HomePost office

Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds – clarification

Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds

Government of India
Ministry Of communications & IT
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi โ€“ 110 001.
Dated: 30 Nov 2015

All Heads of Postal circles

Sub: Scheme for engagement of a dependent of deceased GDS on compassionate grounds โ€“ Clarification

Various issues in connection with compassionate engagement scheme were engaging attention of this Directorate for some time past and the same are clarified for the information of all concerned as under:-
S.No. Point raised Clarification
Whether cases of married son living with parents and dependent for livelihood on the GDS on the date of death of the deceased GDS
considered and rejected for compassionate engagement based on clarification on Point of Doubt No.2 vide Directorateโ€™s letter
No.17-17/2010-GDS dated 09.10.2013 can be reconsidered in the light of their consideration as dependent vide Directorateโ€™s letter
No.17-39/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015?
Yes, clarification on Point No.2 of Directorateโ€™s letter No.17-17/2010-GDS dated 09.10.2013 is to be treated non-existent/withdrawn
Whether or not the educational qualifications prescribed vide Directorateโ€™s letter No.17-39/2012-GDS dated 06.02.2014 & further vide
letter No.17-39/6/2012-GDS dated 14.01.2015 would apply to cases of compassionate engagement taking the day of death of the GDS as cutoff
Being a part of regular mode of engagement to GDS Posts, the education qualification applicable on the date of consideration of cases by
CRC would apply.
Whether it is permissible to allow compassionate engagement to a dependent of a deceased GDS where the service rendered by him/her was
found to be unsatisfactory due to their involvement in serious financial irregularities but expired before award of penalty?
Yes, However, this will apply from the date of issue of the order and no rejected past cases would be permissible to be re-opened.

    This has the approval of the competent authority.

(Surender Kumar)
Assistant Director General (GDS)

Source: http://www.indiapost.gov.in/dop/pdfbind.ashx?id=1722

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