HomeSeventh Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission Report for Higher Grade Pay for certain Posts in Central Government

7th Pay Commission Report for Higher Grade Pay for certain Cadres of Central Government Employees – List of Posts for which 7th CPC has recommended for upgrading the present grade pay before 7CPC Pay fixation

After examining the memorandums submitted by various employees federations and government Departments regarding cadre wise nature of work and present anomalies in pay if any, 7th Pay Commission has recommended that present grade pay of following Posts are to be upgraded.

Present Grade Pay and New Higher Grade Pay for the following Posts recommended by 7th Pay Commission

Sl.No Ministry / Dept Name of the Post Present 6cpc Grade Pay (Rs.) New Grade Pay recommended by 7th Pay Commission (Rs)
1. Railways Dietitians 4200 4600
2. Railways Senior Dietitians 4600 4800
3. Railways Assistant Dietetic Officer 4800 5400 (in PB-2)
4. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Junior Radiographer 2000 2800
5. Railways Perfusionists 2400 4200
6. CGHS Dental Hygienists 2400 4200
7. Defence Russian Officers Translators 4600 5400
8. Defence Russian Senior Officers Translators 5400 6600
9. Defence Russian Editors 6600 7600
10. Central Sheep Breeding Farm Sheep Shearer cum Supervisor 1800 2400
11 Indian Postal Service Inspector 4200 4600
12. Indian Postal Service ASPOs 4800 5400
13. National Archives of India Assistant Archivists 4200 4600
14. National Archives of India Archivists 4600 4800
15. National Archives of India Scientific Officer 4600 4800, 5400(12 yrs)
16. All Ministries Officers in organised accounts cadres 4800 5400
17. Dr. RML Hospital Junior ECG Technician/Junior Cardiac Technician 2400 2800
18. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Junior Agriculture Assistant/Junior Soil Conservation Assistant 2400 2800
19. Andaman and Nicobar Administration Bus Conductors 1800 1900
20. Mines Senior Technical Assistants (STAs) 4200 4600
21. JTA, Store Keeper, 2800 4200
22. Assistant Store Keeper 1900 2400
23. Electrical Supervisor 2800 4200
24 Laboratory Assistant 2400 2800
25 Machine Man, Junior Press Assistant 1800 1900
26 CBI Sub Inspector 4200 4600
27 Inspector 4600 4800
28 Railways Assistant Station Master (ASM) 2800 4200
29 Railways Commercial Clerks + Enquiry Cum Reservation Clerks (ECRCs)+Ticket Checking staff (TTEs and TCs)= Commercial and Ticketing Staff 1900


30 Railways Accounts 4800 5400
31 Railways Chemical and Metallurgical Assistants 4600 5400
32 Shipping Head Light Keeper 4200 4600
33 Shipping Navigational Assistant Gr.II 2800 4200
34 Shipping Navigational Assistant Gr.III 2400 2800
35 Shipping Light House Attendant 1800 1900
36 Statistics Director General, Central Statistics Office HAG+ L17
37 Textiles Technical Officers 4200 4600
38 Textiles Assistant Director Gr. II (Technical) 4600 4800
39 Town and Country Planning Organisation Planning Assistants 4200 4600
40 Central Water Commission (CWC) Senior Research Assistant 4200 4600
41 Central Water Commission (CWC) Assistant Research Officer 4600 4800
42 Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) Technical Operator (Drilling) 1800 1900
43 National Academies heads of National Academies Apex Scale Rs.80000
44 Intelligence Bureau (IB) ACIO-II 4600 4800
45 Intelligence Bureau (IB) ACIO-I 4200 4600

Cadre wise Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission for grant of higher grade pay

