Pass facility to non-Railway Servants from Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986


Pass facility to non-Railway Servants from Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986

Pass facility to non-Railway Servants from Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986

RBE No.159/2019
Advance Correction Slip No.83

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(W)2019/PS5-1/5

New Delhi, dated 29.11.2019

The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Deletion of items connected with Pass facility to non-Railway Servants from Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition-1993) [RSPR-1986].

Ref:     Board’s letter of even number dated 03.06.2019.

Pursuant to the decision taken to regulate the pass facilities to non-Railway Servants under administrative instructions instead of extant provisions in RSPR-1986, detailed guidelines in this regard were issued vide above referred letter.

2. The Competent Authority has now accorded his approval for deletion of all such Items/Provisions related to pass facilities to non-railway servants existing under Col. Nos. 2 & 3 of Schedule-VII of RSPR-1986. Accordingly, Item Nos. 18(ii to vi), 22, 24(ii & iii), 25, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 (Part 2 under Col. No.3, incorporated vide ACS No.10 dated 31.08.1998) & another item bearing the same No. i.e. 38 (incorporated vide ACS No.12 dated 04.05.1999), 39, 40 and 41 (incorporated vide ACS No.46 dated 10.01.2005) are deleted from Schedule-VII of RSPR-1986.

3. Consequently, Item Nos. 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 38 and 41 (incorporated vide ACS No.57 dated 27.05.2008) are renumbered and accordingly Col. Nos. 2 & 3 of Schedule-VII of RSPR-1986 from Item No.18 onwards may be amended as per enclosed Advance Correction Slip No.83.

Encl : As stated.

(V. Mnralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)
Railway Board


Pass facility to non-Railway Servants

Advance Correction Slip No.83 to Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition-1993)

Col. Nos. 2 & 3 of Item No. 18 onwards of Schedule-VII may be substituted as follows:-

Conditions of entitlement Entitlement/facilities
2 3

(18) To attend meetings of Managing Committees of quasi Railway Institutions.

Railway servants who are members of the Managing Committees of the Railway Employees’ Co-operative Credit Societies, Banks etc. may be issued Special Passes of the Class to which they are entitled on privilege account to attend meetings of the Managing Committees, including those of the Board of Directors and sub-committees but not for attending general, annual, ordinary or extra ordinary meetings of the share holders.
(19) Railway servants under suspension.

(i) Passes/PTOs may be granted to Railway servants under suspension in exceptional circumstances and not as a matter of course when the Railway Servant is permitted to leave the station by an authority not lower than that which suspended him.

(ii) The Passes/PTOs to railway servants under suspension are given on the following scales:-

Group Passes PTOs
A&B 3 sets, provided that if in the pass account of the Officer for the year more than half the number due to him has been availed of, no further pass shall be given. If the officer is subsequently retained in service after release from suspension, the passes issued to him during the period of suspension falling within the current calendar year shall be debited to his pass account. Not more than 2 Sets per year. Other stipulations similar to those for passes shall also apply.
C Not more than one set of Pass, provided that if in the pass account of railway servant for the year only one set of pass remain to his credit, no pass can be issued. If the railway servant is retained in service after release from suspension, the passes issued to him during the period of suspension falling within the current calendar year shall be debited to his pass account, Not more than 2 sets per year. Other stipulations similar to those for passes shall also apply.

(iii) The General Manager in case of Group A&B and the Heads of Department, Divisional Railway Managers or Deputy Heads of Department in case of others shall have the discretion to issue Passes/PTOs to Railway servants under suspension.

(iv) The incidence of Suspension shall not affect the eligibility for School Passes.

(v) Dependant relatives/family members may be included in the passes issued during the suspension.

(vi) When a Railway servant under suspension is not permitted to leave the station, Special Passes within the limit prescribed in (ii) above may be issued in favour of dependent relatives and family members on the request of railway servant under suspension.

(20) Attending conferences, congresses or meetings. Railway servants attending meetings or conferences or congresses held in India at their own request may be granted Special Passes for the journeys to and from the place of meeting provided Government interest is served by such participation.
(21) Family passes to Territorial Army Personnel proceeding to camps. ‘The grant of passes to the families of Railway servants who join Territorial Army Reserves, Lok Sahayak Sena, National Cadet Corps, etc. will be governed by the provisions in the Manual for enrolment of railwaymen in the Territorial Army Reserve, etc.
(22) Journeys in connection with Children’s camps. General Managers may issue Special Passes at their discretion. Such passes may be issued upto stations on other Railways also.
(23) Attending cultural activities. No Special Passes should be issued to Railway servants and their family members for participation in cultural activities. However, Railway servants and their family members and dependent relatives (as defined in the Pass Rules) participating in Inter Railway Cultural Competitions and in celebrations held during the Railway Week, may be issued Special Passes of the Class normally admissible to the railway employees concerned under the extant Pass Rules.
(24) Retired Railway servants for perusal of documents for preparation of his defence in disciplinary case instituted against him. A pass of the Class to which the retired Railway servant was entitled prior to retirement for self only, from home town/place of residence to the place where documents are kept, whichever distance is shorter.
(25) Medically decategorised staff when called for adjudging their suitably for alternative : appointment. Special Passes of the same Class to which they are otherwise eligible under the rules.
(26) To retired Railway servant for assistance to defend a Railway servant involved in disciplinary proceedings, to attend any meeting of a commission of enquiry or of a Board, Conference, Committee, or departmental enquiry convened under proper authority or is required to perform any public duty in an honorary capacity. Passes of the same Class to which entitled on privilege account while in service may be granted.
(27) RPF Dog Handlers/ Inspectors. First Class pass with permission to carry RPF dog(s) may be issued, when RPF dog(s) is/are to be sent for participation in Railway Week celebrations, Champion Dog Shows, etc.
(28) Issue of Bazaar Passes. GMs or Heads of Departments may issue Bazaar passes to their employees posted at remote stations where ordinary necessities of life cannot be obtained or cannot be obtained at cheaper/reasonable rates. This facility may, however, be granted only in those sections/stations where the same is already prevalent. Grant of the facility at newer sections/stations, requires Board’s prior approval. The number of such passes should be kept to the minimum and the request for such passes should be properly scrutinised before granting the same. A review should also be made after every three years whether the facility has to be continued or can be withdrawn, depending on the development of markets/bazaars nearby.
(29) Participating in Workers Education Programs conducted by AIRF/ NFIR in the Zonal Headquarters Station/ Div. Headquarters Station/ Centralised Training Institutes. Special Passes may be issued to Railway servants for attending Workers Education Programme as participants or as Lecturers/Instructors.
(30) Retired Railway Officers of Group ‘B’ gazetted posts and above who are empanelled as Railway Inquiry Officers in D&AR cases to undertake journey either for conduct of inquiry or for training or any other official purpose in this connection, A Pass for self and spouse of the Class, as admissible on duty account at the time of retirement, along with provision of an attendant in Second/Sleeper Class may be issued from the place of residence to the Zonal Railway headquarters and in cases where required, to place near the residence of retired CO where inquiry is conducted owing to ill health of the CO and in case of training to the place where training programmes are conducted on authorization of the SDGM/CVOs.

(Authority : Board’s letter No.E(W)2019/PS5 1) 5 dated 29.11.2019)

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