HomeSeventh Pay Commission

4 times increase in pay expected in 7th Pay Commission: News by Tapas Joshi


Seventh Pay Commission: Four times increase in pay for Central Government Employees expected.

New Delhi: Tapas Joshi

2016 is a year expected to bring unbound happiness to the Central Government Employees. This year will end a long wait of 10 years, because the recommendations of the Pay Commission will be implemented in January 2016.
The Pay commission was established during the Manmohan Singh Government in February 2014. The deadline for the Pay commission was set to be 15 months. This leads to an expectation for the release of the Pay Commission report by September 2015. If the Memorandum submitted by the Various Employee Organisations is considered, the Pay Commission should provision recommendation for a four-fold increase in the current pay. During its tenure, the Pay Commission will travel to various cities, in addition to meeting the staff of various Employee Organisations. Here it is essential to note that during the sixth pay commission it was recommended to increase the pay of the Central Government Employees three-fold of their current pay.

Primary considerations in Pay Judgement:

The Pay of the Central Government Employees are compared with the Public sector employees such as BHEL, ONGC, etc and also with the Private sector employees. The minimum pay scale of the International Labor Union (ILO) is also considered as a norm. Further, the price of the various daily utility objects is taken into consideration. In the sixth pay commission the Inflation rate as on 01.01.2006 was also considered before putting up recommendations for the fresh Pay scales.

Things to be kept in mind by the Pay commission:

If we talk about the sixth pay commission the ratio of the minimum and maximum Pay was worked around as 1:12 and the minimum pay was decided to be Rs 7100. If in Rs 7100 we include House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Education Allowance etc the figure increases up to Rs 10000.
This time the Dearness Allowance has crossed the figure of 100 percent, and according the Indian Labor Ministry the minimum pay should be Rs 15000 per month. If the inflation and minimum pay are considered, on today’s date the minimum pay should be increased from Rs 7100 to Rs 30000. If in this we include House Rent Allowance, Transport Allowance, Education Allowance etc the figure increases up to Rs 45000.
Thus the Pay of the Central Government Employees is expected to have a four-fold rise. The Central Government Employees are impatiently waiting for 2016, and we are also waiting to see how much do the Pay Commission stand up to the Expectations of the Central Government Employees.

View: Budget demand for Seventh Pay Commission

View: 7th Pay Commission may ring report on time


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  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Dear readers, as no public is aware of what is the gain of CG employees from a pay commission, it is pertinent to mention that as propagated by the media, no CG employee is getting 3 times or 4 times of wages but only the total of basic pay, DA and DP he is already getting. It is the propaganda of the media only and that helps to a sky rise in the market price and phenomenal in the living cost. This mediumistic propaganda should be discouraged and help the CGE and the general public to live a better and normal life. My media people, kindly stay away from whims and fancies and talk on facts.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      rahul: if i have 18050 basic how much minimum i can calculate

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    what is use of pay commission?
    resulted in increase of cost of living and affect normal citizens and un organized sector employees life of our country

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Please do not expect too much from this 7th CPC. When there is no merger of DA and Interim Relief, we can assume what is in the mind of govt. The Pay Band introduced by 6 CPC is itself a very big anamoly. This gave benefit to those who are put in PB-4.After introduction of 6th CPC, the govt. has not taken any effort to remove this anamoly. This may continue in 7th CPC also.
    If 7th CPC wants to do justice to all employees, they have to take the scales of 5th CPC pattern, and work out new scale based on the present inflation,CPI,salary in MNCs etc

    • Manohar AM 10 years ago

      As on date every employee is earning correctly with the adjusted DA. ANY INCREASE MUST BE INCREMENTAL ALONE AND MUST BE ACCEPTED. The CPC must concentrate in giving direction to good productivity and lay down rules for promotional chances to the efficient.

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    Dear friends,
    It must be understood by all that the multiplication factor is not worked out randomly as per the whims and fancies of the pay commissions. They are worked out on the exact formula considering the merger of Pay and D.A as on the date of implementation of the pay commission. For example the 6th CPC adopted the multiplication factor of 1.86 in other words 186%(while 100% stood for basic pay , 50% stood for Dearness Pay and 24% of D.A. as on 1/1/2006 which was payable on both the basic and the Dearness Pay constituted 36%(Basic 100%+ D.P 50%=150% x 24% D.A =36%). Altogether totalling to 186% in other words 1.86 factor. This 186% was just the sum total of Pay, D.A. and D.P that the employees were already drawing. There was not even a single percent increase in the basic pay under VI CPC.

    The fitment benefit was paid separately in the form of Grade Pay at 40% of the maximum of pre-revised V pay scale instead of adding in the revised pay. Thus the benefit in all the pay commissions so far were approximately 40% of old basic pay(excluding D.A and other allowances). The overall financial benefit between the new salary and the old salary including all the allowances in all the pay commissions so far was just from 25to 35% only.

    Therefore the assumption of central government employees that there will be 3 times increase or 4 times increase in pay is not correct. Readers may view the article ‘WHAT WE EXPECT FROM 7TH PAY COMMSSION” in GConnect for elaborate details.


    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      i think he is correct . may be this is the formula (basic+gp x1.20(incl july15 da) +40% fitment benifit of old basic pay for employees. there will be no benefit for retired personnel as they are not entiled for hra etc.

    • Anonymous 10 years ago

      Why there will be no benefit for retired personal as he will also be getting the benefit of 40% fitment benefit in old basic

  • Anonymous 10 years ago

    7th Pay Commission should be given preference to : 1. Family Planning increment – 4000/-p.m. 2. Tuition fee for college going or engg. should be reimbursed. 3. Travelling allowance should be increased. 4. Medical bills of private hospitals where there is no facility of hospitals near about 2 km. should be reimbursed without any deduction i.e. any trustee hospital etc. LTC those who are not availing should avail 5 days leave and can avail the facility of LTC …. or lumpsum amount for once in four year should be given to those who are not availing the facility… Above age of 50 for women should be permitted to 11 to 4 p.m. timings…. CCL up age of 18 should be upgraded till college completes…Special leave to look after the aged parents be granted…. as and when necessary ……Sr. Citizens … Son/Daughter/Daughter-in-Law/Son-In-Law or otherwise….