Issuance of Anti-Cancer Medicines in CGHS – Revised guidelines


Issuance of Anti-Cancer Medicines in CGHS – Revised guidelines

Issuance of Anti-Cancer Medicines in CGHS – Revised guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Directorate of CGHS, in an Office Memorandum outline updated procedures for the approval and provision of anti-cancer medications to CGHS beneficiaries. These guidelines differentiate approval processes based on medication costs and import status, simplifying the process for cancer patients.




F. No. Z 25015/21/2023/DIR/CGHS
Min. of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate of CGHS

CGHS Bhawan
Sector-13, RK Puram, New Dethi-110066
Dated: August, 2023


Subject: Revised guidelines for issuance of Anti-Cancer Medicines in CGHS regarding

With reference to the above subject, the undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority to issue revised guidelines for the approval of anti-cancer medicines to CGHS beneficiaries as per the details given below:

i) In respect of non-imported off-line Anti-cancer medicines, advised by a Specialist of Govt. Hospital/ empanelled hospital, approval shall be granted as per the details given as under :

  1. If the cost of medicines is less than Rs. 1,00,000/- for one chemotherapy cycle, It shall be approved by the Addl. Director, CGHS without the requirement of examination by STC., for a maximum of 3 cycles. Meanwhile, an STC examination may be carried out.
  2. if the cost of medicines is between Rs.1,00,00 to Rs. 1,50,000/- for one chemotherapy cycle, it shall be approved by the Director, CGHS without the requirement of examination by STC for a maximum of 3 cycles. Meanwhile, STC examination may be carried out.
  3. In case the cost of medicines is more than Rs. 1,50,000/- for one chemotherapy cycle, the cases shall be placed before the STC of experts for justification, before seeking the approval of the Competent Authority.
  4. Once, a particular drug for chemotherapy for an individual beneficiary has been approved, on the recommendation of STC, no further STC approval shall be needed for further continuation of treatment, provided the same treatment is continued.

ii) In respect of imported anti-cancer medicines, the existing guidelines would continue as follows:

“The medicine which has been advised by Govt. Specialists / Specialists of Empaneled hospitals shall be placed before the STC of Experts and if the medicine is justified, approval of Competent Authority and concurrence of IFD shall be solicited. After the approval of the Competent Authority, an indent for such medicines shall be placed with the Embassy / High Commission of the concerned country for procurement.”

signed by Mano) Jain
Date; 25-08-2028 16:50:20
(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS

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  • Respected Sir


    Sub: Undergoing Cancer Treatment (Injection Durvalumab) still condition is not stable . Delay of taking Chemotherapy it will lead to serious, now he is in Stage III

    V.Narayana was taking Chemotherapy treatment in Kims hospital Hyderabad (under Dr .Narendra Kumar Thota) referred by Dr Savdivk (Medicover hospital)

    Treatment Started from Dec 2021 upto Aug 2023 , according to his condition and Doctor suggestion Mr. Narayana as to continue Chemotherapy according his condition he shouldn’t give gap next dose should be given sep 30th (Attached Reports for your reference)

    NOTE: 1) Recently Small Cancer nodes seen left side aswell in PET scan it was shown (attached PET Scan Reports)

    2) Biopsys is risk Treatment Narayana is also as Cardiac problem his heart pumping is 36% . Dr suggested to continue Durvalumab Injection without GAP

    A sincere Request from our Family kindly give us approval to continue Chemo injection from Begumpet CGHS


    V.k. Udayasree

    D/o V. Narayana( Pensioner)