
Issue of Uniforms/Liveries to MTS directly recruited through SSC

CGDA Orders – Issue of Uniforms/Liveries to MTS directly recruited through Staff Selection Commission post 6th CPC.

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Canit-110010

No. AN/XIV/14162/6th CPC/ Vol-V

Dated : 23.01.2014

All PCsDA/CsDA  
All CFAs/PC of Fys) Kolkata


Subject: Issue of Uniforms/Liveries to MTS directly recruited through Staff Selection Commission post 6th CPC.

The matter regarding issue of Uniforms and liveries to MTS recruited posts 6th CPC through Staff Selection Commission was referred to Ministry for clarification.

2. DoP&T has since confirmed that Uniforms/Liveries and washing allowance to newly recruited MTS , post 6th CPC may be allowed as is being admitted to erstwhile Group โ€˜Dโ€™ posts of peon, daftary, jamadar, Junior Gestetner Operator, Farash, Chowkidar, Safaiwala, Mali etc. which have been designated as MTS in Group โ€˜Cโ€™ post 6th CPC.

Further , it should be ensured that the Uniforms/Liveries are being admitted to those expected to wear respective uniforms while on duty.

3. This is for your information, guidance and necessary action please.

(Upendra Kumar)

Source: www.cgda.nic.in

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