1, 2, 3. Dietitians in Railways

Dietitians in Railways have demanded an upgrade to GP 5400 (PB-3) from the existing GP 4200. The Dieticians in Central Government are placed in GP 4600.
The entry level qualification for Dietitians in Railways is  B.Sc. with Chemistry/Home Science and PG Diploma in Dietetics with three months’ internship OR M.Sc. (Home Science) with Food and Nutrition.
The entry level qualification for Dietitians in Central Government is Master’s Degree in Home Science/Home Economics with specialisation in Food and Nutrition or B.Sc. (Home Science/Home Economics) with Nutrition as a special subject and PG Diploma in Dietetics and one year’s experience.
Thus, the entry level qualification of Dietitians in Railways and Central Government is similar except that in the Railways, three months’ internship has been prescribed as against one year’s experience prescribed in the Central Government.
The Commission observes that this is a fit case for harmonisation and recommends GP 4600 for Dietitians in Railway. The promotional posts of Senior Dietician (present GP 4600) and Assistant Dietetic Officer (present GP 4800) will also be upgraded to GP 4800 and GP 5400 (PB-2) respectively.

4. Radiographers Andaman and Nicobar Administration

In case of Radiographers of Andaman and Nicobar Administration, the Commission notes that the posts of Junior Radiographers and Radiographers have similar entry level qualifications but are placed in GP 2000 and GP 2800 respectively.
The Commission recommends that the post of Junior Radiographer be merged with Radiographers and placed in GP 2800.

5. Perfusionists in Railways

The Commission recommends GP 4200 for Perfusionists in Railways subject to acquiring qualification of Degree in Science + Diploma in Perfusion Technology.
Further, the existing incumbents not possessing the revised qualification may be granted replacement pay level corresponding to GP 2400.
They may be granted the pay level corresponding to upgraded GP 4200 after acquiring the revised qualification OR upon completion of three years in GP 2400, whichever is earlier.

6. Dental Hygienists in CGHS

The Commission, recommends GP 4200 for the Dental Hygienists of CGHS subject to the administrative ministry taking steps to bring uniformity in their entry level qualifications on the patterns of those in Central Government hospitals.

7, 8, 9. Russian translators in the Ministry of Defence

The Commission recommends that Russian Translation Officers should be upgraded from the existing GP 4600 to GP 5400 (PB-3).
Similarly, Russian Senior Translation officers should be upgraded from existing GP 5400 (PB-3) to GP 6600 and Russian Editors from existing GP 6600 to GP 7600.

10. Sheep Shearer cum Supervisor, Central Sheep Breeding Farm (CSBF)

The Commission recommends that the grade pay of Sheep Shearer cum Supervisors be upgraded to the GP 2400.
Since the upgradation will involve a jump from the level of Shepherd in the GP 1800 to Sheep Shearer cum Supervisor in the GP 2400 after a period of 12 years, the Commission is of the view that the government may consider introducing an appropriate level in between so as to graduate the progression from Shepherd to Sheep Shearer cum Supervisor.

11. Inspector in Indian Postal Service

The Commission, recommends that Inspector (Posts) who are presently in the GP 4200 should be upgraded to GP 4600. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical grade pay as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPOs).

12. ASPOs in Indian Postal Service

Commission has felt that a higher grade would need to be extended to ASPOs. Accordingly, the Commission recommends that the promotional post of ASPOs be placed in the next higher GP 4800 and further, the post of Superintendent (Posts), which is presently in the GP 4800, be moved up to GP 5400 (PB-2).

13, 14, 15. Assistant Archivists, Archivists and Scientific Officers in National Archives of India

The Commission taking note of the demands made, reply of the ministry, the role of Archivists and the entry level qualifications recommends as under:
The existing cadre of Assistant Archivists should be upgraded to GP 4600 from the existing GP 4200, and then placed at the appropriate level in the Pay Matrix.
Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation in the pay for the cadre of Archivists to GP 4800 from the existing GP 4600. After upgradation, these employees should be placed at the appropriate level in the Pay Matrix.
The Commission is recommending upgradation in the pay for the post of Scientific Officer from the existing GP 4600 to GP 4800, and a non-functional upgrade to GP 5400 (PB-2) after four years. After upgradation, these employees should be placed at the appropriate level in the Pay Matrix.

