NPS – Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM): Railway Board RBA No. 80/2020

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NPS – Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM): Railway Board RBA No. 80/2020

NPS – Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM): Railway Board RBA No. 80/2020


RBA No. 80/2020

No. 202 0/AC-II/21/6 New Delhi,

dated: 12.10.2020

All Indian Railways & PUs

Sub: NPS – Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM)

One of the critical process in NPS is generation of PRAN for new recruitment. At present, in most of the Railway & PUs, the same is being generated through submission of physical Subscriber Registration Form (CSRF Ver 1.5) to NSDL appointed CRA-FCs. Though the employee is supposed to register in N PS immediately after his/her joining the Department, verification, authorisation and submission of the same to NSDL involves time and resources. It also results in delay in credit of contribution causing financial loss to the employees, which may give rise to Grievances and RTI queries in future, besides payment of penal interest.

The Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM) developed by NSDL can surely mitigate the impact of delay in PRAN generation by simplifying the process and improving overall efficiency in implementation of NPS in IR. In addition to other advantages, the OPGM reduces data duplication and related errors by reducing manual efforts at the level of designated office. As you are aware, the ongoing pandemic has pushed working to a more digital world . OPGM is a one of the tools which will help to move to a digital platform in NPS. Some of the Railway/PUs viz. NWR, RCF/Kapurthala, SWR and DMW/Patiala have already implemented the OPGM process and the process has been running smoothly. Central Railway is in advanced discussion with NSDL to implement the same.

I n view of the above, it is requested to implement OPGM in time bound manner. The request for availing OPGM facility may be sent to NSDL under advise to Railway Board. Further, since OPGM is a maker-checker process, Rail ways are advised to identify the Users from Personnel and Accounts offices who will perform maker and checker role in OPG M process and same would also be part of OPGM request to NSDL.

A brief process of OPGM including advantages, pre-requisite etc. is enclosed for your reference. Views and experiences of the offices which have implemented OPGM can be sought, if necessary. I n case of any further clarifications regarding the above, concerned NSDL officials -Mr. Rahul Goyal (at 98196 46626, email ID: [email protected]) or Mr. Vijay Hegde (at 9819174229 or email ID: vijayh@ may be contacted.

DA: As above

(Anjali Goyal)
Pr. Executive Director Accounts
Railway Board


Source: NPS Online Pran Generation Module RBA No 80 2020