HomeSeventh Pay Commission

Central gov employees’ unions to go on 3-day agitation; say, 7th pay commission matrix not final

Central gov employees’ unions to go on 3-day agitation; say, 7th pay commission matrix not final
New Delhi: The Constituent Unions of National Council Joint Consultative Machinery of Central Government employees has called for a three-day agitation, from January 19 -21,  to draw the attention of central government to modifications it is seeking in the recommendations of  the 7th Central Pay Commission.
The unions called an agitation after the Cabinet gave its approval for constitution of an Empowered Committee to study the 7th Pay Commission report for implementation Process.

We donโ€™t think that the pay matrix recommended by 7th CPC is final, we wonโ€™t accept the fitment factor recommended by the Commission, the union leaders voiced unanimously.
They said that the take-home pay is very much less when compared to previous pay commissions. If the Central Government accepts to increase the Minimum Pay, then that would be the criteria for arriving subsequent pay scales. Hence expecting changes in Pay Matrix is inevitable.

Read at: Zee News
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