16. Officers in organised Accounts Cadres (in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Defence Accounts Department, Indian Civil Accounts Organisation, Railways, Post and Telecommunications)

The Commission is therefore of the view that there is no justification for excluding officers in the organised accounting departments who are at GP 4800 from this dispensation.
It is recommended that all officers in organised accounts cadres (in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Defence Accounts Department, Indian Civil Accounts Organisation, Railways, Post and Telecommunications) who are in GP 4800 should be upgraded, on completion of four years’ service to GP 5400 (PB-2), viz., Pay level 9, in the pay matrix.

17. Cardiology Staff of Dr. RML Hospital (Junior ECG Technician)

The Commission recommends that Grade Pay of Junior ECG Technician of Dr. R.M.L Hospital is to be upgraded from Rs. 2400 to Rs. 2800.

18, 19. Junior Agriculture Assistant / Junior Soil Conservation Assistant in Andaman and Nicobar Administration

Taking into consideration the essential educational qualification of BSc (Agriculture) and the hierarchical pattern in the cadre, the posts of Junior Agriculture Assistant/Junior Soil    Conservation    Assistant    presently    in PB-1, GP- 2400 are recommended to be upgraded and merged with the posts of Agriculture Assistant/Soil Conservation Assistant in the pay scale of PB-1, GP-2800. Since the posts above GP 2800 in the cadre are already placed in appropriate level, the demand for pay hike is not justified and status quo is recommended.
Bus Conductors in Andaman and Nicobar Administration

The Commission, recommends an upgradation in pay from Grade Pay 1800 to 1900 in case of Bus Conductors of A&N.

20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25. Senior Technical Assistants (STAs), JTA, Store Keeper, Assistant Store Keeper, Electrical Supervisor, Laboratory Assistant, Machine Man, and Junior Press Assistant in Ministry of Mining

Commission has recommended that the posts of STA (Chemistry), STA (Ore Dressing), STA (Mining), STA (Survey), STA (Publication) and STA (Drawing) should be first upgraded to GP 4600 and then placed at the appropriate level in the pay matrix.
Consultations with the Ministry of Mines reveals that the method of recruitment, qualification required, and duties of all JTAs in IBM and GSI are similar.
Accordingly, it is recommended that the posts of JTA (Chemistry), JTA (Ore Dressing) and JTA (Publication) should be first upgraded to GP 4200 and then placed at the appropriate level in the pay matrix.
The posts of JPA and SPA should be merged in IBM. The merged cadre should be called Pressman cadre. It should be initially fixed in GP 1900 with  appropriate placement in the pay matrix.
The post of Electrical Supervisor in IBM lies in GP 2800 with qualification requirement of Diploma in Engineering.
This post has had horizontal parity with the post of Junior Technical Assistant (JTA). Since we are recommending upgradation of JTA from GP 2800 to GP 4200, upgrading the post of Electrical Supervisor also to GP 4200 is warranted. Accordingly, the same is recommended.

26 and 27. Sub-Inspectors and Inspectors of CBI in Ministry of Home Affairs

In the VI CPC report it has been mentioned that there is historical parity between the executive cadre of IB and CBI and that such a parity has to be maintained.
Since this Commission has approved upgradation of pay of ACIO I and ACIO II in IB, the pay of corresponding ranks in CBI  viz., Sub Inspector and Inspector are also recommended to be upgraded similarly.
The upgradation has also been recommended keeping in mind the nature of duties performed by these ranks in the organisation.
Accordingly the pay of Sub Inspector is upgraded from GP 4200 to GP 4600 and that of Inspector from GP 4600 to GP 4800.

