Pay Protection / Pay Fixation of Ex-Servicemen, Common Smart Card for ECHS & Canteen etc included in agenda points 7th AGM of VSF

Pay Protection / Pay Fixation of Ex-Servicemen, Common Smart Card for ECHS & Canteen etc included in agenda points 7th AGM of VSF

Agenda for 7th AGM of VSF on 30 Aug 15: DESA Blog

Dear VSF Members,

It is intimated that the agenda for 7th AGM of VSF scheduled on 30 Aug 15 at Vishakhapatnam is finalised.

It is also notified that the AGM will consider 10 amendments to the Rules of VSF, which were approved by the Governing Council during its meeting held on 21 Sep 14 at Naval Pension Office, Mumbai. The proposed amendments to the Rules are included in the agenda for the AGM for easy reference.

Secretary VSF


Item No Agenda points Forwarded / Presented by
Item I. Opening Remarks by President, VSF Delhi President VSF
Item II. To Approve and Confirm the minutes of AGM held on 21 Sep 14. Minutes of the AGM held on 21 Sep 14 was circulated with the Regional / Associate charters. This was also published on DESA blog on 07 Nov 14. Secretary VSF
Item III. To Receive the Report of Secretary for the Period 21 Sep 14 to 30 Aug 15. Secretary VSF will present his report for the period of 21 Sep 14 to 30 Aug 15. Secretary VSF
Item IV. To Receive and Approve Treasurerโ€™s Report. The Treasurer will present the Balance Sheet of VSF Fund for the financial year 2014-15. Treasurer VSF
Item V. Presentations by various agencies. Representatives of ECHS, Dte of Pay and Allowances, NAVPEN, and INBA will give presentations on various issues of relevance for the benefit of the members.
Item VI. To approve proposed amendments to the Rules of VSF. Ten(10) amendments approved by the 6th GCM will be presented to the AGM for approval. The proposed amendments are placed at Appendix A for reference. Secretary VSF
Item VII. Promulgation of Policy Directives on Pay Protection / Pay Fixation of ESM. A case may be taken up for promulgation of common directives for pay fixation of ESMs on re-employment and mechanism to monitor implementation of the same. Ashok Kumar T, Ex- CHA(SE), VSF Kochi
Pratyush Sahoo, Ex- CHEAP, VSF Chilka
Item VIII. Pay Protection / fixation of ESMs reemployed in Navy. Some ESMs re-employed in Navy are given Pay Protection while pay of some ESMs is not protected. It is requested to publish clear directives in simple language, directives and existing orders on the subject, with clear illustrations, so that Pay Protection of the re-employed ex-servicemen in the Navy as civilian employee can be understood by all. Ashok Kumar T, Ex- CHA(SE), VSF Kochi
Item IX. Ex-Servicemen Job Opportunity. Case for reservation for ESMs in Group B post may be taken up. VSF Dehradun
Pratyush Sahoo, Ex- CHEAP, VSF Chilka
Item X. Exemption of Professional Tax. Corporation of Kochi started charging professional tax from ESMs employed at HQ SNC. Manoj Abraham Mampilly, No. 121210-B
Item XI. Linking of Database between all State Govt & Record Offices of Three Services. It is proposed to link database of the Record Offices of the three Services and all State Govts so that when an Armed Forces personnel completes his engagement he can automatically be enrolled to the respective State Govt / PSU directly from the Regiment/ Defence Establishment. An equation of Military ranks/trades to civil side and vacancy position in all State Govt posts should be reflected in this software. Bidyadhar Nayak, Ex- POR(Spl), VSF Chilka
Item XII. Smart ECHS Health Card. The present ECHS Smart card be replaced with a new Smart Card which permits users to visit any hospital of their choice while bearing additional expenses outside the limits of ECHS rates. P Thulasidasan Pillai, Ex-CPO, VSF Kochi
Item XIII. Provision of Availing Facilities of Empanelled Hospital during off working hours of ECHS Polyclinic. A case may be taken up for provision of consultation and medicine during off working hours at empanelled hospital without hospitalization. Patitapaban senapati, Ex- POME, VSF Chilka
Item XIV. Third MACP for Y Group POs (Retd). POs who were originally in Y Group did not receive third MACP, as their service was limited to 23 years. However, NMER sailors who were converted to Y Group received third MACP as their service is limited to 26 years. Therefore, POs who were originally in Y Group be granted third MACP Jaleswar Ram, Ex- POAF, VSF Kochi
Item XV. Issue of New Discharge Book. Veterans holding old / damaged Discharge Books be issued with new pattern Discharge Books. A Vikraman Nair, Ex- MCPO II, VSF Kochi
Item XVI. Release of Funds Based on Population of ESM. State Govts be requested to release funds for ESM welfare based on population of ESMs in the State. A Vikraman Nair, Ex- MCPO II, VSF Kochi
Item XVII. Recruitment of ESMs in Zilla Sainik Board. As per recruitment guidelines issued by KSB all employees in Zilla Sainik Board should be ESMs. However the same is not being implemented at ZSBs. It is proposed that a directive from Central Govt be issued to all state Governments on the above subject. Anirudha Das, Ex- CHMECH (P), VSF Chilka
Item XVIII ECHS cards / Canteen card / Dependent card. ECHS, Canteen, and Dependent cards be merged into one Smart Card to do away with multiple cards. PB Rana, Ex-MCEAP II, VSF Vizag
Item XIX. Quota in IIT & IIM. ESM Children to be given quota in IIT &IIM. Illa Tirupati Rao, Ex- CPOR(Tel), VSF Vizag
Item XX. Provision of Accommodation at Navy House Bhubaneswar. It is proposed to allocate on room at Navy House, Bhubaneswar for Naval ESMs. Anirudha Das, Ex- CHMECH (P), VSF Chilka
Item XXI. Sailors Institute/Guest Room for Veterans at Chennai. Sailors Institute /guest room may be made available to veteran sailors in Chennai whenever they visit for admission of their wards in schools/college and ECHS Polyclinic Chennai. VSF Chennai
Item XXII. Any other business with the permission of the Chair.
Item XXIII Vote of Thanks.

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Source: DESA Blog
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