Income Tax E-Filing Portal https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in will not be available from 3rd November to 8th November, 2012 in order to make the New Portal Live

Ministry of Finance 02-November, 2012
New E-Filing Project Conceptualized to take the E-Services to the Next Generation; in order to make the New Portal Live, E-Filing Services to the Tax Payers through the Existing Portal will not be available from 3rd November to 8th November, 2012. 
            In view of the overwhelming response from the tax payers and growth of e-filing, a new e-filing project has been conceptualized in order to take the e-services to the next generation.
            Under the new e-filing set-up not only the Income Tax Return (ITR) forms but also other income tax forms are proposed to be made available for electronic filing along with other web enabled services.
            In order to make the new portal live, the migration of data from the old set-up to the new set-up is in process. Due to this, e-filing services to the tax payers through the portal https://incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in will not be available from 3rd November to 8th November, 2012.

            The e-filing service will resume with various new additional services like multiple mode of e-filing of returns: help desk through call centre and e-mail support, provision of online forms, pre-filing of data in forms, and availability of offline e-forms.

(Release ID :88808)

Income Tax Department’s Formal Order

Shut down of e-filing portal.
This is to inform the esteemed taxpayers that looking to the
overwhelming response from the taxpayers and growth of e-filing, a new e-filing
project was conceptualized in order to take the e-services to the next
Under the new e-filing setup not only the ITR forms but also
other income tax forms are proposed to be made available for electronic filing
along with other web enabled services.
In order to make the new portal live, the migration of data
from the old set up to the new set up is in process. Due to this e-fรฌling
services to the taxpayers through the portal
https://incometaxindiaefรฌling.gov.in will not be available from 3rd November to
8th November, 2012.
The e-filing service will resume with various new additional
services like multiple mode of e-filing of returns: help desk through call
centre and e-mail support, provision of online forms, pre-filing of data in
forms, and availability of offline e-forms.
Source: www.incometaxindia.gov.in/


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