Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006 (No. 8 of 2007): Repealed the various Ordinances of the University


Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006 (No. 8 of 2007): Repealed the various Ordinances of the University

Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006 (No. 8 of 2007): Repealed the various Ordinances of the University




Rono Hills, the 27th October, 2020

No. F. RGU/ADM-38/0RD/10 – It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the Executive Council of the Rajiv Gandhi University, in exercise of powers vested in it under Section 31(2) read with Statute 41 of Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006 (No. 8 of 2007), has repealed the following Ordinances of the University as notified earlier and published in Gazette No. 238 dated June 14, 2017:

Ordinance dealing with

The Establishment of Faculties of Studies
The Establishment of Departments
Establishment of Centre and Institutes of Studies
The Board of Undergraduate Studies
The Board of Postgraduate Studies
The Structure and Management of Centres and Institutes
Ordinance Relating to B.A. LLB Course
Powers and Function of The Heads of The Departments
Terms and Conditions of Service of The Controller of Examinations
Conduct of Examinations
Ordinance Relating to Paper Setting, Examiner, Moderation, Central Evaluation and Publication of Examination Result
Ordinance Relating to Admission to Examinations of Undergraduates in Arts, Science and Commerce (Pass Courses) Under Annual System
Ordinance Relating to Admission to Examinations  of Undergraduates in Arts, Science and Commerce (Honour Courses)
Ordinance Relating to Admission to Examinations of Post Graduates Under Semester System
Ordinance Relating to Admission to B.Ed. Examination Under Semester System
Ordinance Relating to Disciplinary Control/ Punishment and Use of Unfair Means in An Examination Centre
Admission,  Enrolment,  Registration,  Transfer  and Migration  of Students to The University  and Its Affiliated Colleges
Ordinance Relating to B.A, B.Sc. /B.Com (Hons & Pass) Degrees
Ordinance Related to B.Ed. Course
Ordinance Relating to The Admission to Post Graduate Courses
Ordinance Relating to Master of Philosophy (M. Phil) Programme
Ordinance Relating to Conduct and Award of Ph.D. Degree
Regulation Regarding Private Appearance of Candidates at Undergraduate and Post Graduate Levels
Classification, Qualifications, Emoluments Salary and Service Conditions of University Teachers
Leave Rules of The University Teachers
Service Conditions of The Teaching Teachers
Recruitment, appointment, Promotion Policies and Service Conditions of The Non-Teaching Employees
  1. In terms of the provisions contained in the Rajiv Gandhi University Act 2006 (No. 8 of 2007), the following ordinances are published for general information.


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