
Parameter for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus and deciding of fitness in Compassionate Ground appointment in Railways

Parameter for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus and deciding of fitness in Compassionate Ground appointment in Railways: Railway Board Order



New Delhi, Dated: 08.01.2016

General Manager
All Indian Railways (Including PUs & RDSO)

Sub: Fitness of candidates including cases of compassionate ground appointments, PwD (non-gazetted) & land losers etc. found diabetic in first medical examination.


In the recent past, it was observed that in a number of cases, especially in cases of compassionate ground appointment, Honโ€™ble Courts have ordered that the candidates suffering from. Diabetes Mellitus are to be taken in Railway Service even though they were declared unfit for Railway services by the Competent Medical Authorities. The Honโ€™ble Courts in their various judgments have held that Diabetic Mellitus is not a disease. Keeping in view the persistent observations coming from Honโ€™ble Courts, a three memberโ€™ committee was constituted to examine the issueโ€

The Committee has recommended the following parameter for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus and deciding of fitness candidates:-

1 Fasting Plasma Glucose Level More than or equal to 126mg/ dl.
2 Two-Hours Post-Prandial Plasma Glucose Level More than or equal to 200mg/ dl.
3 Hb A1 C More than or equal to 6.5%

In view of the above established facts the following procedure for deciding medical-fitness of candidates suffering from diabetic conditions (diagnosed as per above parameters) is laid down:-
1. For different types of appointments including compassionate, PwD (Non-gazetted) etc., candidate if found diabetic in first examination (as per above parameters) -should be re-examined.
2. Re-examination would be done by a โ€œTHREE MEMBER MEDICAL COMMITTEEโ€ comprising of one physician of P.G. Qualification/Endocrinologist if available; one ophthalmologist & headed by a SAG medical officer of the divisional/zonal hospital. Recommendation of the Committee will be accepted by CMS/MD/CMO/ACMS in-charge as the case may be.
3. Purpose of re-examination will be the thorough clinical evaluation and investigation to rule out any complication of Diabetes or involvement of any End Organ.
4. If some investigations are to be performed for which the facility is not available in-house, the same should be arranged from recognized private labs/clinic & the charges for the same are to be paid by the candidate only.
5. If there is no complication or involvement of End organ, the candidate will be declared โ€œFIT IN CEY ONE OR BELOWโ€.
6. Establishment Directorate has to read just those candidates as per available vacancy.
This has the approval of Board (MS).
Joint Director (Heath)
Railway Board

Source: Railway Board

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