Exemption of Employees Cooperative Societies from the purview of “Elective Office” – NC JCM writes to DoPT


Exemption of Employees Cooperative Societies from the purview of “Elective Office” – NC JCM writes to DoPT

Exemption of Employees Cooperative Societies from the purview of “Elective Office” – NC JCM writes to DoPT

Shiva Gopal Mishra

National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001


March 02 2020

The Secretary,
Government of India,
Department of Personnel & Training,
North Block, New Delhi – 110001.

Subject: Exemption of Employees Cooperative Societies from the purview of “Elective Office”.

Reference: 1) DOP&T OM No. 11013/1/2016-Estt.A-III dated 05th August, 2019.
2) DOP&T OM F.No. 11013/2016-Estt.A-III dated 27th February, 2020.


You are aware that the policy of the Government is to encourage cooperative movement in the Country. Accordingly, the Central Government Employees in the various Departments including in the Industrial Establishments under Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Defence have established Employees Credit and Thrift Cooperative Societies and Cooperative Consumer Stores. Both these institutions are voluntary organizations and is managed with the contribution of only the Members who are basically Central Government Employees. All these Employees Cooperative Societies I Consumer Stores are either registered with State Government and Central Government and its affairs are managed under the Cooperative Society Act and by the Rules framed by the concerned Governments. Elections to these institutions takes p lace once in 5 years and the Board of Directors etc. are elected from amongst the Employees. The tenure of the elected representatives are for a period of 5 years and these institutions are serving a yeomen service to the Central Government Employees.

In this situation the above mentioned OM issued by the DOP&T in the name of “Restriction of holding an elective Office” have created confusions and misinterpretations in the lower formations, since Authorities have started issuing notice to the elected representatives to resign from their post which is totally in violation of the provisions of the Cooperative Societies Act and the policy of the Government.

In view of the above it is requested that a clarification may be issued by the DOP&T that Central Government Employees Cooperative Credit & Thrift Societies and Cooperative Consumer Stores registered under the Cooperative Societies Act and functioning in the Central Government Ministries / Department s and in the Industrial Establishment s in the Railways and Defence etc. is exempted from the above DOP&T OM.

A copy of your instruction may please be endorsed to this Office.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,



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