126 55 181
19 Rajasthan 161 64 40 26 5 206 90 296 171 50 221
20 Sikkim 27 10 6 4 1 34 14 48 28 8 36
21 Tamil  Nadu 193 77 48 31 6 247 108 355 197 91 288
22 Uttarakhand 66 26 16 10 2 84 36 120 67 17 84
23 Uttar  Pradesh 321 128 80 52 11 412 180 592 341 116 457
24 West  Bengal 195 78 48 32 6 250 109 359 161 79 240
TOTAL 3384 1345 836 547 105 4313 1904 6217 3398 1339 4737

#For Jammu & Kashmir, Promotion Quota is calculated not exceeding 50% of (SDR+CDR+SDP+TR)


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