
Upgradation of grade pay of LDC & UDC: All India Association of Admin Staff writes to PM

Com. T.K.R. Pillai, General Secretary of All India Association of Administrative Staff (NG) has been written a letter to PMO regarding upgradation of grade pay of LDC & UDC in the Administrative branch of Government of India Offices.  The text of the said letter is reproduced below:-
NSSO (FOD), Hall No. 201 & 205, Vijay Stumbh,
Zone I, MaharanaPratap Nagar,
                                                                          Bhopal,  20/06/2013

No. 3/GS/2013

            The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
            Government of India,
            New Delhi

Sub:   Upgradation of grade pay of LDC & UDC in the Administrative branch of Government of India Offices.

Respected Sir,

With due respect it is to bring to your kind notice that the undersigned in the capacity as General Secretary of All India Association of Ministerial Staff (Group C) under the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, had made an appeal to your good office vide letter dated 16/04/2010(Enclosed in Annexure I) wherein it was described how the 6th Pay Commission recommendations disappointed the lakhs of LDC & UDC working in the Central Government Offices. Our contention was that while the 6th Pay Commission has recommended the merger of the various group D posts and upgraded the grade pay from 1400 to 1800, for the LDCs, only a replacement grade pay of Rs. 1900 i.e. just Rs. 100 above the MTS has been granted, even after raising the academic and technical qualification to get selected on the post. Moreover, all the pre-revised pay scales above UDC -from Accountant to Assistant Administrative Officer- have been merged and granted Rs. 4200 -4600 grade pay. Thus the basic cadres who are responsible for the smooth functioning of the Central Government offices, especially in the subordinate offices, have ignored/neglected by the Pay Commission as well as the Government.
Considering the gravity of the subject contained in it the aforesaid appeal was forwarded to the Secretary, Department of Personal & Training for action vide PMO ID No. 4/3/2010-PMP4/158890 dated 18/05/2010 (Copy enclosed in annexure II). When any action on the matter has visibly been not taken by the DoPT till 2012, and having aggrieved on the prolonged delay, follow up correspondences have been made as follows
  1. Shri A.H. Lokhande, Jabalpur has sought the action taken report under RTI (copies enclosed in Annexure III (A) & III(B). But both CPIO & appellate authority vide letter No. 20/2/2012-Estt(Pay-1) dated 29Aug 2012 & letter No 20/2/2012-Estt(Pay-1) dated 23rd Oct 2012 respectively have confirmed that the said letter has not received at  DoPT and as such no action taken report can be given(copies enclosed in Annexure IV(A) & IV (B).
  2. Subsequently, the undersigned has obtained a copy of the acknowledgement in confirmation of the receipt of my letter dated 16/04/2010 at DoPT from the PM’s Office. In the light of the said acknowledgement, a letter seeking the copy of the action taken report/Noting drafting under RTI was sent to the CPIO DoPT vide letter dated 09/03/13 (Copy enclosed in Annexure V (A)-V(E).
  3. On 25th April 2013 I have received a letter from CS Section of DoPT (Annexure VI), which has not given the pointed reply I sought, and as such the same was not convincing. And accordingly an appeal was sent to the appellate authority under RTI act vide letter dated 29/04/2013 for which I have received a letter vide letter No. 20/1/2013-CS-II (B) dated 21st May 2013.(enclosed in Annexure VII (A) & VII(B)  wherein it was informed that “CS-II Division deals only with the LDCs & UDCs of the Central Secretariat Service and as such no records available CS-II Division, there is no proposal to upgrade the grade pay of the LDC & UDC of CSCS Cadre. The application of Shri A.H. Lokhande has not been received in this Division”. Accordingly an order for the disposal of the appeal has been passed.

            From the above it is clear that the letter received in the DoPT from the PM’s office has not taken in the records of DoPT where it appears to have been  misplaced which led CPIO and appellate authorities  to state that no such letter is received at DoPT from the PM’s Office. In this respect, even after submitting/providing the proof the acknowledgement of the said letter (obtained from the PM’s Office), DoPT has not bothered to change their version. Moreover, the copies of the applications submitted by Shri A.H. Lokhande have been supplied and even after CS-II division has not changed their version of not receiving any letter from Shri A.H. Lokhande.
            Above all, both Shri A.H. Lokhande and myself have sought information regarding the action taken report/noting/drafting in disposal of the letter forwarded to the Secretary, DoPT by the PM’s office vide letter No. 4/3/2010-PMP4/158890 dated 18/05/2010. In reply, the CPIOs and Appellate authorities (pay Division & CS-II Division) have been informing us that the said letter is not received in their section and as such no action is taken.
Sir, the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, All India Railway men’s Federation, National Federation of India Railway men, the Defense Employees Federation and various other Central Government Employees’ Organizations have been writing to the Government to consider the upgradation of the grade pay of the LDC & UDC. Besides, the issue has been put up in the National JCM but the matter could not be discussed as the meeting of the National JCM meeting has not been called so far. Moreover, this item has been placed in the National Anomaly Committee (NAC) but the same has not been taken up for discussion in the NAC so far. It is also bring to your kind notice that all the websites related to the Central Government Employees have actively been discussing the issue as genuine.
Sir, the upgradation of the grade pay of LDC & UDCs is a genuine issue. Cases of all cadres baring the LDC & UDC were considered and favorable decision was taken by the 6th CPC. Similarly, the LDC and the UDC are also deserving  higher grade pays than the present one, to commensurate with the qualifications and assignments attached to these posts after the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission.

In view of the above, we seek your kind intervention to get a favourable decision in this   regard.

Encl:    As above

Yours faithfully
(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary

Source: http://aiamshq.blogspot.in

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  • Sitesh Sahu 12 years ago

    Sir TRK Pillai,

    A good news that you are working for LDCs and UDCs. How could i help you sir. My cell No.is 9838893779