
Feedback of the Fast Track Committee Meeting held on 29.08.2014 in Railway Board

Feedback of the Fast Track Committee Meeting held on 29.08.2014 in Railway Board

Main Agenda: LARSGESS, Upgradation of Post from Group “C” to Group “B”, Pay Parity of Stenographers
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
Dated: August 29, 2014
The General Secretaries, 
All Affiliated Unions, 
Dear Comrades, 

Sub: Feedback of the meeting of the Fast Track Committee

A meeting of the Fast Track Committee, constituted to resolve those issues which could not be deliberated in the meeting held on 07.02.2014 between the Railway Board and Federations, was held today under the convenership of the EDE(IR), Railway Board. 
Though the meeting was satisfactory to some extent, following decisions were arrived:

1. Induction of Course Completed Act Apprentices against Safety vacancies 

On the issue of engagement of Act Apprentices, a Note will be prepared and put-up to Board, emphasizing on their regularization in the Railways. 

2. LARSGESS โ€“ Clarification relating to period of 20 years in the Safety Posts for LARSGESS, entitlement to be reviewed 

For LARSGESS, orders already issued for inclusion of Electric Power, Bridge, TRD, Track Machine, Track Khalasi(PWI Khalasi) working on the track, will be amended, and the word โ€œworking on trackโ€ will be removed, as has been assured by the EDE(IR), Railway Board, after consultation with the EDE(N). 
The employees, whose categories have been changed on administrative ground or those who have been re-deployed, their period will always be treated as Continuous Period in Safety Posts. They might have remained in any Safety Category. Those who have changed their categories on request or have joined on request transfer, for them it will be mandatory that they should have minimum 10 years service on that post to avoid any fraudulent motive in future.

3.Upgradation of posts from apex level Group `Cโ€™ posts to Group `Bโ€™ posts (Gazetted)(3335 posts)

On this issue, it has been agreed to by the Railway Board that EDPC-I, Railway Board, will pursue the matter with Ministry of Finance. While raising this issue, AIRF stated that, in the Standing Committee Meeting of the NC/JCM, it was made clear by the Secretary(Expenditure) that Railways can create these posts at their own. Finally it was agreed that this issue will also be kept in view.

4.  Parity in pay structure of Stenographers in Railways at par with CSS/RBSS 

So far this issue is concerned, case file will be put up to EDE(IR), Railway Board, who, after going through the same, will discuss the matter with the members of the Committee. Thereafter, the issue will be finalized.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: http://www.airfindia.com/Orders%202014/feedback%20of%20fast%20track%20committee%20meeting_29.08.14.pdf