All India Railwaymen’s Faderation
Dated: September 30, 2013
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Coms.,
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus to Railwaymen
Though all of you have created pressure on Ministry of Railways, Government of India for implementation of Resolution No.1 – Productivity Linked Bonus to Railwaymen adopted by the General Council of the AIRF on 13.09.2013 in New Delhi, wherein AIRF had taken a decision to stop trains without any notice, in case of any reduction in number of days for PLB.
The issue of PLB to Railwaymen is likely to be taken-up by the Cabinet on 3rd October, 2013, it is once again advised that we should hold โMassive Demonstrations and Mobilization Programmes at Branch level, demanding payment of PLB to Railwaymen without any reduction in number of days.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF
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