Formation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office: Railway Board OFFICE ORDER NO. 84 OF 2020


Formation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office: Railway Board OFFICE ORDER NO. 84 OF 2020

Formation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office: Railway Board OFFICE ORDER NO. 84 OF 2020

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)


Sub: Formation of Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office

Subsequent to bifurcation of Prosecution Cadre from RPF as per Board’s Letter No. 2012E(GC) l3-2 (67) dated 12.06.20191 it has been decided to create a Prosecution Cell in Board’s Office. The Cell would work under JS(C) and would be responsible for handling all establishment and the other administrative functions of Prosecution Cadre. However, Establishment and the other administrative functions on the Zonal Railways will be looked after by the administrative side of the Railways/Divisions. Secretariat assistance to Prosecution Cell would be provided by SCC under JS(C).

1.1 The Cadre Controlling Authority of the Prosecution Cadre will be the Secretary/Railway Board. However, for the technical matters, they will be under Legal Advisor/Railway Board.

2. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

No. 2020/0&M/2/6

(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/ Railway Board

All Officers and Branches in Board’s office.

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Copy to :

i) Chairman & CEO Railway Board
ii) MF, M/Infra, M/TRS, M/O&BD
iii) Secretary, Railway Board.
iv) JS/C


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