CCS(LTC) Rules – Relaxation for Travel by Air to Visit to J&K, Laddakh, NER and A&N Islands beyond 25.09.2022: U.K. Sinha


CCS(LTC) Rules – Relaxation for Travel by Air to Visit to J&K, Laddakh, NER and A&N Islands beyond 25.09.2022: U.K. Sinha

CCS(LTC) Rules – Relaxation for Travel by Air to Visit to J&K, Laddakh, NER and A&N Islands beyond 25.09.2022: U.K. Sinha requests Confederation to write to DoP&T


No: CHQ- 26 /MSA-2022

Dated: 10th October, 2022


The Secretary General,
Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers,
1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi – 110001
Email: Confederationhq[at]

Sub: CCS(LTC) Rules – Relaxation for Travel by Air to Visit to J&K, Laddakh, NER and A&N Islands – Reg.

Ref: DOPT OM F.No. 31011/3/2018-Estt.(A-IV) dated 08/10/2020


A kind reference is invited on the above cited OM :

The Air Travels on Leave Travel Concession have been provided to Jammu & Kashmir, Laddakh, North Eastern Region and Andman & Nicobar Islands vide above OMs. The period prescribed for availing the facility of air travel on LTC to above places has now expired w.e.f. 26.09.2022.

It is requested to write to Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training to extend the facility of travel by air on LTC not only for exclusively encourage tourism to these regions but for the central servants to be motivated for visiting the finest places of our Indian soil.

Immediate positive response on this matter is highly appreciated please.


Sd/- (U.K. Sinha)
Joint Secretary General
Ministerial Staff Association
(Survey of India)

Copy to:

1. Com. T.D. Banerjee, Member, Departmental Council (JCM), Kolkata.

2. Com. Venugopal Nair, President (CHQ), Ministerial Staff Association (Survey of India), Hyderabad

3. Com. D.C.R. Karki, Hony. Secretary General, Ministerial Staff Association (Survey of India), Dehradun


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