28. Assistant Station Masters in Railways (ASM)

The Commission notes that 7 percent of the entire ASM cadre is presently in GP 2800, 53 percent in GP 4200 and 40 percent in GP 4600.
Keeping in mind the identical educational qualifications required for the posts of ASM and SM, with practically no difference in the functions performed by them, and the historical importance of the post, it is recommended that the ASMs in GP 2800 should first be upgraded to GP 4200 and then fitted in the revised Pay Matrix.
The cadre will then have 60 percent posts in Level 6 and 40 percent in Level 7.
The designation of ASM may be abolished. Separate recommendations have been made regarding Dress Allowance to Station Masters. Other demands like grant of Safety and Punctuality Allowance, Outturn Allowance are not justified.

]29. Commercial Clerk and Ticketing Staff in Railways

The Commission finds merit in the argument that the three categories of Commercial staff should be unified into a single cadre.
Accordingly, it is recommended that they should be consolidated into one cadre called Commercial and Ticketing Staff. The cadre will have the following structure after merger:
Grade Pay Level % Distribution of Posts
Employees in GP 1900 should be upgraded to GP 2000; those in GP 2400 should be upgraded to GP 2800 and then placed in the appropriate level in the new pay matrix. The inter-se seniority will be as per normal rules of seniority. Proper training will have to be imparted to the employees as per the requirements. The recruitment in the cadre should be at two levels:
a.   At Level 3: 50% from open market through RRB, with minimum qualification of Class XII, 33 1/3 % through General Selection from Traffic and Commercial staff in GP 1800 fulfilling the eligibility criterion, and 16 2/3% through LDCE
b.   At Level 5: 50% from open market through RRB, with minimum qualification of Graduation, and 50% through promotion.
With this merger, employees in GP 1900 and GP 2400 will get the benefit of upgradation. At the same time, the job content of all three categories will be enriched, as they will be able to join any of the three streams. Organizational flexibility will be enhanced as the department will have a larger pool of employees for optimal utilization, as per the requirement.

30. Accounts Cadres in Railways

In  line with  our  recommendations  for  organised  Accounts  cadres,  it  is  further recommended that employees in GP 4800 should be upgraded, on completion of four years’ service, to the existing GP 5400 (PB-2), viz., Level 9 in the pay matrix, on a non- functional basis.

31. Chemical  and  Metallurgical  Assistants in Railways

It is recommended  that  Chemical  and  Metallurgical  Assistants should be upgraded to GP 4600, Chemical and Metallurgical Superintendents to GP 4800, and Assistant Chemist and Metallurgist to GP 5400 (PB-2).

32, 33, 34, and 35. Light House Attendants in Ministry of Shipping

It is recommended that Light House Attendants should be upgraded to GP 1900, Navigational Assistant Gr.III to GP 2800, Navigational Assistant Gr.II to GP 4200 and Head Light Keeper to GP 4600. These posts, should, then be placed at proper levels in the pay matrix.

36. Director General in Central Statistics Office

The Commission recommends upgradation of the post of DG, CSO to apex scale in the Indian Statistical Service. The post is placed in the level L-17 in the new pay matrix.

37 and 38. Technical Officers and Assistant Director Gr. II (Technical) in Textile Ministry:

The Commission recommends that the Technical Officers in the Office of the Textile Commissioner, who are presently in the GP 4200 may be upgraded to GP 4600.
With this upgradation, Technical Officer shall come to lie in a scale identical to their promotion post of Assistant Director Grade II (Technical).
It is, accordingly, recommended that Assistant Director Gr. II (Technical) be placed in the next higher GP 4800. The next promotional post of Assistant Director Grade I (Technical) shall remain in the existing GP 5400 (PB-3).

39. Planning Assistants in Town and Country Planning Organisation

The Commission accordingly recommends that Planning Assistants should be upgraded to GP 4600 from the existing GP 4200.

