Tag: Pay Fixation

1 2 3 4 5 45 30 / 448 POSTS
Excess salary drawn due to wrong decision regarding implementation of DoPT/GOI direction regarding Ex- servicemen employee: EPFO

Excess salary drawn due to wrong decision regarding implementation of DoPT/GOI direction regarding Ex- servicemen employee: EPFO

Excess salary drawn due to wrong decision regarding implementation of DoPT/GOI direction regarding Ex- servicemen employee: EPFO File No.HRM-IV/III/5 [...]
Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 – Brief report by NC JCM

Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 – Brief report by NC JCM

Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 - Brief report by NC JCM on the issues raised by the Staff Side in the mee [...]
Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 – Outcome of the issues discussed

Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 – Outcome of the issues discussed

Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 - Outcome of the issues discussed under the Chairpersonship of Secretary ( [...]
Merger of grades of PAO (PL-9) and SrAO (PL-10) and clarification on pay fixation: CGA, FinMin OM dated 18.09.2023

Merger of grades of PAO (PL-9) and SrAO (PL-10) and clarification on pay fixation: CGA, FinMin OM dated 18.09.2023

Merger of grades of PAO (PL-9) and SrAO (PL-10) and clarification on pay fixation: CGA, FinMin OM dated 18.09.2023 E-13615(865) F.No. A-65061(55)/79 [...]
Clarification on pay fixation consequent upon the upgradation and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay Level-10)

Clarification on pay fixation consequent upon the upgradation and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay Level-10)

Clarification on pay fixation consequent upon the upgradation and merger of the post of Accounts Officer (Pay Level-09) to Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay L [...]
Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executives of CPSEs- Clarification on Competent Authority

Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executives of CPSEs- Clarification on Competent Authority

Finalization of Terms & Conditions and Pay Fixation of Board Level Executives of CPSEs- Clarification on Competent Authority: DPE, FinMin OM No.W [...]
Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion by 17th Nov 2023 for Defence Officers: PCDAO (Pune) Message

Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion by 17th Nov 2023 for Defence Officers: PCDAO (Pune) Message

Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion by 17th Nov 2023 for Defence Officers: PCDAO (Pune) Message Messag [...]
Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016-Opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option for Defence Personnel vide MoD OM dated 18.08.2023

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016-Opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option for Defence Personnel vide MoD OM dated 18.08.2023

Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 – Opportunity to exercise/re-exercise option for Defence Pers [...]
Revision of option for switching over to the 6th CPC after grant of entry pay to Section Officer (A/Cs)/AAOs: Approval by FinMin

Revision of option for switching over to the 6th CPC after grant of entry pay to Section Officer (A/Cs)/AAOs: Approval by FinMin

Revision of option for switching over to the 6th CPC after grant of entry pay to Section Officer (A/Cs)/AAOs: Approval by FinMin Controller General o [...]
Extension of Time-limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion: PCDA(O) Pune Message

Extension of Time-limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion: PCDA(O) Pune Message

Extension of Time- limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion by a period of three (3) months from the date of issue of MoF, DoE, N [...]
1 2 3 4 5 45 30 / 448 POSTS