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Slight change in 7th Pay Commission’s visit to Bengaluru between 24th and 26th August, 2014

Slight change in 7th Pay Commission’s visit to Bengaluru between 24th and 26th August, 2014

Change in Commission’s visit to Bengaluru

There is a slight change in 7th CPC’s visit to Bengaluru. The Commission now proposes to visit Bengaluru between 24th and 26th August, 2014 instead of the earlier announced date of 25th-27th August, 2014.
The commission has, in its first phase of interaction, been seeking the views of various stakeholders on its terms of reference. To this end, meetings have been held in Delhi with various organisations and heads of various agencies.
In its second phase of interaction, the Commission plans to hold meetings in different parts of the country to facilitate stakeholders staying in various areas to present their views personally before the Commission and ensure larger representation. This exercise is being undertaken to enable the Commission to get a firsthand impression about the functioning and the condition of service prevailing in different parts of the country.

Accordingly, the Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to visit Bengaluru between 24th August and 26th August 2014. The Commission would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of Reference of the Commission to present their views.
Your request for a meeting with the Commission may be sent through e-mail to the Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission at [email protected]. The memorandum already submitted by the requesting entity may also be sent as an attachment with this e-mail. An early response in this regard would facilitate proper scheduling of the meetings.

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  • dipti ganguly 10 years ago

    signature of very old pensioners in bank disagree and bank refuse to pay pension.,so in modern technology finger print to be verified, it is more authentic.pensioners presence in bank at the time of depositing life certificate should be waived

  • n krishnappa 11 years ago

    1) The pensioners are to allowed LTC once in Two Years. 2) Pension to be made free of income Tax. 3)HRA to be paid to the Pensioners also. 4) Pensioner and his/her family coverd under CGHS are to be given priority while consulting the Doctors at te CGHS wellness centres. At present only the pensioners above 80 Years are given priority; this facility to be exteneded to all the pensioners also. 5) Govermnet should construct hospitals at important centers like Bangalore,Mumbai, Kolkatta, Hyderabad,Chennai & Delhi exclusively for trating the Central Govt employees and its Pensioners. The present system of referring to State Govt hospitals or approved/empanelled private hospitals is not satisfactory as it does not reduce the waiting time.