CGHS Beneficiaries Aged 75 and Above – Clarification on Referral and Video Consultation in the AYUSH System


CGHS Beneficiaries Aged 75 and Above – Clarification on Referral and Video Consultation in the AYUSH System

CGHS Beneficiaries Aged 75 and Above – Clarification on Referral and Video Consultation in the AYUSH System. The Office Memorandum from the CGHS discusses the inappropriate nature of referrals and video consultations for CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 and above in the AYUSH system. It emphasizes the need for physical assessments by Ayurvedic physicians and the necessity of in-person referrals due to contra-indications in Ayurvedic literature.


मि.सं.1-20/2023 /सीजीएचएस /सं.नि.आयुश)


F. No.S-11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC)/AYUSH/Pt-II.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Office of the Director, CGHS

CGHS Bhawan, R.K Puram
Sec-13, New Delhi-66
Dated: /09/2023


Subject: Clarification on the referral for CGHS beneficiaries aged 75 years & above and consultation through Video Conferencing for AYUSH system-reg.

With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw the attention to Office Memorandum vide F.No. Z.15025/35/2019/DIR/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated 29.05.2019 & 27.06.2019 and clarified that the referral for 75 years and above and consultation through Video Conferencing for AYUSH system is not appropriate since as per Ayurvedic literature, many procedures are contra-indicated after 75 years of age and in certain disease conditions also.

Moreover, to examine the physical condition of the patient whether he is eligible for the therapy is to be assessed by the treating Ayurvedic physician for which consultation is necessary, which is not possible through Video Conferencing and therefore, referral by the treating Ayurvedic physician, for once, is required for taking the treatment from the AYUSH Day Care Centre for a period of approximately 7 days / 15 days.

This issues in consultation with the experts in the field.

Signed by Manoj Jain
Date: 05-10-2023 17:11:45
(Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS

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