40, 41. Senior Research Assistant and Assistant Research in Officer Central Ground Water Board (CWC)

The Commission has noted that at the entry level the scientific cadre in CWC starts at a lower level as compared to CSMRS, CWPRS and CGWB despite having the same post- graduate level essential qualification.
The Commission accordingly recommends that the post of Senior Research Assistant in the attached office of CWC be upgraded to GP 4600.
With this upgradation, Senior Research Assistant shall come to lie in the same scale as the promotion post of Assistant Research Officer.
The Commission, accordingly, recommends that the post of Assistant Research Officer be placed in the next higher GP 4800.
The next higher post in the hierarchy that of Research Officer will, however, continue to be in GP 5400 (PB-3). Incumbents of this shall be extended only the replacement level of pay. As regards the demand that the scope of MFCS be enlarged to include the scientific cadre of CWC, the Commission recommends that the matter be examined by GoI.

42. Technical Operator (Drilling) in CGWB

The Commission recommends that Post of Technical Operator (Drilling) be given GP 1900 and be combined with the post of Compressor

43. Heads of National Academies

The Commission finds merit in upgrading only the heads of tri-services institutions of the defence forces. Accordingly, it is recommended that the heads of the following three tri- services institutions should be upgraded to Apex Scale:
a.   National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi.
b.  National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune c.   Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Wellington

44 and 45. ACIO-II and ACIO-I in Intelligence Bureau (IB)

Upgradation of posts of ACIO-II and ACIO-I
The grant of higher GP 4600 to ACIO-II and GP 4800 to ACIO-I is recommended by 7th Pay Commission.
Compiled by GConnect

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  • Valavan Ruthirapathy 9 years ago

    I seek your clarification w.r.t. to pay fixation for myself in my department.

    I joined as an Inspector w.e.f. 15-11-1999. My grade pay was then Rs.4600/-. I was granted grade pay of Rs.4800/- under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009 after completion of 10 years in one grade pay.

    Now, the 7th CPC has upgraded the grade pay of Inspectors of CBI to Rs.4800/- from Rs.4600/-. I am already drawing the grade pay of Rs.4800/-(Level-8) under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009. Now, I requested my department to fix the pay in the next level i.e. GP Rs.5400/- (Level -9), the level corresponding to the upgraded grade pay, in view of the MACP granted to me w.e.f. 14-11-2009. However, my department is asking the details of pay fixation of similar category in the Govt of India. Please offer your clarifications.

  • Valavan Ruthirapathy 9 years ago

    I seek your clarification w.r.t. to pay fixation for myself in my department.

    I joined as an Inspector w.e.f. 15-11-1999. My grade pay was then Rs.4600/-. I was granted grade pay of Rs.4800/- under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009 after completion of 10 years in one grade pay.

    Now, the 7th CPC has upgraded the grade pay of Inspectors of CBI to Rs.4800/- from Rs.4600/-. I am already drawing the grade pay of Rs.4800/-(Level-8) under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009. Now, I requested my department to fix the pay in the next level i.e. GP Rs.5400/- (Level -9), the level corresponding to the upgraded grade pay, in view of the MACP granted to me w.e.f. 14-11-2009. However, my department is asking the details of pay fixation of similar category in the Govt of India. Please offer your clarifications.

  • Valavan Ruthirapathy 9 years ago

    I seek your clarification w.r.t. to pay fixation for myself in my department.

    I joined as an Inspector w.e.f. 15-11-1999. My grade pay was then Rs.4600/-. I was granted grade pay of Rs.4800/- under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009 after completion of 10 years in one grade pay.

    Now, the 7th CPC has upgraded the grade pay of Inspectors of CBI to Rs.4800/- from Rs.4600/-. I am already drawing the grade pay of Rs.4800/-(Level-8) under MACP w.e.f. 14-11-2009. Now, I requested my department to fix the pay in the next level i.e. GP Rs.5400/- (Level -9), the level corresponding to the upgraded grade pay, in view of the MACP granted to me w.e.f. 14-11-2009. However, my department is asking the details of pay fixation of similar category in the Govt of India. Please offer your clarifications.