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Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners – Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006 : CPAO Order dated 25.08.2015

Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners – Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006 : CPAO Order dated 25.08.2015

भारत सरकार
वित्त मन्त्रालय, व्यय विभाग
केन्द्रीय पेंशन लेखा कार्यालय
त्रिकूट-II भीकाजी कामा प्लेस
नई दिल्ली-110066

फोन : 25174596,26174456.26174438 
NEW DELHI-110056
PHONES :26174598.26174456.26174438
Text reproduced by www.staffnews.in
CPA0/Tech/Pre-2005 Revision/2015-16/11

Office Memorandum

Subject:- Revision of pensions of pre-2006 pensioners.

Attention is invited to DP&PW OM No.38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated-30.07.2015 on the above subject (copy enclosed) in which it has been decided to grant the benefit of revision of pension of those pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f 01.01.2006 who are entitled to get the benefit of revised pension w.e.f. 24.09.2012 as per DP&PW O.M. ofeven No. Dated-28.01.2013. 
As per record available with CPAO, 71,515 pensioners/family pensioners are entitled to get the benefit of revised pension from 01.01.2006. These cases have been categorized as follows:-
i) 15, 466 cases which have not been revised so far to be revised by ministries / Departments after checking their records.
ii) 26,893 cases have been revised after due process by Head of Office -> PAD-> CPAO and CPAO has full required data of these cases for which a consolidated amendment authority in batches is being separately sent from CPAO to CPPCs for effecting pension revision w.e.f.01.01.2006 and FAQs will be informed accordingly. 
iii) 29,156 cases which have already been revised w.e.f. 24.09.2012 but HOO/PAO’s checking of information is required for sending revision special seal authority (SSA) to CPAO after following usual process i.e. Head of Office -> PAO->CPAO. 
All Heads of the Departments/ Heads of the Offices and Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/AGs/Administrator of UTs are requested to finalize the cases mentioned at category No. (i) & (iii) above at the earliest and send the revised Special Authorities through PAOs to CPAO for arranging the payment of arrears. They may also check their records for any additional cases requiring revision. The Ministry-wise/Department-wise details of outstanding cases as (i) & (iii) above have been made available on CPAO’s website which can be downloaded by using PAO login.

(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts

Click here for Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners- Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006: DoPPW Order 30-07-2015

Source: CPAO

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  • In view of the clear instructions issued by Controller of Accounts, ,NewDelhi on 25-8-2015,A G M of CPPC may kindly draw the arrears on receipt of details from CPAO office and credit to the a/c of the
    pre-2006 retirees without delay.