Public Notice for addressing anomalies on One Rank One Pension (OROP)
F. No. 12(39)/2015/D(Pen/Pol)(Part-V)
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, Dated 13.04.2016
Public Notice for addressing anomalies on One Rank One Pension (OROP)
Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare vide notification No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Pol)/Part-II dated 07.11.2015 issued orders for implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) scheme for Defence pensioners. Detailed implementation orders of OROP with 101 tables containing revised pensions of different ranks and categories have also been issued by MoD, DESW vide order No. 12(1)/2014/D(Pen/Policy)-Part-II dated 03.02.2016 and uploaded on the website of DESW at The Pension Disbursing Agencies (PDAs) have been authorized to carry out revision of pension of pre 1.7.2014 pensioners drawing pension as on 1.7.2014 in terms of MoD order dated 3.2.2016 with applicable rates of Dearness relief without calling for any applications from the pensioners and without any further authorization from the Pension Sanctioning Authorities concerned.
2. All affected Defence Forces pensioners of various categories, Pensionersโ Association and all concerned authorities are requested to take note of these orders for their information and further necessary action.
3. In order to take cognizance of anomalies that may arise in implementation of OROP orders, its implication on service matters including inter-services issues, Government has appointed a one-member Judicial committee headed by Justice L. Narasimha Reddy, retired Chief Justice of Patna High Court vide MoD notification No. 12(01)/2014-D (pen/Pol)-PartยฌII dated 14th December, 2015.
4. Defence Forces pensioners/family pensioners, Defence Pensionersโ Associations can submit their representation, suggestions/views on the revised pension as notified under above orders, to the MoD, DESW through post or by email at addresses mentioned below by 29th April 2016
Postal Address: Under Secretary/D(Pension/Policy)
Room No. 220A, Bโ Wing
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011
Email ID: [email protected]
(R.K. Arora)
Under Secretary (Pension/Policy)
Tele: 01123012973
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Sir . Commissioned officers non comissioned officers are having branch or trades as applicable and pecuniary renumarations are given as per that only and for officers it is maintained like mins .avc.ta officers like way but for nonorarary comissioned officers the x group advantage is not given why it is so it is not understood and it is unjustified because even one becomes a honorary comissioned officers he performs his trade duties only please do justice to x group nonorarary comissioned officers
The basic principle of type or qualaty of work and time /duration or number of years of service is ignored in granting pension to honorary commissioned officers in OROp award, after 28 years of service no improvement is recomended up to 38 or 39 years of service
Sir,it is highly dignified step. If Cabinet Secretary Level pay scale is reduced to two lakh maintaining ratio of 1:12, it would be good for the NATION and to PUBLIC as a whole. Regards,
The email address <<<>>> seems to be wrong. My mail is being non delivered by google mail.
Respected sir, please let me clarryfy about , Pension as on 1.7.2014 as per order issued to pay 50% of Elulument as on 31/12/2013 (average) or OROP Table shows after pro-rata base ?.
Ex-Hav A.I.Oza
ASC (Supply)
MO: 909055225.