Author: Kiran Kumari

1 1,601 1,602 1,603 1,604 1,605 1,727 16030 / 17269 POSTS

Exit rules under National Pension System for All Citizen model under UoS including Corporates and Swavalamban scheme

PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Cir no: PFRDA/ 2013/2/ PDEX / 2                   &n [...]

Exit rules under National Pension System for Government Employee Subscribers

PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Cir no: PFRDA/ 2013/2/ PDEX / 2                   &n [...]

Withdrawal of erroneous contribution received into NPS instead of GPF

PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Cir no: PFRDA/ 2013/2/ PDEX / 2 SL-1 Subject: Withdrawal of erroneous contribution received into [...]

NPS-Swavalamban: Revision in documentary requirements in case of exits arising from Death of the subscriber

PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PFRDA/2013/3/PDEX/3 Date: 06/02/2013 To, Dear Sir/Madam, Subject:   Revision in documenta [...]

Fresh agenda items for 22nd meeting of SCOVA on 19th February, 2013

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare) AGENDA ITEMS FOR 22nd MEETING OF STANDI [...]

CVCs jurisdiction over employees of Multi-State Cooperative Societies like NAFED, KRIBHCO etc

No. 399/9/2010-AVD-III Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training North Blo [...]

CAT Order: Regarding stepping up of pay only not the pay scale at par with junior

All India Postal Accounts Employees & other vs Union of India & others orders on 1st February, 2013 regarding grant of stepping up pay of al [...]

Franking Machine allowance has been withdrawn as per the recommendation of 6th CPC: ESIC clarification

HEADQUARTERS OFFICE  EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION A-27/17/6th CPC/1/2013-E-III Dated:31.01.2013 Subject:- Franking Machine Allowanc [...]

CGHS: Revision of Ceiling Rates for Coronary Angioplasty and Coronary Angioplasty with Balloon

F.No. Misc.1002/2006/CGHS(R&H)/ CGHS(P) Government of India Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Department of Health & Family Welfa [...]
1 1,601 1,602 1,603 1,604 1,605 1,727 16030 / 17269 POSTS