Grant of Notional Increment on 1st July/1st January for the purpose of calculating their pensionary benefits – Appointment of Nodal Officer
Grant of Notional Increment on 1st July/1st January to the employees who retired / are retiring from Central Government Service on 30th June/31st Dece [...]

Guidelines for the stakeholders in National Pension System (NPS) in Central Govt. Set-up
Guidelines for the stakeholders in National Pension System (NPS) in Central Govt. Set-up: CPWD's detailed OM dated 10.06.2024
Government of India
M/ [...]
Processing of payment of gratuity for the service rendered under Hand Receipt/Muster Roll/Daily Rated before grant of temporary status/regularization of Work Charged/Regular Classified Staff
Processing of payment of gratuity for the service rendered under Hand Receipt/Muster Roll/Daily Rated before grant of temporary status/regularization [...]
Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st Jan./ 1st July) to the officers/ employees superannuated on 31st Dec./ 30th June and revision of pensionary benefits: CPWD
Grant of notional increment (as due on 1st Jan./ 1st July) to the officers/ employees superannuated on 31st Dec./ 30th June and revision of pensionary [...]
Status of Cadre Review proposals as on 15th Sep 2023
Status of Cadre Review proposals as on 15th Sep 2023 : Approved by Cabinet – 27 and Status of Proposals under consideration – 26
Status of Cadre Re [...]
Providing of Construction related documents to Estate Officers: CPWD OM
Providing of Construction related documents to Estate Officers: CPWD OM dated 10.05.2023
No.PM/DG/229/ 174
Government of India
Directorate General [...]
NPS to OPS for recruited against post/vacancy advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22/12/2003: List of Documents to be submitted with Option
NPS to OPS for recruited against post/vacancy advertised/notified for recruitment, on or before 22/12/2003: List of Documents to be submitted with Opt [...]
सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों की सेवा पुस्तिकाओं के संरक्षक के विवरण को अद्यतन करने के संबंध में
सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों की सेवा पुस्तिकाओं के संरक्षक के विवरण को अद्यतन करने के संबंध में: के.लो.नि.वि. का कार्यालय ज्ञापन दिनांक 05.01.202 [...]
Identification of posts for Persons with disabilities for the post of JE (Civil & Electrical) with appropriate reasonable accommodation
Identification of posts for Persons with disabilities for the post of JE (Civil & Electrical) with appropriate reasonable accommodation: CPWD OM d [...]
Rules for Enlistment of contractors in CPWD 2021
Rules for Enlistment of contractors in CPWD 2021
No. DG/Enlist.Rules/56
Nirman Bhawan, [...]
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