Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Traffic Transportation Department
RBE No. 11/2021
No. E(NG)l-2010/PMl/19 Duplicate
New Delhi, dated: 23/02/2021
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production units
{As standard mailing list)
Sub: Filling up non-gazetted posts on Railways – Classification of posts as Safety Categories in Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department).
Pursuant to the acceptance of recommendation of High Power Committee constituted to review the list of safety category posts on the Railways, the list of Safety category posts in the Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department) has been reviewed in consultation with the concerned Directorates. Accordingly , in modification of the existing list of Safety category posts in the Traffic Transportation Department (Operating Department) as contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-75/PM I/44 dated 31.05.1982, the list of posts as mentioned below have been classified as belonging to Safety Category posts in this Department:
SN |
ย Posts |
1 |
All Non-gazetted Station Masters/Station Managers performing duties inย Platforms, yards, Cabins and online (including those still designated as Dy. Station Supdt.,/Station Supdt., Yard Master/Assistant Yard Master, Cabin Master, Traffic Transoortation/Movement ย Inspectors). |
2 |
Guards (Goods/Passenger/Mail ย Express), Asstt. Guards/Brakesman. |
3 | Section Controllers/Chief Controllers. | |
4 | Safety Counsellors/Safety Inspectors. | |
5 |
Pointsman ‘A’ & Pointsman ‘B’ (including those still designated as Token Porter/Traffic Porter/Switchman/Leverman/Cabinman ย ). |
6 | Shunting Master/Shunting ย Jamadar. | |
7 | Gateman/Gatekeeper ย (Traffic). |
The existing terms and conditions regulating filling up of Safety category posts continue to remain in force.
These instructions will be effective from date of issue.
Hindi version will follow .
Joint Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board