
Non-Accredited Diploma Degree Courses

Non-Accredited Diploma Degree Courses: Lok Sabha Q&A



ANSWERED ON 26.11.2014


628 . Innocent Shri, Biju Shri Parayamparanbil Kuttappan, Ering Shri Ninong

Will the Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) whether a large number of fake universities/colleges and educational Institutions are functioning in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether several educational institutions are providing admission in non-accredited diploma and degree courses without the prior permission/approval of the All India Council for Technical Education/University Grants Commission;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government against such institutions /erring persons during the last three years and the current year, State-wise and year-wise;

(e) whether the Government is considering to cancel the status conferred on such institutions for breach of the conditions for recognition/affiliation and if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the remedial measures taken by the Government including issuing of notices cautioning the public against such fake universities/educational institutions?



(a) & (b): The University Grants Commission (UGC) has informed that it has displayed at http: //www.ugc.ac.in/ page/Fake-Universities.aspx a list of 21 universities, as on 31st October, 2014, that are fake and not authorized to grant degrees. The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has reported that it has displayed at http://www.aicte-india.org/misunapprovedinstitutions.php a list of unapproved technical institutions that are not authorized to offer technical education programs. 

(c) & (d): The lists of higher educational institutions, that have valid accreditation, are available at http://www.naac.gov.in/docs/Institutions%20accredited_valid-2472014.doc ; http://www.nbaind.org/Files/AccreditedPrograms.aspx ; and http://www.nbaind.org/Files/tier1_web_register.aspx. 

Though the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) have notified Regulations making accreditation mandatory for Universities and affiliated colleges and technical higher educational institutions, the admissions have not been stopped in non-accredited institutions. The penalties prescribed in case of violation of these Regulations include stoppage of grants, withdrawal of Section 12 B (under UGC Act, 1956) status, revocation of status of deemed to be university under Section 3 of UGC Act and issuing a public notice warning students about accreditation status of a higher educational institution. However, the penalties do not prescribe stoppage of admissions. Moreover, accreditation is mandated only after completion of 6 years or passing out of two batches (whichever is earlier) and hence, stoppage of admissions may not be a practicable solution to achieve quality standards through accreditation. In case of institutions granting diplomas in non-technical education accreditation is not mandatory. Due to the above mentioned reasons, admissions can go on even in non accredited institutions. Prior permission/approval of UGC and AICTE is not required for admission. 

(e): The provisions for recognition differ from the provisions for accreditation of Universities / technical institutions. Regarding recognition, any university established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act automatically falls under section 2(f) of UGC Act, 1956. As such, these universities do not require recognition from the UGC separately and cancellation of recognition from the UGC does not arise. The UGC conducts inspection of private universities to check their compliance with the laid down regulations and gives them an opportunity for rectification of defects and non-conformity with the regulations. Even after the opportunity if the university fails to comply with the provisions of any of the Regulations, the Commission may pass an order prohibiting the Private University for offering any course etc. till the deficiency is rectified and inform the public in general through public notification. Regarding Deemed to be Universities, the matter of their review by the Central Government / UGC is sub-judice in the Honโ€™ble Supreme Court. Colleges are affiliated by Universities as per the UGC (Affiliation of Colleges by Universities) Regulations, 2009 and the universities are empowered to act against the affiliated colleges in case of breach of the provisions of affiliation. 
(f): The UGC has reported that apart from putting up the list of fake universities on its web site, the UGC issues a Press Release and Public Notice and state-wise list of fake universities, in the country, in national dailies etc. at the beginning of an academic session to warn the aspiring students, and the public at large, not to take admission in the courses run by the self-styled, unauthorized fake universities/ institutions. The AICTE has also reported that it has taken similar action against fake institutions. The UGC and the AICTE have requested the State Higher Education authorities to take appropriate action against these institutions. The UGC has also filed cases in various courts against fake universities/ institutions. A general public notice of the UGC regarding Courses/ Study Centres/ Off Campuses & Territorial Jurisdiction of University is at http://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/4345907_noticeoffcampus.pdf

Source: LokSabha.nic.in

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